

  • I still have problems with going out to eat too. I generally do fine chosing my meal... Its the appetizers that everyone always orders that I have a hard time turning down! I hope you are all having a fantastic day. Mine is going good so far. One of my friends at work and I have commited to spending 15 minutes twice a day…
  • Hello everyone! How have you all been holding up? I have been doing great, just really busy. I have been getting my workouts in... But I have been putting off C25K.... It seems I always come up with an excuse to not run.... So that is my main goal for this week. To get it started again. Basketball season is just around the…
  • I appologize, I just reread my original post and I forgot to tell you all my name and what I do! My name is Lindsay, and I wok in IT on computer software... So I sit behind a desk ALL day long.
  • I did make it to the gym today, but I did not start the C25K today, basketball practice for the kids ran over and Im really just getting home... I plan to kick that off tomorrow. I have been considering a gluten free diet. Im not sure how well it would go over with my family as I have not mentioned this to my husband yet,…
  • I would love to participate! I seem to have more motivation when I am working towards a goal and am held accountable by a group. My weekly goals: 1. Bring my own lunch and snacks to work daily. The closest thing to my office is McDonalds, I alway seem to end up there when I forget my lunch. 2. Workout 5 days a week, and…
  • Mankind is a part of nature, I have never understood people *****ing about mankind interferring with nature when we are a huge part of it.... We destroy it just like every other creature out there does, they just dont have the means to do it as efficiently as we do. But to comment on the topic, since mankind is a part of…
  • I used to work for WIC too... you'd be amazed at the people pulling up in their Cadillac Escalades with their Iphones and their kids chowing down on Happy Meals with the promise of an ice cream if they would just be quite long enough for mom to try to get me to issue her more food vouchers because she had used all of hers…
  • My son has Aspergers Syndrome (a form of high functioning autism). He is 10, last year was the first year I did not have to go pick him up from school EVERY DAY because the teacher didnt know how to make him mind, he did not listen like everyone else! He started a new school last year and they have been wonderful to him! I…
  • Well what do ya know! Thats my goal too! lol :)
  • Why did Tigger have his head in the toilet? He was looking for Pooh! That used to be my sons fave What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? Wheres my tractor.
  • Im feeling the same way at the moment. I was doing so good then bam I had to log a 3 lb GAIN earlier this week... It sucks big time. I feel like no matter how much I work out or how little I eat the fat just clings on for dear life.
  • I have been slowly cutting back. I think I am to the point now I can quit and not suffer the headaches! Lets do it :tongue:
  • I know exactly what you mean. It seems like I was almost afraid of hunger before because I always made sure I ate long before hunger struck. My dad used to always say "Heavy people eat when they have time, thin people eat when they are hungry." It wasnt until a few weeks ago that I fully understood what he was saying.
  • The elliptical at the gym knows how much resistance was used and how much effort was put forth. However if you dont take the time to program the elliptical at the gym it doesnt know how much you weigh which is a major factor in how many calories are burned. A heart rate monitor is the best way to go.
  • "Ice Cream Paint Job" - Dorrough
  • I tend to splurge on weekends too. But my biggest downfall is Monday morning. For some reason I feel like just because I got myself up out of bed on a Monday I need one of those large, more sugar and calories than some desserts, caramel mocha coffees from the coffee shop accross the street from my office. I try to pass it…
  • Both of my kids ages 10 and 8 go running with me. My daughter the 8 year old is about my pace, but my son the little athlete runs much faster. But he runs ahead of us and then waits for us. They both love it, so them asking to go is motivation for me, but when my son hugs me and tells me he is proud of me for running,…