Taking my nine year old out jogging with me

clareb12 Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I am looking to do the Couch-5k podcasts but I am a single parent with no support. I am at work when my daughter is at school and aside from her 30min piano lesson once a week I have no spare time when she is not in my sole care.

I was thinking about taking her out with me on the jogs. She is fit, healthy and very active though she has never done anything like this before. Neither have I so it would be a new experience for both of us. I think she would out-pace and out-last me due to our general fitness levels. But I obviously don't want to do her developing bones and joints any damage.

Does anyone have experience of taking a child out jogging? Your thoughts would be appreciated.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    i know people who bring their kids & the kids rollerblade or bike alongside them as they run!!
  • Alexmn75
    Alexmn75 Posts: 16 Member
    My sister just started the C25K with her daughter who is 11. They just finished the first week and had to do some modifications since neither of them are runners. I think the real challenge is finding a pace that's challenging enough for you without making her sprint because of shorter legs. :-)
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    I don't see a big problem with it. My nine year old loves to run on the treadmill. I wouldn't push it but as long as they are able to do it why not.
  • minchk1n
    minchk1n Posts: 11
    Do it! She will love it and it will be really good for her and good bonding time for you both.

    I'm not sure about damage to bones and joints as Im not a medical professional but would be surprised if it did cause damage. Kids are made to be active.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I went jogging with my mom sometimes when I was like 7 and other times my brother and i would ride our bikes or rollerblade along side her if she was going on a longer run. I also have a friend who runs marathons and her daughter has been doing 5k's with her since she was itty bitty! I think it'll be fine as long as you listen to her if she has a cramp or pain. I think it's great when parents are out exercising with their children.
  • Nolalee
    Nolalee Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a single mom too. If you had a local track you can go to, she can join you if she wants or just play and you can keep your eye on her the whole time. :)
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    My daughter satrted C25K with me, she's 10 and had no problems leaving me behind !
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I think it is a great thing to do with your daughter. I have seen people out running with much younger children. Just remember she might be slower since she's shorter and if that's a problem she can always ride her bike. It's a great way to foster healthy activity and bonding time!
  • mvelser29
    mvelser29 Posts: 1
    I think it is a great idea. I am actually going to start doing the same thing with my 8 year old son. All they need is a good supportive pair of running shoes. They will benefit from running at a young age when they are older. A lot of marathoners start running that young and I've seen young kids running races with adults and doing trail runs and stuff like that so don't worry about injury....your kid will let you know if something hurts them. Have fun!
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    My 9-year-old son wants to start jogging with me (we haven't gone yet) and I have a friend whose kids ride their bikes while she runs. I think getting healthy together is awesome! :smile: Some of my friends have their kids in running clubs and they do 5ks with the parents!
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    At 9 my daughter was running 3-4 miles with AAU cross country. She now is 11 and can run circles around me and I love to run with her. We both put on our Ipods and push eachother! I love it!!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Yes! Do it! I think it is a great idea. You will be introducing her to something she can do all her life, teaching her good healthy habits. Good luck!
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    My kids go with me...and I have FOUR. They range from 13 "two weeks til 14" to 6. The oldest isn't into it that much because he has baseball right now. But the other three ask me, "WHEN ARE WE GONNA GO?". I have two of each. Both girls are nine (6 mos apart). The oldest girl is the most gunho about it. Think it is cause she is getting to the point where she is paying attention to what others think about her.

    If you instill it in them early they have a better chance at keeping it going. Because it will be their lifestyle as well.
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Just like you, make sure she has good shoes and such. She might try to out run you, thinking its a race, so try to explain it to her first that its about keeping a pace. Sometimes I'll have my 10 y/o bike with me while I jog or scooter or roller blade.
  • Both of my kids ages 10 and 8 go running with me. My daughter the 8 year old is about my pace, but my son the little athlete runs much faster. But he runs ahead of us and then waits for us. They both love it, so them asking to go is motivation for me, but when my son hugs me and tells me he is proud of me for running, there is no more rewarding feeling.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Absolutely take her ... If she can't keep up after the first try out, you can consider having her bike alongside you or some other alternative, but give her a chance ... I was VERY active as a kid and working toward a 5k run would be a great thing to motivate you both. You may even consider looking at some of the kid friendly races in your area and sign you both up for it. Sometimes they don't have the distance races available for the younger kids, but they have 1 milers, etc. and I have seen lots of families competing together as a team with their younger kids leading the pack! Just make sure she has a good pair of supportive shoes and she learns to listen to her body if it starts to hurt.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    My 9 year old has ridden her bike while I've run/walked before. I doubt she would be willing to run with me - too much like PE class. However, if she was willing, I would take her. Just make sure to get her good running shoes as well as you. During the intial weeks of the C25K when there is more walking, you can talk with her about the differences between good pain (tired muscles) and bad pain (injuries).

    Another idea (this depends on your neighborhood): don't go far from home. I've let my girls stay home while I've done all my run/walk time circling the same block so that I pass the house several times during my work out. Not exciting, but it gets the job done.

    Good luck!!
  • stephmn
    stephmn Posts: 18
    We just did a 5K trail run and the top finisher in the under 18 division was a 9 year-old! I think he finished in just over 24 minutes! Have fun! I started running last summer and my kids (18, 16, and 10) all run with me at different times. My 16 year old even went out for track for the first time this spring!! :)
  • chicorac
    chicorac Posts: 34
    My 11 year old jogs with me all the time. Also her biking or skating is a great idea while you're running. I also joined my local YMCA and they have plenty of kid friendly classes. I dont see any problems with her joints as long as you listen to her and bring her water. Kids should be active!
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