Taking my nine year old out jogging with me



  • peytjalmom
    peytjalmom Posts: 76
    I have two boys ages 10 and 12 and I jog short distances (1.5 to 3 miles) daily with them. Sometimes they ride their bike sometimes they jog, sometimes one jogs one rides his bike. On my interval days, one races me on my sprints, while the other takes a rest on the bike. Then they switch for the next sprint interval. We have a blast!! My runs last 45 minutes at the longest and I don t think that's excessive for them. They have no weight problem and are fit. They know I'm running to lose weight right now, but I try to emphasize that we are exercising together to be healthy!
  • Your daughter will benefit sooo much from doing this with you, if it's something she's interested in and enjoying it. My husband's kids biked or rollerbladed with him when he trained for marathons (not the 15mile long runs of course) but they all have fond memories of that time and are both showing an interest in fitness themselves. On the other hand, I had a mom who was completely sedentary and I never even saw her walk around the block even once for exercise. She struggled with her weight, as do I. I wonder if I had grown up with a mom who emulated an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits, perhaps that would be my "normal" instead of my current state of completely sedentary myself. Encourage, don't push, and your daughter will forever have memories of a strong, fit and HAPPY mom!
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    My 8 year old nephew runs 5Ks all the time and beat me handily. I don't think it'll be an issue at all but any concerns can probably be answered by a quick call to the doctor's office. Good luck!
  • kjb0976
    kjb0976 Posts: 68
    I would do it. Like you, I am a single Mom. I have taken both my 9 (boy) and 10 (girl) out with me to run. It not only provides time to spend together, but always teaches them that exercise is important. Make sure they pace themselves.. as they want to get out their and sprint and wear themselves out quickly. Also, have water. If they get tired, let them know it is ok to walk to cath their breath. Start off as exercise and fun time, you never know what it could lead too!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I started the C25K (only lasted about two weeks though cos me knees kept giving out) and jogged around the local footy oval. There were others who did it too... and the kids just ran ahead of the slow adults! The grounds aren't too big that you would lose track of them.

    The elliptical is my best friend at the moment - though I'm hoping that when my weight is down a bit I can start running again - less stress on the knees with less weight to carry.
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    You're creating healthy habits and encouraging healthy choices at an early age. What could go wrong?

    You'll love the bonding time and you'll be creating memories for the future.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    This is a really inspiring thread! My 3 year old prefers running to walking so runs everywhere (I don't drive), although it may be a walk for the grownups. The furthest he's been is about 5 miles. I hope that I'll get fitter over the years by trying to keep up with him :laugh:
  • larisadixon
    larisadixon Posts: 201 Member
    my 9 yr old plays soccer with 12 yr olds...and he also does all my 5k races with me... he loves the accomplishment of finishing a race. so my advise is to sign up for a local fun run with your child, usually they are only 1 mile or so. and let that be a mini goal for you guys to finish together and then move up to a 5k when you have finished the c25k...good luck
  • clareb12
    clareb12 Posts: 2
    Thank you for all the replies - and so quickly as well! I will speak to my daughter when I collect her from after-school club in a while and we may well get out there for the first time this evening if she is up for it!

    I like the idea of her cycling alongside me if she doesn't fancy running or our paces are too different. The first podcast is lots of walking with bursts of running so that will ease me in gently.

    Hopefully I'll be able to report back on a successful first jog for both us very soon :-)
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    My 8 year old LOVES working out with me! She starts jogging with me and wants to do my next 5k race with me. I was dubious at first as I kept think, but she is only 8! But if she wants to keep fit, thats not a bad thing, as long as I make sure she doesnt go too far.
    She is currently doing Zumba with me too, she loves it! We went through the learner dvd together, and worked up to the express 20 minute one - shes better than I am lol!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    I take my daughter to the track with me and she is 5. We do a walking program where she earns charms for a braclet for miles she walks. But if she gets tired or doesn't want to do it anymore she just plays or runs around the field. I don't push her to do it but this way I can still walk and she can ''play''. Also check to see if the local gym has babysitting hours that is another great thing about my gym. I can exercize for up to 3 hours and they watch my daughter for free!! Good luck!
  • I, as AlexMN said, started C25K with my 11 yr old daughter last week. Since neither of us are particularly athletic, I am letting her set the pace. So we are doing it every other day (as opposed to 3x a week) but doing each week twice. We both sync the podcast on our own MP3 players and use one earphone. It has been fun so far. This was mainly for her - I did not want her to be in the last group of kids to finish the mile in PE in the coming years. We even ordered T-shirts (Zombies Hate Fast Food) when she was able to do W1 with no modifications. She really enjoys the time together without distractions (cell phones etc)