Get Results Challenge



  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Hi Key!

    I'm sorry, did I catch your name? (I'm Heather)

    Zumba is so fun! I should take a class next week! Thanks for the reminder.

    And, breakfast looks good. I'd slowly transition from 2%-->1% ---> skim to get results faster. Milk can cause bloating. And we don't want that!

    YEah for being under your goals for yesterday! Results are coming!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    ok, my day so far.

    Breakfast was a bare waffle (ok 2) whole wheat. Not normal at all! I just had a craving. But, nothing on it.
    Snack was a raw bar. Yum!
    Hmm, gotta think of lunch.

    My workout today was Extreme Abs from Chalean Extreme. They will feel that today.

    And, proud of myself. Last night I said no to hubby and pizza/beer w/ friends. It was hard!! I wanted to go.

    Tonight, we have a crab fest, so I'll have to see what they have that is good.

    How is everyone doing?
    Oh, and I'm down 2.5 lbs this week so far. Focusing on diet and workouts are a good thing!!!
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Heather! Sorry I got ahead of myself. I'm Kendra. I love Zumba! and also, I have tried skim milk and I really don't like it plus I had to get my husband to drink 2% milk to we could get rid of the whole milk a year ago and now that he likes it, I think we are going to stick with it cuz buying one type of milk saves money for us.

    I said I was going to edit my last post but obviously did not get to so...yesterday I for lunch I had a grilled chicken sandwitch with honey mustard on wheat and a salad. For dinner, I had a whopper jr (i know bad but we were on the road :-( and a small order of fries. I still stayed 150 cals under my limit for the day before exercise and under all my other values.

    I did an hour of dance central on xbox kinect and burned 518 cals! so I had 630 remaining for the day.

    Funny thing is, I hadnt had a burger in awhile and I did not really like the burger and I used to love them! So it will be awhile before I get another one.
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    Also, is there a certain day of the week you want us to weigh in?
  • Hello everyone! How have you all been holding up? I have been doing great, just really busy. I have been getting my workouts in... But I have been putting off C25K.... It seems I always come up with an excuse to not run.... So that is my main goal for this week. To get it started again. Basketball season is just around the corner for my kids so my 2nd goal is to spend at least 45 minutes 3 days this week practicing with them and the other 3 days I work out to make it to the gym. I hope you all have a fantastic week! I cannot wait to read how you are progressing!
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    Thats great that you have been getting your workouts in and finding creative ways to workout! This past weekend I went to dallas to visit my best friend and we went to six flags where of course its near to impossible to have a low calorie meal so I just had a bacon cheeseburger and fries minus the chees and bacon on the buger and half the fries. I ate out a few times during the two days I was there with her so I definitely need to make up for that with my workouts this week.

    My day so far:

    Breakfast: cereal w/ 2% milk
    Lunch: chilis (really bad). my manager really wanted me to go out to eat with her at lunch so I did and definitely picked a bad choice for lunch. am already over my cals for the day so I plan on getting back in the green with my workout and just having a really light dinner.

    I am still not to a point where I can automatically choose the healthier option at restaurants so I just try not to go as much but I am not discouraged, just have to make sure I stay on track the rest of the week.
  • I still have problems with going out to eat too. I generally do fine chosing my meal... Its the appetizers that everyone always orders that I have a hard time turning down!

    I hope you are all having a fantastic day. Mine is going good so far. One of my friends at work and I have commited to spending 15 minutes twice a day in our workout room here in the office. All we have in there is an eliptical and a treadmill but it is more exercise at work than what we were getting. So far its going great.

    I fell really good about my food choices so far this week. I have remembered my lunch everyday! Yay me!. I did have one incident with an ice cream cone... but it wasnt nearly as bad as it could have been.