pattyproulx Member


  • Ya, you should never feel like you're starving yourself. 1200 is much too low. As others have said, fat and protein are minimums. I have fat at 50%, protein at 35%, and carbs at 15% and it works well for me.
  • You can always say that you think you may have a gluten/wheat intolerance and that you're looking to eliminate it for a month or two to see if your health improves (or doctor has recommended eliminating it). By eliminating wheat, it takes care of most sugary treats as well.
  • Many people who do Intermittent Fasting don't eat breakfast. You can absolutely lose weight and skip breakfast (and I've done it). I'm the same way. If I eat early breakfast, I'm starving by 1030-1100. If I haven't had breakfast, I can last until noon without much problem. I've gone back to having breakfast because I lift…
  • Ok - well I'll be the first to say, I stray too much, haha. Every Sunday is basically a stray for me since we have dinner at the in-laws and my MIL gets offended if we don't have the food that's been prepared. Luckily, most of what she makes is Primal, so I have the option of eating relatively well. My problem is that when…
  • 1 - Find a buddy. Having a gym buddy makes sure you go because you don't want to let the other down. Also, once you're there, it's great to have someone to push you and to talk with, which makes it more fun. 2 - Follow a schedule. Going 'when you have the time' isn't going to establish habits. Set a schedule and follow it.…
  • A lot of mention of Old Navy. I personally don't shop there, but I know they have great prices and deliver for free. My sister in-law would buy from there all the time when she lived with us.
  • Garbage study is garbage. It's just vegan propaganda. This wasn't even high protein. It was on the low-end of moderate (20%+) Also, these types of studies never isolate the food from other factors. Think of the most unhealthy people you know. Ya, the ones who sit on the couch watching TV and eat out/order-in most days and…
  • Ya - garbage study is garbage. It's just vegan propaganda. This wasn't even high protein. It was on the low-end of moderate (20%+) Also, as others have said, these types of studies never isolate the food from other factors. Think of the most unhealthy people you know. Ya, the ones who sit on the couch watching TV and eat…
  • This is likely going to be a very unpopular opinion, haha, but I could not find a replacement to peanut butter. I just couldn't. I've tried others and despite spending an arm and a leg on different types of nut butters, none of them did it for me. I tried avoiding nut butters altogether (nuts are full of omega-6's…
  • I'm far from loud in my gym, but I do like to give and receive words of encouragement on the final sets. "Ok, last one, you got this! Go go go!" I feel like it psychs me up. Like someone mentioned though, it's about atmosphere. Music is so low sometimes (don't get me started on the music selection) and everything is so…
  • I'm a pretty big drinker and it definitely has an effect on weight-loss. For me it's mostly junk food I eat when I do drink though (even if it's Paleo, which often times it's not, I eat more than I should and need). I also tend to drink beer but I'm trying to steer clear and stick to whiskey-water or vodka-soda, with the…
  • To minimize muscle loss you need to lift heavy. Overall weight loss may be a tad slower than if you did tons of cardio, but you'll be maintaining much more muscle. You'll look better losing 40 lbs of fat and no muscle, than if you lost 35lbs of fat and 15lbs of muscle (even if it's an extra 10lbs of total weight lost).…
  • 10lbs a week? That is a ridiculous goal. Aim for 1-2lbs per week and make some lasting changes like others have mentioned. It took you years to gain the weight, you can't just lose it all overnight.
  • Ya, I agree. I find it so frustrating - they act like it's a law and that nothing else matters. Eat twinkies and garbage all day and stay in a calorie deficit with hours of cardio, they all clap their hands and congratulate you. Decide you want to focus on eating veggies, meat, and dropping processed foods and grains and…
  • Ya, sorry, that was my bad - the article focuses on a lot more than that. I just found that particular part of it interesting, and it really is only a subset of what was discussed. In this case, he was discussing that looking solely at calories in vs calories out, you'd expect cardio would be the better choice, but that…
  • The diet is definitely extreme, and it would need to be for them to lose 30-40 lbs. The telling part for me is that the resistance training group didn't lose any muscle, and though I expected some difference in RMR, I was surprised at how large that difference was.
  • I've tried the recipe above and it's pretty good. Slightly better/creamier than just canned coconut milk. I wonder how it would hold up with two eggs rather than one. I think the blended egg helps with the creaminess.
  • I have the same bone to pick with the South Beach Diet. I've seen a ton of people eat in South Beach and that's not at all how they eat... For Paleo, I think the name discredits the diet somewhat, but I do believe that there is some truth to eating closer to what we've evolved to eat so in that sense, it's a fitting name.…
  • I really like my cream. I've had a hard time giving it up though I've tried numerous times. I find plain coconut milk doesn't give as much of a creamy feel. I've tried drinking it black and often do, but it's not the same. Bulletproof coffee (coffee and coconut oil blended together) is surprisingly good and creamy and was…
  • As someone mentioned, it's likely water weight and undigested food. I gained 4lbs yesterday. It'll be off by Tuesday or Wednesday (or perhaps you underate on Saturday which made yesterday's weight lower than it should have been). Weight fluctuations happen for many reasons.
  • I would recommend starting small. Since there's only 10lbs to lose and you haven't been actively losing, you shouldn't have to make too much of a change. Start small and do something that you can see yourself doing longterm. The idea should be to change habits and that takes a bit of time. If you have a history of binging…
  • Instead of using them as intimidation, try and see them as motivation. They're there for themselves (they're not focused on you), and the reason they're fit is because they go to the gym. Focus on yourself and before you know it, you'll be one of the fit people at the gym.
  • On their own, leeks are excellent. Just chopped up and thrown in a stir fry is good, but we like to cut them in half length-wise and just cook them in the oven with olive oil and a little salt and pepper. They are really good. Also, I find stir frys are a great way to get a lot of vegetables. I like to throw a little bit…
  • This discussion is getting too steamy. I gotta go....:blushing:
  • Good luck! Hope it works well fo ryou!. it's not for me though. I The scale keeps me on track. If I start eating poorly, I see it on the scale and it's a reminder to clean things up. Too often I've ditched the scale, derailed a bit, and then get back to it a month or two later only to find I've gained 10lbs. I also find…
  • Feel free to add me as well - I've been Primal going on 5 years now (not super strict, but I follow the 80/20...most of the time it's about 90/10, but sometimes, I have weekends that are like 20/80, so it balances out, haha) My diary's open as well.
  • What do you mean nuts kill you in fat? What do you have your fat set as? Are you sure it's not too low if nuts are putting you over the edge?
  • Also, to answer the Q, leg day is Tuesday for me.
  • Have a look at the New Rules of Lifting for Women program. It's a 2-day split per 'stage'. If you lift 3 times per week, alternate between ABA and BAB.
  • These threads are like a train wreck. I always know it's going to end poorly, but I always feel I have to come look. I've been eating Primal-ish for almost 4 years now. I love it and at home, I find it's easy to follow. When you're out, I find it's a little tougher. To me the biggest advantage is curbing my hunger. When I…