

  • Good Morning Team... Hubby and I had an awesome weekend... the weather was Perfect... I sure did hate to come home cuz it was so peaceful up there... I have to get daughter ready for school so I will catch up on posts later... she... ila
  • Good Evening Team... I am so Happy to say that I am down to 300 pounds... I have lost 13 pounds in 1 month... not what I expected... but I am over Joyed lol... I am gonna be going out of town for a few days for Our 11 year wedding anniversary.. Hubby and I are going up north with my cousin and her boyfriend for the…
  • Good Morning Team... For those who have had a bad day or week shake that sh.. off and get back on track....I know sometimes its hard but just think of your goal.. you can do it... as far and me.. I had to get my Reclast infusion yesterday for my bones... and I got an injection in my knee to take some of the pain…
  • Good Morning Team... I am a bit tired today hoping I will snap out of it!!! yesterday was a crazy day... My dad had a eye dr appt.. had to take my youngest to the dr cuz she wasn't feeling well..then I had to squeeze in the gym and at least do the elliptical for 30 minutes cuz I wasn't able to do water aerobics cuz I had…
  • Good Evening Team... well today was a pretty okay day My Niece gave birth finally to a beautiful baby girl.... I went and ate Lunch with my mom, dad, sister, and my two daughters... we went to my hubbys work!!! and requested to sit in his section and then his boss came over and took the bill and said she was taking care of…
  • Good Morning Team... Happy Mothers Day... Hope everyone has a blessed Day... My Niece is still in Labor it has been 24 hours now they are starting to induce as of 5:45 this morning... so hopefully sometime today... hopefully the Dr. don't wait to long...
  • Good Evening Team... Well My Niece has been in Labor all day and no baby yet she is not wanting to come out lmao... well maybe she is waiting til midnight lol to be officially Mothers Day!!! I will post Pic's as soon as she enters the world :-) Cyndi, sounds Great about your friends losing so much weight.. I wouldn't mind…
  • Good Morning Team.... well it is a Beautiful sun shining day here.... I got a phone call this morning at 5:45 am telling me my Nieces water broke and they was headed to the hospital... I got up went to the gym and did my water aerobics and I am gonna head to the hospital after Hubby goes to work... I can't wait to meet my…
  • Great Job Cyndi on the new thread :-) My daughter and I did try the zumba class... My daughter loved it and would do it again but as far as me I am thought it was okay but it was to much jumping around for me and my knees so I wont be going back until after I lose some of my weight and it wont be so hard on my knees... I…
  • Good Morning TEAM!!! she..ila SW 313/ GW 150/ CW 305 / another 2 pounds again this week.... 6 more to go til I am under 300 wooo hooo today is a busy day for me I took my youngest to school, took my dad to his foot Dr., then to his primary Dr. to get a his Shot in his butt lol and I weighed in while I was there :-) now I…
  • Hello.... where is everyone... I am not sure if anyone else knows this but there is no I in TEAM!!!!! where the heck is everyone????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I will check back tomorrow Night all
  • Good Morning Team... well I thought I was going to be able to sleep in !!! NOT my oldest daughter was scheduled to work 6am to noon my mom took her to work when she took my youngest to skating ... all was good well then the phone rang and it was my oldest they switched her schedule and she didn't have to be there til 2 pm…
  • Good Evening Team... I had a day of running around!!! my youngest stayed home from school today cuz she had 4 of her baby teeth pulled yesterday afternoon she is miserable... and my oldest daughter is bugging her and the two of them are driving me up the wall lol... I took off and went to the gym and did the elliptical for…
  • Good Evening Team... Deb so sry you hurt your ankle.. Hope it heals fast and nothing is seriously wrong with it... Today was a really Long day my youngest daughter had her Competition in Figure skating and we had to leave my house at 7:30am and she skated and 9:40 she took 1st place in her flight.. then they take all the…
  • Good Afternoon Team... Boy was it hard as heck to get my A.. out of bed this morning and head to the gym!!! but I kept telling myself if I don't i will be mad later if I just go and do water aerobics from 9 to 10 just do that!! well I must say I am soo Glad I got my Butt out of bed and went... Then I went Grocery Shopping…
  • Never give up!!! ya know the funny thing is I have the elliptical, treadmill, stationary Bike, and a rowing machine all in my basement but I am not a strong enough person to go down stairs and stay on them!!! lol if I make myself go out to the gym I make I get my moneys worth lol I guess that is a bit weird... well just…
  • Good Early Evening Team... Well went to the gym and I did it I up'd my Elliptical to 60 minutes woo hoo that **** was hard but I did it lol.... Hubby called and asked since its cold do I want him to make Homemade Chicken soup!!! hell ya I said so I went to the grocery store and got all the veggies for his soup and I got…
  • Cyndi, Glad to see you came back and posted!!! Glad to hear your working on your meals and getting your walk in... I am sure you feel great after :drinker: Now to get Debbie & Anita back her to post and log!!! Where oh Where is Debbie & Anita?? well anyway I am up moving about headed over my mom & dads I have to change his…
  • Good Morning Team... Vickie hope everything is okay... I haven't been able to get on her that much in the past few days... with babysitting, taking dad to the Dr, me to the Dr, and working out I have only been able to log my food and exercise ugh... How did the Echo cardiogram go was that for you?? Deb where or where are…
  • Good Afternoon Team.... The first thing I did right was get my A.. out of bed and get to the gym :laugh: I changed it up a bit I did the water aerobics first 60 minutes and then I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and I feel great... I am gonna go to the grocery store later to get the stuff for dinner tomorrow :noway:…
  • Good Evening Team... I don't see anyone weighing in today ??? SW 314/ GW 150 / CW 310 = 4 pound loss for me this week :love: I had another great workout 2 hours water aerobics I up'd the elliptical to 35 minutes :noway: lol I even did up'd my floor crunches to 3 sets of 10 :noway: when I first started those floor crunches…
  • Good Morning Team ..... I am up and moving again today took my dad to get his blood work now to foot Dr. Then to pay bills then the gym this afternoon :-) I am cooking Easter dinner on Sunday so I won't be able to get to the gym but I will make up for it on Monday :-) hope everyone has a great Friday She...ila
  • Good Morning Team.... well I am up moving making me breakfast then taking my Dad to the Dr. then lunch.. then it is off to the gym... I am gonna weigh my self today when I take my Dad... I am doing the 2 hours of water aerobics and 25 minutes on the elliptical... I am really enjoying the me time. :-) my body is aching a…
  • Vicki: for one hour of water aerobics our instructor kicks our butts big time... I don't I prob burn more calories then what MFP says but I will just go with it lol... She is the best instructor she pushes us hard... we do a ton of stuff and still manage to get all those crunches in when you stand in the water you need to…
  • Good Evening Team... Hope everyone had a great Monday... after a busy morning cuz I slept in... I went to the gym... did 25 minutes on the elliptical 10 on the Treadmill and 60 minutes of Hard core water aerobics.. our instructor had us doing 700 crunches in the water plus all of the others stuff :-) she works our butts…
  • Good morning team .... My yougest had a friend spend the night last night and I can't beleive they let me sleep in!!! I haven't slept in for weeks cuz of taking care of my dad they got up fixed themselves breakfast ... Wow I got up ate a fiber bar and had to drive my dad to the Dr. Now its Lunch time and I haven't ate much…
  • Anita if you need any motivation or a great big push in the behind :-) just send me a text and I will be glad to help out :-) She.....ila
  • Good Morning Team.... Great Job Debbie and Bluedimplett on the loss of two pounds... Shawnalee.. getting there is a great feeling... keep it up I got up early and went to the gym to do water aerobics I really like the instructor she works you really hard :-) she had us doing over 500 crunches along with other things so she…
  • Good Evening TEAM... Hope all is well I had another GREAT workout ... 25 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes doing laps, 60 minutes of water aerobics... I did work on the toning machines as well but not trying to over due it since I am just getting back into the swing of things... Congrats Deb.. on the loss of 2 pounds..…
  • Good Afternoon Team.... After my workout yesterday I came home logged everything cooked dinner then relaxed for once.. went to bed early for once.. this past month has been crazy busy taking care of my dad that I really haven't had much time for myself nor my hubby!!! I went to bed early last night go to sleep in today…