T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread



  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,
    I've been doing pretty well, eating wise. I need to send recipes to Deb, I think, to keep her from getting bord. I've been on so many diet plans I have STACKS of recipes. I'm never bored eating...just bored exercising. I think I'd like to get an eliptical...but would probably get bored with that, too.

    GREAT JOB Dreamer! I sooooo love getting requainted with a new weight decade! You'll get through it and be in the 30's in NO TIME.

    I'm with you, Vicky...dog/white carpet. But, it's for a good cause...makes Sis a special person. Besides so very busy!

    Hi Yvonne...happy to meet you. It's been a long long time since I've tasted Onderland. May you live there forever! My current goal...meet the 2-teens then go away!

    Better make dinner!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Good Evening Team...

    I am so Happy to say that I am down to 300 pounds... I have lost 13 pounds in 1 month... not what I expected... but I am over Joyed lol... I am gonna be going out of town for a few days for Our 11 year wedding anniversary.. Hubby and I are going up north with my cousin and her boyfriend for the weekend... I am so looking forward to our get away...

    so i am gonna weigh in today since i wont be back til Sunday night...

    SW 313/ GW 150/ CW 300 = down another 3 pounds wooo hoooo... 13 pounds in a month :-)
    I will get measured on the 1st to see how many inches :-)

    Take care Team... I will be back prob Monday...
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Well, the next step (no pun intended) is surgery on my ankle because my arch has fallen & my foot now rolls inward if I do not use the walking cast. Going for a consultation on the 26th to schedule it. I got my wheelchair this morning. Now I just need to see how to record it for exercise because manuvering it around the house is going to build up my arm muscles, especially on the carpet. This might sound a little odd, but I got some good news today. My mom told me to hire a cleaning service to come in every other week until I have my doctor's permission to get back on my feet again (pun intended) & that might not be for a LONG time. This news comes just in time for our son's graduation party because I had no clue how I was going to get the house 100% presentable by then. Yes, I could have my son & husband help me, but they'll never do anywhere close to my expectations - especially before a party.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Have a great time Sheila!! Thirteen lb in a month is WONDERFUL! Congrats.

    YES Vicki send me recipes PLEASE. I need simple things, things that you have around the house. I hate when I have to go buy a ton of different spices and weird ingredients for 1 lousy recipe. NO seafood please. Catch me on facebook later and I will give you my address LOL.

    I am still down in weight so I am doing good there but still not logging my food. I did log half a day one day. I don't know why I can't get in the groove again.

    Hope all goes well with your surgery Dreamer. Hope your mom is paying for your housekeeper LOL

    Have to get ready for work. See you all later.

  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Weigh in today and i've stayed the same...bah!

    Still it could be worse. I've got zumba tonight i'm really enjoying it but i am exhausted after and can only just manage the walk home.

    My sister's gym has an open weekend this weekend and i love that gym so get to spend a few hours there tomorrow. She's got a couple of free guest passes so i'll be able to go a bit next week too. I so wish i could afford to join it's a great gym. It's the pool and hottub i love really. ooh i've just remembered they've refurbed the steam room since i last got to go.

    Dreamer..i'd probably change my lifestyle setting to lightly active to account for the extra calories for using the chair. They may even have it int he database. They have all kinds of things in so you never know. I know what you mean about men not doing the job to your expectations. My oh is awful, i ask him to tidy the kitchen and he'll do the dishes and leave everything else. I ask him to mop the kitchen floor, this may be a bit odd but to me that includes a quick clean of the downstairs loo and mopping of that. It's tiny and just there next to the kitchen. He completely misses it he literally just does the kitchen floor. I guess i should be glad he at least picks the chairs off the floor to mop under the table. *lol*
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    SW 198
    CW 197

    One pound, but considering how bad this week has been that's exciting.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Dreamer..i'd probably change my lifestyle setting to lightly active to account for the extra calories for using the chair. They may even have it int he database. They have all kinds of things in so you never know.[/quote]

    As you suggested, I changed have my lifestyle setting to lightly active for the times that I use the wheelchair or hobble around the house doing a few chores that I can (laundry & kitchen) until I hire a cleaning service.
    I am also going to go online & look for some exercises that I can do from a chair. My expanding waistline is depressing me & I know it is going to be a LONG time before I can start walking again.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Hope all goes well with your surgery Dreamer. Hope your mom is paying for your housekeeper LOL


    Nope, the housekeeper is being paid for out of the money that my grandmother left me when she died this past February.
    I have decided to hire our neighbor (who owns a cleaning company) because we can trust her. That might sound a little odd, but my husband is a deputy sheriff & doesn't want "just anyone" knowing where we live.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Dreamer...i forgot i have someone on my friends who does chair exercises. Her name is jackibailey. If you fr her she might be able to give you a list of the exercises she does. Might be worth a try.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Thanks, Vicky. I friended her & am waiting for a response.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    As much as I LOVE MFP I'm really hating the ads. They are getting too obtrusive. I can't enjoy reading posts, or logging stats when there are ads covering up my "work space". They're not quite pop-ups...but just as annoying. Anyone else have this problem?

    A successful week. FINALLY down one pound and oh so close to the 2-teens.

    Happy Anniversary, Sheila! And CONGRATS getting to a double ought! That is soo Oughtsome (sorry, couldn't help myself). Have a great time! See ya next week.

    Okay Deb...I'll look for ya on FB. How are you on smoothies? Do you like salads with fruit? I'm with you on sea fool! Tuna Fish is about as fishy as I'll get. Great Washingtonians we are, huh, with our world famous Salmon...although I will enjoy a FRESH salmon, if I can find one...

    Carru...one pound a week...I'm happy about that...good job!

    Dreamer...so sorry about this challenge you're having! I'm happy Vicky has found someone to help you with sitting exercises! YES, a wheelchair is a HUGE workout! Something else that might help...doing crunches while sitting! YES they work, maybe not quite as fast as on the floor. Also...squeeze your but cheeks while sitting. It looks kind of funny cuz you're going up and down (remember that song about the "people on the bus go up and down...."?) Anyway If nothing else, it'll keep you from losing too much muscle until you're back on your feet. I work in LE also (Prop/Evidece/Amin/whatever they need). To your DH....Be Safe!

    Loved the housekeeping stories by our men. Mine thinks vacuuming is using the crevice tool and picking up only what he sees!

    Getting tired. Hope to see some of you over the weekend.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Okay I've just been maintaining or slightly yo-yo ing for the past couple of weeks. Time for a fresh start and it all starts with my water. So this week, my #1 goal will be getting in the minimum water each day. I find that if I'll do that one thing, other good things just naturally occur as well.

    The good news is that I'm getting in lots of walking trying to wear out Glamour. She's quite an energetic pup. Unfortunately/fortunately (?), I'm the only one huffing and puffing at the end of our walk :) I'm going to try to remember to use a pedometer for the next week and set some step goals as well.

    Hope everyone has a great week and sets that one, small goal that helps them stay on task this week.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Glamour is a great name for a dog. How's she settled in? I remember when i was a kid we always had dogs and every time we got a new puppy they always used to whine and whimper the first couple of nights till it got used to the place.
  • Good Morning Team...

    Hubby and I had an awesome weekend... the weather was Perfect... I sure did hate to come home cuz it was so peaceful up there...

    I have to get daughter ready for school so I will catch up on posts later...

    she... ila
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I'm almost sick to my stomach this morning. DH and I ate HORRIBLE yesterday...thought I"d log it to see HOW bad it was, but fell asleep on "Bed B" and didn't get it done. I think if I did it now I'll feel even sicker.

    Soooo, its a cleansing day.

    I remember whining puppies too, Vicky and Sis. I miss not having a puppy, but living in town...it's just not a good idea. Good luck with your water, Sis. Add a squirt of lemon or lime (or even both) for a little flavor. Yummmmm!

    Glad you had a good anniversary, She...ila.

    Fruit emulsified, salad made, bran muffin thawing, ice in my water keg...ready for my day. "See" ya tonight!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Glamour is a great name for a dog. How's she settled in? I remember when i was a kid we always had dogs and every time we got a new puppy they always used to whine and whimper the first couple of nights till it got used to the place.

    CCI names the dogs using an alphabet system based upon the year/month the puppy was born -- thus she was dubbed Glamour. I'm thinking it fits - she's quite the princess. I'm hunting for a doggie tiera for her to wear when she bows - which she does very, very well. She's a fantastic dog and in a week has improved her obedience dramatically. The family that had her up until now did a great job; I still don't know what happended that they couldn't continue to care for her until turn in next spring. I'm sure they are broken-hearted.

    Glamour sits, downs, rolls, gets in the car, goes into her kennel and potties all on command. She needs some work with staying in the position until she's been released and doesn't always like to release her ball on command. Tonight we were working on the lap command which teaches her to visit quitely with wheelchair bound folks by gently placing her ankles on their lap. Every person should have such a well-trained dog.

    So far we're managing to get lots of walking exercise, but not much else. It's not quite the workout of Jillian Michaels' workouts, but hopefully I'll get back to those as we settle into a better routine. However, I'm still eating right and continuing to lose slowly. I'm happy to be back on track after my visit to Carolina.
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Howdy Gals,

    I'm almost sick to my stomach this morning. DH and I ate HORRIBLE yesterday...thought I"d log it to see HOW bad it was, but fell asleep on "Bed B" and didn't get it done. I think if I did it now I'll feel even sicker.

    Soooo, its a cleansing day.

    Vicki - good job of getting right back on track! Sometimes those really horrible days (and the crappy, nauseous feeling that comes with it) reminds us how great we feel when we're being good to ourselves.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Yup, I think I'm going to live. Now I need to get some sleep. Happy Losing...*Ü*
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Mornin' Gals,

    I'm so off kilter! Weighed in today, thinking it was Friday already...no loss, no gain. That's the good news...the bad news...it's going to be a long long two Fridays :ohwell:

    Happy Losing...*Ü*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Okay I have to admit I haven't done great with the water. It must be this insane weather -- who really wants to drink water when its falling from the sky EVERY DAY! Enough with the rain and storms...
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