T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • Good Evening Team...

    I had a day of running around!!! my youngest stayed home from school today cuz she had 4 of her baby teeth pulled yesterday afternoon she is miserable... and my oldest daughter is bugging her and the two of them are driving me up the wall lol... I took off and went to the gym and did the elliptical for 30 minutes and the floor crunches w/ 35 pound weight 3 sets of 10 :-) my oldest daughter and I got measured at the gym yesterday and I lost 11 inches and my daughter lost 14 inches that was in a two week period i am excited

    well Deb how is the foot coming along...any better??

    I am ready to weigh in again but going to the Dr on Friday so I will wait til then !!!

    Have a great night Team...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    my foot is doing better Sheila. I took both my walks today I just walked a little slower. It still swells and is sore and hurts if I move it wrong but I think it is healing.

    I went to Red robin for dinner tonight and had a mushroom burger. Instead of a bun I had it wrapped in lettuce. You hold it like a hamburger but the bun is lettuce. It's good! I had a salad instead of fries so I felt like I was a good girl! LOL I'm going to have to figure out how to log the calories to see if I went over today.

    Blue I am glad you had fun on your cruise and I would have eaten a lot too. You only get to have nice trips like that once in a blue moon so you have to enjoy it!!

    So Vicki what has been happening in your life??? Wish we could be walking partners. I'd love to have a buddy close to do things with!

    I'm having trouble getting myself to log my food again. Sheila and Vicki I might need you to kick me in the pants and make me log everyday.

    Happy Losing all!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok, sorry I havent started new thread. Will do it first thing tomorrow AM. We had some server issues here yesterday for a majority of the day and my internet was down.

    Have been suffering through a bad case of TMJ pain. Guess I was clenching my jaw a bit much while riding over the weekend. I walked 3 miles last night after a stressful argument with my oldest. Had to get out of my house. Today the jaw felt better but I've been fighting a bad spinal headache. I went for a therapeutic massage this morning and she worked a lot on my neck, jawline and shoulders. I walked 2.33 miles tonight and felt better once I got done but now that Ive been home for about an hour starting to feel crummy again so I took a muscle relaxer and loafing on the couch watching biggest loser! After all... its makeover week!! yay!!

    Imp... totally understandable about the food on the cruise! Especially the dessert table!! Just the way they present the food with the big long, gorgeous scuplutures and food art.... its hard to resist! :0) 3lbs is nuttin.. you'll have it gone in no time! Where did ya guys sail to??
  • Good Morning Team...

    well I thought I was going to be able to sleep in !!! NOT my oldest daughter was scheduled to work 6am to noon my mom took her to work when she took my youngest to skating ... all was good well then the phone rang and it was my oldest they switched her schedule and she didn't have to be there til 2 pm grrrr .... we live a good 35 minutes from her work!!!! they couldn't freaking call her HELLO!! needless to say I needed her to watch my daughter tonight cuz I have plans and my hubby bowls!! well she is going with her dad to bowl now :frown:

    Anyway I am about to head to the gym.. I am not gonna be able to do my water aerobics today so I want to get something in!!! hoping to do the elliptical for at least 30 minutes or more!!!

    Deb glad to hear your still able to walk.. just make sure you don't over do it ... I will text you every day to log!!! log !!! log!!! :flowerforyou:

    Vickie I hope everything is going okay with you

    Cyndi Looking for the new thread I love your inspiration :drinker: sry to hear about your jaw pain hope it gets better soon

    She ..... ila
  • Hello.... where is everyone... I am not sure if anyone else knows this but there is no I in TEAM!!!!! where the heck is everyone?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I will check back tomorrow

    Night all
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    This has been the most pain filled week I have had in the month that I have been in this cast. On top of that, I am up 1 pound. :noway: Another week & a half until I see my doctor again regarding my foot.
    I have also decided that I am not overweight, instead I am a nutritional overachiever
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Yes Sheila...text me to make me log. Just remember I can't answer you if I am at work.

    Hawaiian sorry about your pain. Living with pain is so hard. Wish I knew how to make it better.

    Sorry for your pain too Cyndi. Hope everyone feels better soon.

    I seem to be doing ok losing weight and/or maintaining, it's logging that drives me nuts. I am back to walking. I only skipped Monday. My ankle still hurts but I am not limping much. I missed walking on Monday so Tuesday I went back to it. I hope for a nice weekend to get to walk the bike trail again. This time I am staying away from the edge.

    Happy losing!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    crazybee sw 272: first goal weight 200: cw 223.2 loss of -2.5lbs

    Good Morning and Happy Friday!!! I don't mind coming to post when I've lost some weight!! I see I am the last one here last night and first one here this morning. Sheila that aught to make you happy. No slipper for me today!!

    I have to get ready for work so I will check later to see how everyone did. Good Luck!
  • Good Morning TEAM!!!

    she..ila SW 313/ GW 150/ CW 305 / another 2 pounds again this week.... 6 more to go til I am under 300 wooo hooo

    today is a busy day for me I took my youngest to school, took my dad to his foot Dr., then to his primary Dr. to get a his Shot in his butt lol and I weighed in while I was there :-) now I need to go to the gym and go to the Dr. this afternoon

    Congrats Deb on getting you walking in :-) I actually walked yesterday with my sisters in the park for 2.6 miles !!!

    where oh where is the rest of the team???
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    crazybee sw 272: first goal weight 200: cw 223.2 loss of -2.5lbs
    bluedimplett sw 224 gw: 140 sw: 192.2 loss of .2 lbs

    hey all!

    im happy to see that i loss all the cruise weight and them some... i know i only show .2lbs, but i didnt update my weight tracker in 2 weeks ... but it actually 3.2lbs loss. :) muahahahah!

    hubby leaves to boot camp on wednesday. :(

    we are throwing a goodbye party for him tommorrow.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Nice job on the losses ladies!!

    Im gonna go start the new thread right now.... sorry I've been slacking on it but its been really hard to sit here for any length of time at my laptop with the neck and jaw pain and yesterday I got slammed with the worst migraine Ive had in a while. I slept more than 14 hours yesterday, then today, got up feeling renewed and went for a 3.2 mile walk. It felt great!! I still have a lot of tension in my neck, but its getting better every day, so hopefully it will be nice and relaxed tomorrow.

    Anways... I updated my ticker yet again as I was up 2.4lbs this morning. I saw it creeping up during the week and was prayin it would go down, but no such luck. I am really frustrated as I have been eating well and even got in several long walks even tho Ive felt crummy. BUT..... Next week is a new week..so.. lets rock it!!!
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Team,

    Don't have much time to talk too much, I have not been here in quite a while :0

    Still treking along, sort of swaying here and there along the way. I have not seriously done any sort of regime for about a month now, so I have not really lost much (still lost a pound though!)

    I'm getting my stamina up, I am doing well in my running. I have been running outside for the past month or so, finally got up the courage to get off that treadmill and into the wild ;) I must say, it is so refreshing and makes the time go by so much quicker with the change in scenery. Now I have to figure out if I am going to be able to keep it up during the winter months, because let's face it, there are only two seasons up here in Canada, Winter, and Construction. And winter lasts a good 7 or 8 months! But I have 3 or 4 months still of nice weather so maybe I can work on running in more difficult terrain and weather conditions.

    Now I am looking for more challenges for my body. I am sort of tired of the circuit machines and am thinking of trying out free weights, I just need to figure out how to do it. I don't really want a personal trainer....maybe I can just go to my school gym and ask one of the guys that work out how to do it, they would be happy to help a "damsel in distress" :P

    I have my eating mostly in control, have become use to walking and running everywhere, so now that I have a good healthy lifestyle base going for me, I really want to hone in on a few key areas of my body: my "chicken wing" arms, my 0-pack stomach (sometimes if I stand the right way, its a 2-pack.....), and my flabby inner thighs and butt. Not sure if I should try and focus on just one of those, or if I just do an all-around workout, they will tone up together.

    In my personal life, I am madly in love with my partner whom I will one day marry <3, my puppy is almost 2 and pretty much done training (though walking him is still a chore because he wants to strain in front of me all the time), and I have started school again to become a mental health counselor. I have always wanted to do something to help people, and if I can advocate for those that can't, I am happy.

    Ok, so I lied, this turned into another essay, like usual! But I have school work to do and a big list of hobby type things to do.

    Tata for now!
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