T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team

LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support

There are countless methods under the sun for settings goals, and you should always use the one that is most comfortable for you. Here are a few tips that you might want to consider adding to your goal setting technique:

The more desire you put into your goals, the more likely you are to achieving them. We always hear about having goals that we are passionate about, and it is so because it is very easy to create desire for something we have a built in passion for. Think of desire as “constructive obsession”. You need to be absolutely 100% involved into making this goal happen.

Assess obstacles
It is important to be aware of what may block you from accomplishing your goals. Be objective and look at the situation from all angles possible. Ask yourself, what could go wrong? Then, make a note of all these obstacles and prepare a plan of action in case any of them actually happens. This way, you will be ready for whatever comes your way, and you will know what to do in such a case.

Review daily
The first act of your morning should be to review your goals. After all, you need to remind yourself why you are getting up, and thus spark your desire and create the proper level of motivation necessary to devote yourself to your goals. It is very easy to forget a lot of things while we sleep, so it is crucial to review our purpose and goals first thing in the morning.

Hope these goal setting tips help you with your journey here on MFP and in other area's. :0)


  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Cyndi!!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Helloooo. :)
  • Thanks Cyndi...

    I sure had a great workout today.. my daughter and I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and 60 minutes in the water aerobics ... now I am pooped lol time to rest way under my calories today...
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Thank you Cyndi. Too tired to talk..really...believe it!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Thanks! So encouraging!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning all!!

    Yes... its a miracle... Im actually checking in and posting today! haha!

    Got to bed early last night as my body was just spent. Woke up at 7am this morning, fresh and ready to start my day! Made coffee and decided to clean out the fridge. Whoa... that was necessary! :laugh:

    Now its pretty empty and I have a few things Im gonna make for this weekend for healthy munchies. Then I get to make a batch of cupcakes for a bunco group I belong to. Im not going and I am not EATING any... but since I love to bake and need some decorating practice I volunteered to supply them.

    Anyways... just wanted to check in and say Have a great day!! Im off to get my exercise by doing mass housecleaning before hubby comes home for the weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • Good Afternoon Team....

    After my workout yesterday I came home logged everything cooked dinner then relaxed for once.. went to bed early for once.. this past month has been crazy busy taking care of my dad that I really haven't had much time for myself nor my hubby!!! I went to bed early last night go to sleep in today then went and took care of my dad's leg then to my dentist appointment then I have to pick my youngest up from school and then take her to the dentist... I need to squeeze a workout in there somewhere... have a good day team...

    She....ila :-)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nice new thread into Cyndi.

    Having a good week so far. I'm not being as strick with myself as I was the first 8 weeks and I'm feeling it. Still under calories and getting at least 30-60 minutes of cardio a day but my calories were not 100% healthy. But it's only Wednesday so there is time to redeem myself. I made a nice cabbage soup last night so if I live on that for the next few days there is hope.

    I ordered a digital bathroom scale last night so I"m looking forward to checking it out when Amazon delivers! It sounds like everyone is motivated around here! Great going!!

    ttyl ~ ReNae
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I"m doing pretty good this week. I am managing to lose a little this week. I didn't log every day but I am doing ok.

    I was excited to see my grand baby's ultrasound this week. The baby looks like a gummy bear but it is cute LOL. Can't wait to hold my new grand babies.

    I don't have a lot to say but thought I better practice what I preach about posting LOL.


  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,
    This was my week of meetings so I'm sorry I didn't chat much. I've been working really hard straying on track and eating well. Been sort of flirting with "getting by" the last couple of weeks, and the scale tells all.

    Shawna...you so impress me with your fortitude in beating the slump. I read your blog...very impressive. Keep up that enthusiasm...those last 15 pounds will "melt" away.

    Nice to have you post, Deb. You too Cyndi.

    Vicky...I remember a question about my Strong Nail mix...I had acrylic nails for almost 15 years and gave them up a couple of years ago. I took the Knox stuff to help keep my nails from peeling and breaking while they healed after removing the acrylics. I think it helped. But I'm ready to quit with the Knox and keep using the strong nail polish. My nails will never be like they were with the acrylics, I just want them looking trimmed, clean and even...even if they are short. Now that they're shorter...it's so much nicer. Almost like when I quit smoking...which is about when I started the acrylic nails! Had to do something for myself after quiting smoking!!!!

    Tomorrow is Weigh In. I hope the scale reads as how my clothes fit...I may have to add darts to the waist on my nice slax and skirts.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    i found the thread again! :) Are we still doing weigh ins on fridays?
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    crazybee 2011 start weight 255: gw 200: cw 225.7= loss of -2 Yippee!!

    Hope everyone does well!! Happy weekend!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    crazybee 2011 start weight 255: gw 200: cw 225.7= loss of -2 Yippee!!
    Shawnalee Start weight: 249 GW165 CW179.8 getting there!!! :-D


    I am sooooo sorry for disappearing. i have been skimming all of your guys' convos tho hehe nosey me.

    thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate that you even read my blog. I have definitely hit a spot tat requires more specific focus- which kinda sucks! HA! I posted a new one LATE last night and it was even longer. It is only because I had so much NEW info to blog about and the rest should be uch easier to read. :-D
    Thanks for all the support you guys! It really helps! We all have struggles and it's great to know we have people we can vent to and get advice from. :-D You guys rock!
  • Good Evening TEAM... Hope all is well

    I had another GREAT workout ... 25 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes doing laps, 60 minutes of water aerobics... I did work on the toning machines as well but not trying to over due it since I am just getting back into the swing of things...

    Congrats Deb.. on the loss of 2 pounds..

    I am starting fresh so since I just got back on I didn't weigh myself this week we will just go with my starting weight

    SW 313 / CW 313 / GW 150 no change just the beginning
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    crazybee 2011 start weight 255: gw 200: cw 225.7= loss of -2 Yippee!!
    Shawnalee Start weight: 249 GW165 CW179.8 getting there!!! :-D
    strawberryisland5 SW 313 / CW 313 / GW 150 no change just the beginning
    bluedimplett - start weight 224, goal weight 145, current weight 194.4 = -2lbs! woohoo!

    Omg, it took a freaking whole month to see the weight loss! I guess this is what happens when you pay attention to what you eat again. :)
  • Good Morning Team....

    Great Job Debbie and Bluedimplett on the loss of two pounds...

    Shawnalee.. getting there is a great feeling... keep it up

    I got up early and went to the gym to do water aerobics I really like the instructor she works you really hard :-) she had us doing over 500 crunches along with other things so she don't hold back...

    hope everyone has a great weekend.. eat healthy and workout and enjoy

  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Sorry I haven't been on much. Work's been kicking my butt with late night meeting and weekend stuff. Leave for a conference on Monday for the week. Haven't worked out this week at all and had two days of eating poorly. Too chicken to get on the scales....

    For everyone who stayed the course this week, congratulations! Keep up the great work.

    Sunshine today -- gosh it's been so long.... Indulged in a few minutes of basking in the sun with a nice merlot. Again, not so great for scales,but it did wonders for my spirits --- perhaps it was the spirits LOL.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I lurked last night, but didn't post. Had a Hellish day at the office and really didn't want to spread my "good cheer".

    Got up early this morning and got to work on my upholstery project for our itty bitty motor home. Got one cushion done and look pretty terrific! It was a pretty morning and was planning on a walk after lunch...BUT the wind kicked up...I mean it REALLY kicked up.

    I did weigh Friday and lost one of the three pounds I gained from the end of March. Man, it doesn't take much to lose ground (or gain pounds),

    Everyone....keep up the good work...and drink your water!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Congrats to you all for the great losses this week!!

    I weighed in on Thurs, and updated my ticker... not happy, but its what I get for not getting my *kitten* on here more often!! Pretty sure aunt flo is due any day too so not sure how accurate that weigh in actually was.... we'll see this next coming week.

    I made it through making cupcakes yesterday without eating a single one. Had to taste the frosting to make sure it was good, and it was but the sugar gave me a headache.

    Worked it off today on a 90 mile ride with hubby. He leaves for TX tomorrow for the week and Im hitting the grocery store to restock my fridge with healthy snacks and produce. :0)

    See ya tomorrow evening!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I found you guys : )

    I struggle and I mean I really struggle... I just can't seem to find motivation or time... I suck.. Oh well. Today is a new day right??

    Have a great day everyone...

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