T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • Wow, how did I miss this? Thanks for posting!
  • I found you guys : )

    I struggle and I mean I really struggle... I just can't seem to find motivation or time... I suck.. Oh well. Today is a new day right??

    Have a great day everyone...


    Oh my goodness, I've been having the same issue. Motivation one week, then falling off the next. The important thing is to identify that there is an issue, and get back up. Today IS a new day, and remember that you are not alone. <3<3
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I bought some of those shape-up shoes. I took a walk in them yesterday and I could feel the difference in how I walked. I really walk hard on my heels and my heels were really hurting yesterday when I got up. Once I had those shoes on and was walking and realized my heels had stopped hurting. BUt today I am sore all over. Must be from walking different. I can barely move! Going to have to see how I feel after wearing them for 8 hours straight.

    Anita I struggle weekends. I don't usually log cause I go out to eat more on the weekend and have no idea how to log what I've eaten and because I am lazy and I tend to eat a few snacky things that I don't want to record. I just make myself get on track again on Monday. You just have to keep trying. So you want me to poke at you on facebook to try to help???

    Vial: nice to see you post. You are so right about identifying what is making you lose your motivation. Maybe each day you can set a goal...and a reward for that day if you get through it. Then after a few days of "making it:" set your goal out further...go for a week then get the reward. Or a month and get a reward..or a certain weight loss for the reward. Keep the carrot out there in front of you to go after.

    Cyndi: nice to see you again. I am glad you are enjoying your bike. I am sure it opened up a new venue for new friends. I need something to do that for me.

    Vicki: The wind can be horrible huh? Yesterday it was sunny so I decided to go for a walk with just a sweater on but the wind started up and I was pretty cold by the time I got back. Just keep working at it. We will get good days to walk. Wish we could walk together.

    Have a good week all!!

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Shelia and Utahsis I didn't forget you two...I just thought I had to leave real quick so I wrapped it up quick. SOrry girls. Sheila it's good to see you back and see how hard you are working out even with all the health issues you have. DOn't over do it but enjoy the time you get to exercise.

    Utahsis I know you are busy at work but we love seeing your posts when you can so keep coming back. Do you have struggles eating and logging when you are away for work so much??

    Have a great week!
  • Anita if you need any motivation or a great big push in the behind :-) just send me a text and I will be glad to help out :-)

  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry i haven't been on or did my weigh in. I've not had a good week. I've been feeling so miserable i've just not been able to pick myself up. I kept popping on to try and see if i could find some motivation but it didn't help.I've been an emptional wreck. I found i was crying over nothing this last week i even cried reading my son a bed time story.

    I've given in to every temptation this week. I just hope when i weigh in on friday i haven't gained too much, i know it will be impossible for me not to have gained after this week. How do you do guys manage to be healthier when your not feeling good? What do you reach for instead of sugar and fat? I'm not feeling 100% but hoping if i keep acting positive and happy then i'll be more positive and happy, worth a try right? I am back logging again.

    Vicki...i'd never even heard of stuff like that for nails. I think we must be deprived over here in the uk, stoke especially as i see all the foods and drinks mentioned on mfp and half of the stuff i haven't even heard of. It' not just processed stuff either, even some vegetables at least i'm assuming they are vegetables.
  • Good morning team .... My yougest had a friend spend the night last night and I can't beleive they let me sleep in!!! I haven't slept in for weeks cuz of taking care of my dad they got up fixed themselves breakfast ... Wow I got up ate a fiber bar and had to drive my dad to the Dr. Now its Lunch time and I haven't ate much need to eat and head to the gym hope everyone has a great Monday

    She.... ila :-)
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    It's Monday! A new week and a good day to start our goals anew! Let's make this the BEST weighloss week THE Team has ever had! Forget last week, it can't be un-done. I'm going to print Cyndi's opening to look at every day.

    Happy Loseing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Good Evening Team... Hope everyone had a great Monday...

    after a busy morning cuz I slept in... I went to the gym... did 25 minutes on the elliptical 10 on the Treadmill and 60 minutes of Hard core water aerobics.. our instructor had us doing 700 crunches in the water plus all of the others stuff :-) she works our butts off!!! woo hoo man I love her working us hard..

    She... ila
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Im there with Vial and Anita. I do really, really well for a couple weeks, then for some reason I get lazy and don't care what I eat. I think I kinda get in this "I deserve it" mode and somehow I end up convincing myself that Its ok. I know its not... its just an excuse.. but for some reason, especially when we go out, I find it really hard to resist the temptations. I don't eat out much when hubby is gone, so maybe thats why. Not sure??

    Im up several pounds, but aunt flo did arrive today. THANK GOD! I never thought Id be so happy to say that.. LOLOL!! But, I am carrying a lot of water weight and my back has been killing me for the past week. Another day or so and that will go away. Ive had a headache since yesterday which is just annoying. Been trying to get all my water in and am pretty close every day. I feel like a friggen water balloon about to pop. :drinker: :bigsmile: LOL

    Sheila..... Awesome that you are back to the gym and thanks for the text yesterday! I miss our text chats.....Keep texting me when you finish a workout and I'll do the same. Its helps my motivation!! :0)

    I'm off to crawl in bed with some motrin and see if I can sleep this headache gone for good.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ohhhh how I miss having a pool!!! :love: Im jealous of your crunches! LOL Good job!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    According to my food diary I've had less than 900 calories today. It feels like I've had more...but I did spend a lot of time hanging around the 'puter waiting for an invite to a "help me" web site. They didn't invite until 3 pm, and then I couldn't connect, so they had to RING me up and talk me through the problem I was having with my recipe program. We got it fixed, so now I can access my recipes again (LOVE LOVE LOVE the program). And sometime in there I got another cushion cover made and ready to stuff. Now all I need to make is the curtain for the front window of the motor home. Found out this morning our first "group" camp out is two weekends from now. We usually camp with our good friend who leaves every May to fish in Alaska, commercially. He usually doesn't get home until October, so before he heads north, we camp with him, his son and family and other various folks. So, there is some urgency getting this sewing done!!!!!

    Sheila, you are one active lady! I hope our town pool has water aerobics this summer, and I would love to trade in my Dreadmill for an elliptical. I think it would be easier on the joints. So....how do you do 700 crunches in water? Sounds grueling!

    Glad to see you here, Cyndi...I see you on FB riding with all your friends! We still haven't cranked up the bikes...too cold and it's been VERY windy. If I won't walk in the wind I'm certainly NOT going to ride in the wind. I've lost my motivation too, but not any more. When tempted I'm going the visualize me as a skinny person. I'm going to have to give up my Friday Costco muffin. As good as they are...they aren't worth the 600+ calories for one meal.

    Vicky, I had to giggle on your home post about lamb being so high in calories and chicken not very tasty. Then on THE thread you mention the different foods you see on MFP that you don't see in the UK. I don't know about the rest of the gals, here, but living in the West, lamb is not a staple meat. Even in the 21st Century Cattle still will reign over sheep (unless you're into using the wool, and we have a plethora of spinners and weavers in our small valley). We have more Buffalo in our meat section than lamb at the grocery store.

    What I did right today...I didn't have a dinner roll!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Hey ladies-
    I had fun putting these together and I wanted to share with a few fabulous people who wouldn't think I was crazy haha
    The goal is 15-20 more lbs. :-D

  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    That's a big difference Shawna, you can really see it in your face. Nice change of hairdo too. I hope your feeling really proud of yourself, you look great :)
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I'm up 2 pounds & blame it on not being able to exercise due to my injury. So do not count me out, but I will not be checking in again until I am out of my walking cast (go to the doctor again on 5/17) & have burned a few calories by getting back to my regular exercise routine.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Shawna!!! Thank you for posting the pics!! You look fantastic!! I think Im gonna go dig around through my photo albums... that may be the push I need right now to get my butt in gear more! While Im not any where close to where I was back in 2008-2009, I do still have goals and a reminder of where I dont want to be again may just do the trick. :drinker:

    The weather here is FANTASTIC!! After my motrin kicked aunt flo's *kitten* this morning, I ran a couple errands then came home and cleaned out the garden shed. It needed it bad and the only time I can ever get a project like that done is when hubby is GONE... LOL so, 2 hours of cleaning and organizing and it looks amazing.

    Vik... love the "what I did right" attitude!! ...my What I did right today was..... I drank ALL of my water and THEN some! :drinker: This is 1/2 the reason it took me 2 hours to clean the shed... LOL I kept having to stop to run to the house to pee! haha!

    My "bad" kitty decided she was going to play wild bird chase into my living room today. She brought in a little sparrow and sat it down by the fireplace, then the dog noticed and bounced off my lap to see what she had. She dropped it and next thing I knew it was running across the carpet and wedged itself behind my entertainment center. I rescued it with a towel and took it outside, but it was so stunned it couldnt fly, so its homed up in a shoebox in the laundry room with a heating pad and some water. Will be taking it outside in the morning to see if it wants to go free. If not, I'll take it to the adubon society so they can check it out.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Great story about your "bad" kitty and the flying feathered friend. We've had more than our fair share of the same adventure. Get a dog in the mix and it's vaudeville! Good for you with your water. It's such a vital mineral, and we can't take it as a supplement. Once your body is used to the hydration....it won't take two hours to clean your shed, unless it's more cluttered than it was this year...Ü

    Dreamer, don't be a "Cast A Way"...sorry, I couldn't help myself. Pleeeeeze hang with us, for nothing else but to let us know how your healing.

    Awesome pix, Shawna. Your hard work shows, and you should be proud...as well as Jeremy (sorry...terrible speller).

    Tomorrow I'm spending alllll day on a first aid class. I figured working in an office of gals all over 40 and most over weight ONE of use should know CPR! With my luck it'll be me who needs it and I'll be telling the others what to do....:sick:

    What I did right today....made myself a beautiful AND tasty fruit and vegetable salad for lunch. Even my Chief eyeballed it and smacked his lips. My previous Chief would roll his eyes and say I ate funny!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Howdy Gals,

    Great story about your "bad" kitty and the flying feathered friend. We've had more than our fair share of the same adventure. Get a dog in the mix and it's vaudeville! Good for you with your water. It's such a vital mineral, and we can't take it as a supplement. Once your body is used to the hydration....it won't take two hours to clean your shed, unless it's more cluttered than it was this year...Ü

    Dreamer, don't be a "Cast A Way"...sorry, I couldn't help myself. Pleeeeeze hang with us, for nothing else but to let us know how your healing.

    Awesome pix, Shawna. Your hard work shows, and you should be proud...as well as Jeremy (sorry...terrible speller).

    Tomorrow I'm spending alllll day on a first aid class. I figured working in an office of gals all over 40 and most over weight ONE of use should know CPR! With my luck it'll be me who needs it and I'll be telling the others what to do....:sick:

    What I did right today....made myself a beautiful AND tasty fruit and vegetable salad for lunch. Even my Chief eyeballed it and smacked his lips. My previous Chief would roll his eyes and say I ate funny!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
    What about Jeremy...? and that is how you spell it ;) You were right. He is sooo handsome isn't he? I couldn't NOT put him in there... he has had such an impact on my life and he truly completes me! :-D

    Ladies. I am sorry I have been soo absent. I am such a bad pal! ;) Keep up all your hard work you guys!!!!!!!!! In the Challeng thread that I am in this week we are doing 7 servings of fruits and veggies and trying 2 new exercises!! Give it a shot! It feels great to focus on something specific and also trying something NEW is always fun!
    Night ladies! Time to enter my food for tomorrow and get it all ready.
    Sounds like a very successful day Vicki!
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Shawna - AWESOME. Thanks so much for posting the pics. It's so nice to see the success that comes from staying the course. It's so wonderful to see you so close to your goal...

    Hawaaiian Dreamer -- I am always amazed about how effective boxing is, especially when you have lower body injuries. It's rigorous enough to get your heart rate up and it gives you great tone on your arms. If you're like me and lots of other gals, that extra arm toning is a great perk -- maybe even hold light weights (1 lb) when you box...

    What I got right today .... passed up the yummy goodies all day. Remember, I told you Extension conferences always seem to be a pit of unhealthy choices. Highlights of today's journey through Temptation Island included muffins at breakfast, a croissant sandwich and french fries at lunch, cheese cake with topping, and tea and cookies at break... Somehow managed to avoid it all AND got in 45 minutes last night and tonight on the elliptical :) Drinking lots of water.

    Be good to yourself!
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