T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • Cyndi, Glad to see you came back and posted!!! Glad to hear your working on your meals and getting your walk in... I am sure you feel great after :drinker:

    Now to get Debbie & Anita back her to post and log!!! Where oh Where is Debbie & Anita??

    well anyway I am up moving about headed over my mom & dads I have to change his bandages on his leg and my mom is going to measure me for my new bathing suite she is making me :love: I need one that is 100 % chlorine resistance!!! for my water aerobics so she is making me one :happy: then I am gonna head to the gym and try to up my elliptical today and get some of my Crunches on the floor in... I had an awesome work out yesterday I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and 90 minutes in the water and I ate a ton of food but the computer said i didn't eat enough and I was starving my body :cry: but I didn't think so cuz I ate a lot.....

    well today is another day so here it goes... check back later

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Shelia... you rocksaur! And your mom... and her sewing... I need a mom like that! LOL Awesome that you have your own personal seamstress!

    I walked 4 miles yesterday at a good brisk pace. Today I was feeling it in my ankles but my friend stopped in after dropping her mom at bible study and we went for another 3.5 miles today. I didn't realize how much I miss having a walking buddy to talk to and I think thats why Ive had so many issues with getting motivated, but she says she's game to walk anytime and we are gonna look into the pool and see what their adult swim times and costs will be. I really miss my gym and the pool, but I know with summer just around the corner It would be silly for me to sign back up. There are other options out there without having to join the gym, I just need to seek them out and kick my own *kitten*.. :love:

    The long walks the past couple days are changing my sleeping for the better! Weather is crummy here so no riding for me until the weekend. Saturday its supposed to be in the 60's and dry and Sunday is supposed to be in the 70's so lots of time for that this weekend!!

    Off to put some laundry away then hit the grocery store for more produce and plan dinner for tonight and hopefully for the weekend.I didnt get to doing that yesterday but Im motivated to do it right now, so gotta get it done!

    Also... new thread coming up tomorrow evening after weigh in.. so keep an eye out for that :0)

    Hope ya'll are having a happy Thursday!!:drinker:
  • Good Early Evening Team...

    Well went to the gym and I did it I up'd my Elliptical to 60 minutes woo hoo that **** was hard but I did it lol.... Hubby called and asked since its cold do I want him to make Homemade Chicken soup!!! hell ya I said so I went to the grocery store and got all the veggies for his soup and I got stuff to make me an awesome salad

    I chopped some walnuts, strawberries, lettuce, cucumber, shredded Cheese, croutons with a extra virgin olive oil vinaigrette Raspberry Merlot... it was so delicious

    Hope everyone has a great evening and I will check back in tomorrow for the new thread...

    Cyndi... Glad you found a walking buddy I know how much you miss your friend.. Keep it up... Lets find the rest of the team and get that slipper out LMAO!!!
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Good Job Sheila on getting your elliptical time up! I love the elliptical. It's my favorite machine.
  • Love this!

    Especially "Assess Obstacles" - When I've tried losing weight before I would swear to go to the gym every day even though I knew with picking up my daughter and a long commute, that would nenver happen. I know what will keep me from the gym, and now I need to figure out what I'm going to do about it!
  • Love this!

    Especially "Assess Obstacles" - When I've tried losing weight before I would swear to go to the gym every day even though I knew with picking up my daughter and a long commute, that would nenver happen. I know what will keep me from the gym, and now I need to figure out what I'm going to do about it!

    Never give up!!! ya know the funny thing is I have the elliptical, treadmill, stationary Bike, and a rowing machine all in my basement but I am not a strong enough person to go down stairs and stay on them!!! lol if I make myself go out to the gym I make I get my moneys worth lol I guess that is a bit weird... well just try and make little goals and do if for you!!! cuz you deserve your time... good luck with the Obstacles hope you can work past them...

    Carru1 - Thanks... I love the elliptical as well I use to be able to do 60 minutes on there a few years ago... i just got back to the gym a few weeks ago and started at 25 minutes... then the other day I did 45 minutes so today I was like 60 here I come lol.. I do 3 different programs on there I do one for 20 minutes then another 20 minutes and then I do the last one for 20...

    Hubby's Chicken soup is smelling so good can't wait to eat it!!! LMAO
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Ok Sheila I am here! I fell off the wagon. I haven't logged my food in a week. Easter kicked my butt food wise. Too much food and too many goodies around. I also forgot to take my meds for almost a week and sent me into a week of pain. My water pill was included in those meds so I gained several pounds. I took my water pill the last 2 days and peed off 3 lbs of what I've gained. I kept my walks up though. I suck logging on weekends but I will try to start logging again this weekend. If I don't make it I will start fresh Monday. I will go grocery shopping for good food this weekend.

    Keep bugging me Sheila. I need the help right now. Hugs! You're doing great on your exercising!!

  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Sheila - you're an awesome cheerleader for the group. I want to go to bed and take a nap just reading about how hard you run to help your dad, cook, work out, etc. Definitely reminds me I have absolutely no excuses! Anyway, thanks for the posts and your great example.

    I've ate well all week, but haven't really exercised much. However, my fly fishing teacher told me that it's a really big calorie burner -- I'll need to check that out. I know I was exhausted when I climber out of the river... I think sometimes we forget about the exercise we do that's not done at the gym. Perhaps thats the case because I did lose several pounds this week.

    Hope everyone's doing well.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Well, I decided to eat my words (yum) & continue to check in as my foot heals.
    I'm continuing to ride the roller coaster of weight loss/gain. I was down to 250 on the 27th & am up to 252 as of today. So the ride continues.
    I keep on reminding myself of the following statement:
    You won't fail if you're not perfect, you'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day.
    I know this plateau is just a temporary setback & even if I face surgery (seeing the doctor on the 17th) I will not let it stop me. I am not going to give up because I know that I can do this, even if I have to work twice as hard when I am healed to make up for the time I lost due to this injury.
  • Good Afternoon Team...

    Boy was it hard as heck to get my A.. out of bed this morning and head to the gym!!! but I kept telling myself if I don't i will be mad later if I just go and do water aerobics from 9 to 10 just do that!! well I must say I am soo Glad I got my Butt out of bed and went... Then I went Grocery Shopping and got stuff for salad for a few days I have been putting Fresh Strawberries, Grapes, shredded Cheese, Fresh Mushroom, diced Red, yellow, orange Peppers, walnuts, onion... it is just so yummy and I found this Bolthouse dressing extra virgin olive oil Raspberry Merlot I have been either eating that at lunch or dinner....

    Cyndi - where oh where are you again!!! post post post!!!

    Deb - No worries about Easter its all in the past now lets look forward to the future...love ya Post Post Post it helps

    utahsis - Thanks ...I must say that sometimes it is hard as heck to get moving but I just say non of my sisters will take care of my dad's leg so I have to!!! and for the rest of it Hubby does help me a lot with my cooking I don't have to do it all the time thank God lol... and Going to the gym I say that is my time you would just laugh how many missed calls and text messages I get wile I am in the gym lol but I really tell myself that its for me... I deserve it... wow Fly fishing that has to be really cool.. I have never done or seen that before... Take Care Have Fun and just push yourself to what you want...

  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Hmmmmmm. I couldn't find the calorie burn calculator for shopping in heels and fighting the crowds -- surely it's got to be LOTS of calories :)
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Took a 7 mile walk today. I did well the 3.5 miles out to the end of the trail then about a half mile back my ankle gave out and my foot twisted to the side and made a horrible popping sound. I thought for sure I broke it. I fell off my shapeup shoe just like my son was afraid I would do. It hurt so bad the worst words came streaming from my mouth. I had to walk the last 3 miles back limping and praying. I was on a bike trail that a motor vehicle couldn't go down so I had to walk to get back. It is swollen and hurts like hell but I made it. I walked for 2 hours today. I was happy about that. Just hope I can sleep tonight and walk tomorrow. I am sure I burn extra calories limping Utahsis LOL Thank goodness I didn't do it in heels LOL
  • Good Evening Team...

    Deb so sry you hurt your ankle.. Hope it heals fast and nothing is seriously wrong with it...

    Today was a really Long day my youngest daughter had her Competition in Figure skating and we had to leave my house at 7:30am and she skated and 9:40 she took 1st place in her flight.. then they take all the skaters who took 1st place do this parade of Champions which all 22 skaters do their skate program again and then they give out the top 4 spot awards so out of the top 22 my youngest took 4th place ... I am so proud of her..

    I didnt eat enough today :-( but it is way to late to eat so I am just going to drink water and head to bed :-(

    I will check back in tomorrow

    She.... ila
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ouchers Deb!!! Did you get it looked at yet?? Saw your pic on FB... poor girl!

    Thanks Sheila for texting me and calling me yesterday, even tho I was out of pocket and not able to answer you back! I went on a very long (the longest ive ever been on) 187 mile motorcycle ride with my coyote friends yesterday. Started with breakfast at Shari's..... eggs benedict with 1/2 the sauce and fruit instead of hashbrowns. Loaded up on water real good in the AM, so much so that by the time we were riding for an hour I thought my bladder was gonna burst. The group we rode with had 11 riders and they pulled off the road at a turn out and was like "theres a bush!" LOL I was like "ummm no!! I need a POTTY and TOILET PAPER!!" so I raced back down the hill to some little indian fishing villiage to go pee and lemme just say... it would have been a better choice to squat and pee in front of all them biker guys! hahahah!! That bathroom was DISGUSTING and I still ended up squatting and hurrying just so I could get out and breath again!

    Anyway.. ride was fun... Lunch was not that great. I had a chicken burger, but it really wasnt all that great tasting. Nothing I would order again. I did manage to suck in more water for the trip back and we stopped to get coffee on the way home and everyone ordered dessert. Then, once we were back to town at 6pm, I had a wine and tapas (spanish appetizer) party to attend at a friends house. Made 2 glasses of red wine and some of the appetizers my dinner.

    Today, I rode another 86 miles on a ride I wasnt planning on going on, but got dragged anyway. Had a blast with 50 Harley Davidson riders and saw some new territory in oregon that I never new existed! I had a dave's killer bread PB&J for breakfast, LOTS OF WATER AGAIN, and Grilled Salmon with Herb Pollenta and Sauteed spinach for lunch. Very high class Inn that we stopped at... which was funny since we were all geared up for riding.

    Got home about 4pm and am totally spent. My back hurts a little and my arms, abs and thighs are tight from dancing with my 500lb girlfriend!! I weighed in this morning and It said I have gained 4lbs since Thursday??? Hubby said Im am probably gaining a ton of muscle right now, but good god!! Here's to hoping thats what it is and that this next weeks weigh in will be better. I haven't eaten 4lbs worth of bad stuff to gain it, so Im hoping its added muscle and water weight. I have been a very good girl about the water!! :0)

    New Thread tomorrow, Im exhausted and heading to bed. :0)
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I am getting around on my ankle better today and it isn't as blue. It's still red around the ankle bone though. I will see how I do at work today and then make a decision about going to the doctor. I rested most of yesterday so I think it will be ok.

    I managed to lose all but 1 lb that I gained around Easter. Most of it was water weight. I had forgotten my meds for almost a week and my water pill is part of my meds. I had shot up 10lbs. I was so pissed. But I am ok with 1lb LOL. I hope to find a loss for this Friday's weigh in. I seem to only post weight loss once a month. I think i if lose 5lbs I can wear the size 16 jeans I got on clearance for $8 last weekend. I can zip and button them but they are tight. NOt sure I could sit in them but I bet 5lbs will let me sit LOL.

    I am glad you are enjoying your motorcycle Cyndi. Wish I could find a hobby. I really do enjoy my walks though so maybe they will become my hobby. I walk 2 miles a day on week days and then try for 2-4 miles on the weekend. I had walked 6-7 miles Saturday when I hurt my ankle. I had to walk/limp back the last 3 miles on my hurt foot. As soon as I realized it wasn't broken I immediately tightened my shoe string on my shoes to keep it from swelling then prayed to make it back t the car.

    Congrats to Cassie on her skating Sheila. I am sure you are one proud momma!!

    Where are the rest of our friends???? I saw that my friend Marcy was on a cruise. I can't wait to hear about that. Shawnalee is gonna get a tap on he shoulder from me to get back here.

    Well I need to get moving to get ready for work. Hang in there and good luck this week!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Hey guys!!! Don't worry haven't vanished and I have been following along with you guys now and then. :-D

    So it is starting to really settle in that I am not so "fat" anymore. I was in desperate need of some new shelf tank tops... went to GAP and got then all for under six bucks a piece and a cute tshirt too- ALL MEDIUMS!
    THEN we were at REI (which we love!) looking at Kayaks and my honey is really good about letting me "look" at clothes whether I need them or not lol SO I found 2 adorable sport dresses by Merrell. I grabbed a L and a M in both. The Mediums fit perfectly! They also have a shelf top in them sooooo in actuality during the summer i could get away with wearing it without a bra! insane! Absolutely madness! Never did I think... me+dress... and Mediums in more than one thing. Anyhow, goal still seems so far off as the scale continues to take its sweet time ;) Still truckin along!

    I hope you guys are all doing really well and it sounds like you are all STICKING TO IT!!!!!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Love the photos! My gosh...quite the tongue, huh?

    BTW....is that a tattoo you have? I'm SO jealous!!!!!!

  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Love the photos! My gosh...quite the tongue, huh?

    BTW....is that a tattoo you have? I'm SO jealous!!!!!!

    He he yes, quite the tongue. :) she has a crooked jaw...so funny!
    Yes a tattoo. I have 3, that one is ABC. :)
    Why.jealous of the tattoo? I want another!.;)
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm back (Again, lol) I forgot to post that i was going on a 7 day cruise. It went well. I'm not gonna lie i went crazy with the eating. i ate like a starved child. I was SO rebellious! But, it bit me back, by wednesday i had eaten so much food that i couldn't eat much afterwards, its like my stomach shrank out of nowhere. it didnt want food! It was so bad that i didnt even want the hubby to even mention food to me thats how i felt from the over indulgence. I still ate, but not like a starving child... more like a person who just had there wisdom teeth pulled lol.

    anyway, i gained 3lbs, i figure not too bad considering how much desserts i ate and all the bread and what not and i didnt exercise at all.

    I already started to detox today :)
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