T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • Howdy Gals!

    According to my food diary I've had less than 900 calories today. It feels like I've had more...but I did spend a lot of time hanging around the 'puter waiting for an invite to a "help me" web site. They didn't invite until 3 pm, and then I couldn't connect, so they had to RING me up and talk me through the problem I was having with my recipe program. We got it fixed, so now I can access my recipes again (LOVE LOVE LOVE the program). And sometime in there I got another cushion cover made and ready to stuff. Now all I need to make is the curtain for the front window of the motor home. Found out this morning our first "group" camp out is two weekends from now. We usually camp with our good friend who leaves every May to fish in Alaska, commercially. He usually doesn't get home until October, so before he heads north, we camp with him, his son and family and other various folks. So, there is some urgency getting this sewing done!!!!!

    Sheila, you are one active lady! I hope our town pool has water aerobics this summer, and I would love to trade in my Dreadmill for an elliptical. I think it would be easier on the joints. So....how do you do 700 crunches in water? Sounds grueling!

    Glad to see you here, Cyndi...I see you on FB riding with all your friends! We still haven't cranked up the bikes...too cold and it's been VERY windy. If I won't walk in the wind I'm certainly NOT going to ride in the wind. I've lost my motivation too, but not any more. When tempted I'm going the visualize me as a skinny person. I'm going to have to give up my Friday Costco muffin. As good as they are...they aren't worth the 600+ calories for one meal.

    Vicky, I had to giggle on your home post about lamb being so high in calories and chicken not very tasty. Then on THE thread you mention the different foods you see on MFP that you don't see in the UK. I don't know about the rest of the gals, here, but living in the West, lamb is not a staple meat. Even in the 21st Century Cattle still will reign over sheep (unless you're into using the wool, and we have a plethora of spinners and weavers in our small valley). We have more Buffalo in our meat section than lamb at the grocery store.

    What I did right today...I didn't have a dinner roll!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*

    Vicki: for one hour of water aerobics our instructor kicks our butts big time... I don't I prob burn more calories then what MFP says but I will just go with it lol... She is the best instructor she pushes us hard... we do a ton of stuff and still manage to get all those crunches in when you stand in the water you need to be about chest high in the water and you lift your legs up to your chest and crunch :-) she even works your arms like no other when your done you thing your arms are gonna fall off LOL ... Good Friday there is no class but she is adding two classes on Thursday evening so I much just do both :-) cuz I can't do Friday :-(

    Today I have to take my dad to the Dr. then Take my oldest daughter to work then I will be heading to the gym after that and I will Tan for 8 minutes and then elliptical and water aerobics here I come LOL...

    Last night was family euchre night so I didn't get in a huge workout but I behaved :-) I am gonna catch up on all the post when I get back from the gym...

    Have a great day Team and Keep up all the great work
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    On vacation this week so I'm working with some new challenges - especially remembering to drink all my water. It's tough being around food all day too but that's going ok. Under calories but over on sodium a few times.

    What I did right today (I like this idea) - - today when I served tuna sandwiches to our girls I was so tempted - then I read the nutrition info and put them right away! I could have eaten 3 sandwiches for those calories and fat!

    Gotta run and pack - off the NH for a few day of R&R.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    R&R...I can't wait until I can get some R&R, and NH sounds like a beautiful place to go! But I can't complain, living in the Cascade Mts. Enjoy ReNae!

    I betcha, Shelia you ARE burning the calories MFP sez you are with your water aerobics. Maybe not during that hour, but likely throughout the day.

    Sis, MOST conferences I've been to are a pit to healthy eating. I'm so proud of you avoiding those pit...falls. OMG all that food you avoided sounded absolutely delish! I think you're stronger than me...I know I would have caved to at least one of those naughty choices.

    Shawna, my best friend in the world..."Spell Check" fixed MY rendition of Jeremy! You are very lucky to have such a supportive partner. My DH, although I don't give him the gory details (like numbers on the scale) is always great with the compliments like...."Your jeans are getting baggy!" At my age, "sexy butt" is not a priority...Ü Nice, but not #1 with me. You keep on concentrating on your goal! I may check in on your other challenge........

    Deb, I wish we could walk together too! Oh the stories we'd tell...:wink:

    I had my very first official adult first aid class today...on the Town's tab. WOW, lots have changed since my 7th grade PE first aid class (probably before most of you were born!!!!). I even got trained on a mine defibrillator! I think I need to get out more....:laugh: It's an all day course I've wanted to take since I was hired at the PD two years ago, and I finally feel like I could be, at the very least, a help during an emergency.

    What I did right today...I walked from home to the class (about a mile) and after the class walked to Town Hall, just a tad over a mile. I'm thinkin' my legs are going to hurt tomorrow!!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Good Morning Team....

    well I am up moving making me breakfast then taking my Dad to the Dr. then lunch.. then it is off to the gym... I am gonna weigh my self today when I take my Dad... I am doing the 2 hours of water aerobics and 25 minutes on the elliptical... I am really enjoying the me time. :-) my body is aching a little but I need to push past all of this and keep going... I am not stopping for nothing!!! lol

    I have my goal to me !!!! I am hoping by Sept I will lose 50 pounds that is 10 pounds a month do you think that is a good goal??

    well I am off I will check back this evening

  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Back from my conference and glad to be home. Met talented, hard working folks from all over the country. Our keynote speaker was from Australia and really good and the workshops were all excellent. The conference definitely recharged my batteries and taught me some new skills. I gave a presentation that went really well -- so apparently the anxious, sleepless night before was completely unnecessary...

    The conference hotel was really nice with a well equipped work out room. Not great weather, but hey spring HAS to arrive sometime right? I'll weigh in tomorrow morning -- hopefully I managed to lose a little but even if I don't, I'll be happy just not gaining, which is waht I would normally do at conferences.

    I'm back for a week and then I'll be gone for a week of vacation for my sister's graduation. Okay, I can tell you up front, I AM have blueberry scones and I AM having SIDESTREET PIZZA. I will try not to eat my way across the country, but some things a girl just can't pass up. It might literally be years before I will have the opportunity again.

    Night all.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Slept in this morning and didn't get my lunch made, but did an okay choice from our local bakery. Other than that all was cool!

    Shelia, I am working for 1 pound a week, and will be VERY happy with that...and that would include what meger exercising I might do. In my opinion, ten pounds a month might be do-able the first month or two, but I'd be careful to expect that rate for a full 5 months. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I've done this enough to know to expect more than what your body will allow
    will set you up for disappointment and a possible feeling of failure. Keep up with what you're doing! If you don't meet the pounds loss, with your exercise schedule you WILL be the SIZE you want to be by September. To me, that is the correct measurement of success.

    What I did right today...washed my face and took my vitamins before bed. Sometimes it's in the details that makes a good day!

    Happy losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Good Morning Team ..... I am up and moving again today took my dad to get his blood work now to foot Dr. Then to pay bills then the gym this afternoon :-) I am cooking Easter dinner on Sunday so I won't be able to get to the gym but I will make up for it on Monday :-) hope everyone has a great Friday

  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I want so bad to get on my eliptical & start working out again, but my ankle won't allow me to. :grumble:
    I have been staying under my calorie limits & sweating like crazy hobbling around cleaning the house, but since the first time I put this walking cast on on 3/31 I have gained 6 pounds.:cry:
    If I have 6+ weeks ahead of me being disabled, I'll be seriously afraid to step on the scale when my ankle is healed.
  • Good Evening Team... I don't see anyone weighing in today ???

    SW 314/ GW 150 / CW 310 = 4 pound loss for me this week :love:

    I had another great workout 2 hours water aerobics I up'd the elliptical to 35 minutes :noway: lol I even did up'd my floor crunches to 3 sets of 10 :noway: when I first started those floor crunches I only could do 5 lol so with in two weeks I have up'd my game...

    well hope everyone has a happy Easter
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!!!

    A very productive day at the office today! No Chief, no Officers! Don't know why I got so much done...:laugh: Slept in again, so didn't make breakfast, but packed pretty good munchies for the rest of the day. Man o man those Costco muffins pack the Calories don't they? But for now, a once a week muffin works okay for me. I know eventually I'll have to give them up entirely...:sad:

    So, my check-in story is: I was at 221½ mid March. THEN DH's birthday, mine, and my best friends (for which I didn't over do a- tall!) and got up to 225. I've been three weeks and got back down to 222 this morning! I'm very happy with that...and learned a good lesson. Trying to lose 90 pounds is a daunting task. Taking it one pound at a time makes it less intimidating. GAINING 3½ pounds took an extra three weeks to attain my goal BUT it was ONLY three weeks! When I get to goal, and gain three pounds it will be just three weeks to lose it! THAT is an attainable goal...for life.

    Holy Cow, Shelia, great job! Four pounds this week...that's fantastic! I hope your Dad's blood work up turns out okay.

    Dreamer...try changing your activity level on MFP and see if they lower your calorie level. Don't get discouraged...we're here for you.

    Cyndi...it was finally warm enough here for DH to climb up on the Harley and go for a ride! I hope to get a spin tomorrow, as I hear it's going to get cold again by Sunday. I still have some upholstery work to get done this weekend too.

    What I did right today. Although I caved to the Costco muffin I didn't grab a high simple carb/low protein lunch AND avoided the Oreo/Chip Ahoy cookies I usually have on Fridays. :drinker:

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    What an AWESOME opening! Reading through all your posts is really inspiring. It's so nice to know I'm not alone! I love that you've started naming one thing you did right for the day. My day hasn't really begun yet, but I have high hopes that I will fit in a dvd workout and get some veges today. I'm SOOOO terrible at getting my fruit and vege servings. It's not about taste usually, its just a corndog is so much more satisfying than a sticky orange. I figure if I start with a goal of at least one fruit serving and one vege serving every single day then maybe I can work my way up to recommended amounts. Baby steps right? Thanks for the motivation.

    Happy Losing to All!!
  • Good Afternoon Team....

    The first thing I did right was get my A.. out of bed and get to the gym :laugh: I changed it up a bit I did the water aerobics first 60 minutes and then I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and I feel great... I am gonna go to the grocery store later to get the stuff for dinner tomorrow :noway: nothing like waiting til the last minute :wink: Then a friend of mine needs so help with taking her daughter to skating and hanging out with her this week while she is off school... so I am gonna help her out so my schedule is going to be quite TIGHT!!! 7:30 to 5:00 I will be hanging out with my friends daughter cooking playing ect ect then I have to go to the gym and work out then home so this is going to be a busy week :noway:

    Hope everyone has a Great Easter... I am cooking trying to behave!!! lol

    Thanks Vicki.... I didn't think it would so good but I will take it :-).... my dad had an infection in his leg and a blood clot and then ended up with Cellulites on his leg from his Knee down to his Ankle so I have been taking care of him running him to the dr appointments foot dr , wound dr, primary dr, heart dr, eye dr... then wrapping his leg 2x a day :-) morning and night!!! things are starting to slow down now thank God...

    take care team...

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Whew, busy day though I haven't logged my foods I'm pretty certain I'm weigh under calories...again.

    Hi Sarah...hope we see more of you.

    Wow, Sheila, care-giving your Dad...a time in my life I'm not looking forward to, but everyone who has says it was the most rewarding experience they ever had. I'm glad to hear he's getting better.

    What I did right today...NOT walk the three blocks to our Mini Mart to get an ice cream drumstick (Jumbo Size)! Early dinner and I thought it would be a good way to "fill up the evening". Caught up on emails instead.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday! Monday Reality Check-in for me! Back from vacation which included at least 5 parties, traveling, eating out and Easter. The odds were not in my favor. I did get back on the treadmill this morning. It had been 4 days and I really needed it. My goal is to shed my 2 vacation lbs by Friday and shoot for at least 1 more lb by my official weigh in on Monday. Loving my new WW digital scales so far! The weather is looking like a walk may be possible outside today!

    Make it a great day today! - Drink your water x 2
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Vicki, you are soooo super entertaining! :-D I am sorry I haven't posted much lately. I did update my blog this week and am sticking to my workouts-or most of them ;)
    I hope you guys are all doing well!!!!!!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Shawna...my favorite workout tonight is watching Dancing With the Stars. Usually something I would avoid, but this season is pretty fun! YOU keep up with yours!!!! You are doing awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lazy day...traveled to Omak with DH for an Echocardiogram (whatever that is) but he certainly enjoyed the attentions of the young 30 something year old rad tech. I could be jealous, but the sweet little gal went to school with our niece and we heard more stories that needed...Ü

    The whole day was an eating vacation...the only thing I did right was...my breakfast!!!

    Tomorrow should be better...but I'm not prepared...ugh!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155

    Do I hear an echo?

    I had a sad day.

    Happy Losing...
  • Good Morning Team...

    Vickie hope everything is okay... I haven't been able to get on her that much in the past few days... with babysitting, taking dad to the Dr, me to the Dr, and working out I have only been able to log my food and exercise ugh... How did the Echo cardiogram go was that for you??

    Deb where or where are you hiding???

    Cyndi I seen your pic you posted of your ride yesterday... looks like a ton of fun :love: hope to see ya on here soon...

    I did weigh my self at the Dr yesterday and lost another 2 pounds :-) down to 307 .... 8 more pounds and i will be under 300 :drinker: I am soo looking forward to that day!!! then I will set my goals in 25lbs increments

    Heading to the gym this morning to check out the zumba classes... then back there this afternoon to 2 hours of water aerobics and the elliptical :-) I got myself up to 45 minutes on the elliptical :-) my goal is to get back up to my 60 minutes on the elliptical again that is what I was doing before I fell off... I might even tan for 12 minutes :flowerforyou:

    Take care team Hope everyone comes back soon

  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hi all :)

    Thought i'd check in as i've been a bit absent a while. Easter proved tougher than i expected but hey-ho it's over now. The kids have had an awful amount of holidays this month. Works out they are only doing 8 days this entire month at school. I am fed up of being a referee i'll be glad when it's next month they can be at school like normal and i can be mum again. They fight so much less when they are at school during the day, or at least i'm not the one to referee it *rofl*

    I'm joining a Zumba class on Friday. Yay i'm very excited.

    It's my son's 6th birthday on sunday so i'm going to try hard and only have a small peice of cake. He's not having party so at least i don't have to make a load of goodies. He's having a friend over and unlimited xbox time will be his treat, aprt from his presents. I reckon he and his friend will be on lego starwars III most of the time.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    Thanks for the push to come post.... I weighed in this morning because didnt over the weekend and AF is finally gone along with most of the water weight. Scale says Im currently sitting at 225.1, which is better than it was, but still now where I want to be. Today Im working on meals for next week and gonna go for a nice long walk.

    I've been super busy since Last Thursday. Friday hubby came home, Saturday we went for a 90 mile ride, then drove a while to go look at another bike for hubby. Sunday we had breakfast with a group of friends and dinner with the "fockers" for easter. Monday and Tuesday I worked on Laundry Mountain and cleaning the rest of the house, then we rode a 80 mile round trip with a friend to bike night for coffee. My abs hurt from all the riding but its a great feeling!!! Cant wait to do measurements here in another week. If my textile pants get any bigger Im gonna have to have them altered.. LOL
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