T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread

LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support

Welcome Team!!

This is the new team thread as of 5/6/2011! If you didn't already weigh in today, please feel free to add your stats below....

Here are the results so far.... (just quote the bottom text and add your results to the end if you want)

HawaiianDreamer: Up 1lb
Crazybee: lost 2.5lbs
StrawberryIsland: Lost 2lbs
BlueEyedImplet: Lost 3.2lbs
Losingit4Good: Up 2.4lbs

Lets share our "good things" this week.

Right now, My plan is to try 2 new classes this week in addition to my walking. I need to incorporate some new stuff and decided this next week I would give Tai Chi a try! Have never done it but I think it will be good for me! I also plan to attend a new water aerobics and water yoga class offered at the local community center and I plan to fit in 15 miles of walking through the week, which is 3 miles a day!! Woohoo!!!!

Why not check your local area and see what you can find that interests you?? Try something new and let us know what you think! Will you go back, was it too much?? Share your exercise activity experiences!

NEWBIES welcome to join us!! If you came across this thread and are looking for a team of motivating ladies to join, come introduce yourself then come check in regularly through the week to let us know how you're doing. We weigh in every friday!


  • Great Job Cyndi on the new thread :-)

    My daughter and I did try the zumba class... My daughter loved it and would do it again but as far as me I am thought it was okay but it was to much jumping around for me and my knees so I wont be going back until after I lose some of my weight and it wont be so hard on my knees...

    I did go for a walk with my sister in the local park by the water which was nice, I went the second day and got blisters on the bottom of my feet ugh... I think I am gonna stick to my elliptical and water aerobics lol seems to be working for me lol down another 2 pounds :-)

    Have a GREAT NIGHT team and Happy Mothers Day to everyone... Hope you all have a great weekend
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    Great Job Cyndi on the new thread :-)

    My daughter and I did try the zumba class... My daughter loved it and would do it again but as far as me I am thought it was okay but it was to much jumping around for me and my knees so I wont be going back until after I lose some of my weight and it wont be so hard on my knees...

    i love zumba! i hardly do the boucing myself becuase it gets me too winded. lol. but, its soooo much fun! i thought about purchasing the DVD, since my gym mbrship expired.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I want do try Zumba but don't want to do it in front of other people. So I may have to buy a begginers DVD and try it at home alone.

    Thanks for the new thread. It's 1:30am and I am headed to bed just wanted to mark my spot on here LOL.

  • Good Morning Team.... well it is a Beautiful sun shining day here.... I got a phone call this morning at 5:45 am telling me my Nieces water broke and they was headed to the hospital... I got up went to the gym and did my water aerobics and I am gonna head to the hospital after Hubby goes to work... I can't wait to meet my Great Niece...

    Hope everyone has a Great Mothers Day :heart:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I finally posted a new picture. Can you tell the difference in weight from my beginning picture/?? There is a 50lbs difference in pictures. I can't wait to be able to put up another picture after I have lost the other 47 lbs!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Morning Team.... well it is a Beautiful sun shining day here.... I got a phone call this morning at 5:45 am telling me my Nieces water broke and they was headed to the hospital... I got up went to the gym and did my water aerobics and I am gonna head to the hospital after Hubby goes to work... I can't wait to meet my Great Niece...

    Hope everyone has a Great Mothers Day :heart:

    HOW EXCITING!!!! I wanna see pictures of the beebee!! Awwwwww!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I finally posted a new picture. Can you tell the difference in weight from my beginning picture/?? There is a 50lbs difference in pictures. I can't wait to be able to put up another picture after I have lost the other 47 lbs!!

    You Look GREAT Deb!! I can really tell, especially around your waistline!!! Great job!!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Had some drama this morning at our house, its been building all week long, but this morning we finally had to sit down and "explain" some stuff to our oldest child. Anyway, its been a stressful week and Im sure its not over yet, but Im trying not to let it breed more hard feelings and negativity. I really don't want another migraine like I had earlier in the week.

    Hubby leaving tomorrow for Vegas for 4 days on business. I really wish I could just escape and go with him, but too much going on here for that to happen. Another 3-4 weeks and our exchange student goes back to Taiwan. Im gonna miss her to pieces!

    Meal planning, laundry and packing hubby for his trip are keeping me busy. Weather is chilly and wet today, so not really in the mood to go riding.

    As for Zumba.... find a class and try it! I was nervous about going and felt self concious at my first class too. I have 2 left feet! BUT.. i got a couple friends to go do a free class with me and we had so much fun laughin at eachother, it just didnt matter! Plus I kinda saw it this way... "if i make a fool out of myself, oh well... There are always other zumba studio's around!" hahahaha! Its an awesome workout and I guarantee you wont make an fool if you don't know what every step is. I have a friend that has lost of 124lbs doing zumba and still has a lot of weigh left, but he goes EVERY DAY and is now a certified instructor. You burn a ton of calories, sweat your *kitten* off and have a blast in the process. Another friend that is local is doing Aqua Zumba at 24 hour fitness. Not sure if its at all of them, but she lost 10lbs in 8 days going every night to that class. I'd love to go, but just cant stand the smell of the rubber mats in that gym, so thats why Im gonna try the community center this week. They have lots of aqua classes there and its not to far from my house.
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone! I've heard lots of good things about Zumba both on here and from IRL friends. I want to try the wii game and see what it's like. I've been really bad about exercise and eating right lately, but now that the quarter is winding down and I'm about to graduate I'm feeling super motivated. I'm shooting for ten pounds off by the 3rd. So, SW 198 GW 188. I know just those ten little pounds will make me feel so much better. Now to do it.

    Happy Losing everyone and hope you're having a splendid weekend.

  • Good Evening Team...

    Well My Niece has been in Labor all day and no baby yet she is not wanting to come out lmao... well maybe she is waiting til midnight lol to be officially Mothers Day!!! I will post Pic's as soon as she enters the world :-)

    Cyndi, sounds Great about your friends losing so much weight.. I wouldn't mind doing the zumba in the water that should be fun...
    I hope everything gets better around your house.. if you need to chat just give me a shout :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great Mothers Day..
  • Good Morning Team...

    Happy Mothers Day... Hope everyone has a blessed Day... My Niece is still in Labor it has been 24 hours now they are starting to induce as of 5:45 this morning... so hopefully sometime today... hopefully the Dr. don't wait to long...
  • Good Evening Team...

    well today was a pretty okay day My Niece gave birth finally to a beautiful baby girl.... I went and ate Lunch with my mom, dad, sister, and my two daughters... we went to my hubbys work!!! and requested to sit in his section and then his boss came over and took the bill and said she was taking care of it :drinker: I was shocked !!!

    again Happy Mothers Day
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone. Congratulations Sheila on a new baby Grandniece! I got up and did my workout today for the first time in what seems like FOREVER. I think I planned out a pretty healthy menu for next week I've just got to get to the grocery store. Today was left over day which means bad breaded fish sticks, but I'm optimistic and hope that tomorrow will be full of yummy good for me stuff. I'm craving apples so hopefully those will make it into the cart too.
  • yvonnerab
    yvonnerab Posts: 21
    :smile: OK Ladies - I think you're what I need to help keep my on track towards my next goal of 25 pounds by the end of July!
    I've been logging in o n MFP every day since Jan 3rd - over 125 days in a row - I love seeing the updates of how many days I've posted - makes me realize I have now created a long-term habit of logging my food consumption! Now I need to add more pysical activity to my days...

    My stats so far are:
    MAX Weight: 245
    MFP Start Weight: 226
    Current Weight: 199.8 (broke through the "ONE-derland" barrier today! YES!)
    Next Goal Weight: 175 by August 1st
    Final Goal Weight: 150 by my next birthday (December 23)

    I have purchased Zumba for the Wii, but find it really 'chopy' visuals so may get a DVD instead - I used to dance twice a week in my 20's, so looking forward to dancing off the pounds with Zumba :)

    Also comitted to getting in 40 minutes of activity 6 days a week - now that the snow has finally gone I have been keeping to this for the last 2 weeks...the sun has revitalized my energy cells and I really am starting to feel like I want to get up and move all the time now...love Mother Nature's natural stimulation! LOL

    Happy Mother's Day to all if you, and here's to a successful week of fitness
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Hi All! I'm new to MFP as of last week and I think I'd like to join your team. I have 3 kids (youngest is now 4) and had 2 miscarriages in the last year which had me gain 30lbs That I can't shake. I'm ready to get back on track. I like what Yvonnerab said about logging on for 125 days straight and logging everything. I think that's amazing and I think that's going to be one of my first goals (aside from doing some type of physical activity every day). I started Curves last month and lost 9.25 inches (but no weight loss) but that's okay. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was eating but I am now. Next week my goal is Curves 3 days a week and Zumba 3 days a week as well as some walking/running in there somewhere. This is my first weeks goal list (inspired by reading everyone's post lol)

    *log all food and exercise for one week straight (then continue on)*
    *Curves 3 days a week/Zumba at least 2 days
    *walking/jogging 3 days this week
    **some type of physical activity 6 out of 7 days**
    *commenting on someone's post each day to help motivate.

    Thank you for making this thread. I'm hoping to keep on it :)

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome to the new peoples!! :0) and since I didnt post yesterday, happy mothers day as well. I had a pretty relaxing day. Decided I really just didnt want to go anywhere. Sat at home watching movies and made a good healthy dinner in the crockpot. Kids were gone to their dads for the weekend, but my oldest brought me a caramel frappacinno from starbucks and a pretty orchid for my kitchen. I don't do well with house plants, BUT i was pleasantly surprised yesterday to find that the african violet I inherited from my grandma that pass back in January started blooming yesterday!!! Talk about a nice mothers day gift, to be reminded of her and know that I am actually properly caring for it!
    Anyway, the orchid should be pretty easy to care for... we'll see!

    Good eating today but I havent logged yet. Pretty sure Im under calories as It was just one of those days I wasnt very hungry and didnt eat much.

    Good 1 hour ride today. First time in a week and I already feel it in my cheeks. Stupid helmet!! I feel like a little kid who just got visited by a long lost grandma that loves to pinch cheeks her whole visit. Frustrating.

    Tomorrow... nice long walk and some strength training. :0) For now, I hear a VERY hot bath calling my name! :laugh: have a good one!
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone, Today was tough. I didn't get in my exercise, but I tried Boca burgers for the first time and I really liked them. I went over on Protein and Fiber but stayed under my calorie total which means not as much fat and sugary carbs. YAY! I hope to get in some exercise tomorrow, but tonight I'm just enjoying my hot chocolate. It always feels so indulgent when I get to have a special treat that doesn't push me over my goal. I was able to pass on giant bagels at a club meeting today and the Ben and Jerry's FroYo when I got home. I feel so in control which is rare for me. I'm glad to see two more new faces. I'm pretty new here myself, but welcome Becky and Yvonne. Happy Losing Everyone!

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    Been wanting to get back on here, but other "stuff" got in the way. Just posting now to find us later. Deb...your new pic looks terrific! Can't wait till the next one.

    Gotta hit the hay...I'll catch up with y'all later!

    Happy Losing....Vicki...*Ü*
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I don't mean to whine because I'm not getting depressed, just bored. :grumble:
    I can feel the weight coming on because I can't clean the bathrooms, make the beds or vacuum, - things that really used to burn calories for me. Hobbling around the house all day only burns some calories due to the pain that I feel after awhile that forces me to sit down & elevate my foot.
    Wednesday is my son's 18th birthday & we're going out to dinner with my parents, my daughter & her beau. I WILL stay under my calorie limit because I really can't exercise the calories off.
    Saturday is our HOA garage sale, so more times spent sitting on my butt, smiling at people as the banter with me over lowering the price of the things I am trying to get rid of.
    I will try to stay positive & hope to receive good news when I go to the doctor on the 17th and do my best to avoid any mirrors until then.
  • Good Morning Team...

    I am a bit tired today hoping I will snap out of it!!!

    yesterday was a crazy day... My dad had a eye dr appt.. had to take my youngest to the dr cuz she wasn't feeling well..then I had to squeeze in the gym and at least do the elliptical for 30 minutes cuz I wasn't able to do water aerobics cuz I had to go to this training at 6... then Hubby calls and says his car wont start and I need to come get him at work... well it is 4:30 and I have to pick a couple of friends up to go to the training class to work fundraiser for my daughters Figure skating... so I had to go pick him up and drop him off at my dad's cuz I had a training class at 6 and had to leave by 5:15 to get there.... so I was rushing around like crazy to get there on time!!! got done with training at like 9:30 and i was starving cuz I didn't have time to stop and get something cuz of rushing around... ugh... well we decided to go to Mexican town for dinner on the way home :-) so I ordered a small botana and I only ate a 1/4 of it .. I take my friends home and as I am driving down the road and almost home my friend calls and said I grabbed your purse instead of mine... she was like I will come change purses i be right there... so I start to log in for the day... forgot to hit submit lol so it never registered yesterdays log in :-( lol ....

    Now today I have to take my youngest daughter to get her wart removed off her leg cuz she is very self conscious about it and wont wear shorts wont go swimming cuz she dont want to be teased... ugh then I have to go to the gym and do something today cuz tomorrow I have to get laser done on both my big toes I have ingrown toe nails on both sides of my toe nail on both toes... so he is going to do it tomorrow so I wont be able to to do water aerobics for a couple of days and i am not gonna be able to wear my shoes :-( for a couple of days!!!

    Cyndi --- Funny story about African Violet... when I was little my oldest sister married a Mexican, My Brother married and American Indian, and My middle sister Married and Italian Polack, so I kept saying well I am gonna Marry and African Violet.. lmao that is before I found out it was a Flower he he he...well I didn't marry and African Violet I Married a Jamaica :love:

    I will check back later

    sry for such a long post ... Have a Great Day Team....
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