T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread



  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    I think I'm doing pretty good this week so far. Monday I did my Curves workout (was supposed to do Zumba but my daughter was home sick). Tuesday couldn't really go anywhere but I did take a 15min walk with my youngest then did 15min on the stationary bike. So at least I got my 30 mins in. I've stayed under calorie (and fat) range for Monday and Tuesday. Hoping to stay that way the rest of the week (is my goal). Heading out to Curves soon then off to Zumba (hopefully) if everything goes good. And today is my coffee day. So stopping by my fav coffee shop for my latte!! Plan your mistakes :p

    I hope everyone meets their goals today. If you dont, just remember, tomorrow is another day!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    It's my son's 18th birthday today & after getting out of the shower, I stepped on the scale. 251.5
    Yes. it was in the middle of the afternoon & not my usual morning weigh-in time or day - but I'll take it!!!!:bigsmile:
    Still hobbling around on crutches. I can feel stronger leg muscles in the leg that has been in the walking cast, but still have pain in the ankle.
    I go to the doctor on the 17th & I have my fingers crossed that I can be done with the cast, crutches & wheelchair so I can get back to REAL exercise & stop this see-saw of weight gain/loss.
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Hi everyone! I see we have lots of new folks - welcome.

    I'm back from my Carolina visit to see my sister receive her doctoral degree in nursing. It was so fun to be home again and enjoy the beautiful green hills and sunshine -- I even got a bit of a sunburn. She and I snuck away to a wonderful spa for a sister date -- the highlight of the trip. Unfortunately I returned to Utah to discover (SURPRISE) it's cold and rainy with snow on the mountains. Well at least its not snowing in the foothills.

    As promised I did manage to eat my way across the Carolinas, returning to many of my favorite restaurants (thank you Side Street Pizza for being just as delicous as ever!). I did manage to work out a couple of days while I was there, so overall I'm not too upset with myself. I'm back on track today and started Ripped in 30 training. Nothing says you're back on track like having Jillian Michael yell at you courtesy of DVD :)

    While I was in South Carolina, I showed my sister MFP so I hope she will use it. I love being linked to such wonderful people and I know she will too.

    Be good to yourself.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cyndi --- Funny story about African Violet... when I was little my oldest sister married a Mexican, My Brother married and American Indian, and My middle sister Married and Italian Polack, so I kept saying well I am gonna Marry and African Violet.. lmao that is before I found out it was a Flower he he he...well I didn't marry and African Violet I Married a Jamaica :love:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sheila...That is funny! I have a similar story.....but mine is about dads. When I was 3 years old, my dad went to California to find work. He was gone for about a month and being 3, I didnt know when or if he was coming back. I had a Nanny and her boyfriend was black and I thought he was just the coolest person in the world, so one day I told my mom "If I get a new daddy, I want a black daddy.. mkay???" hehehe.... well... fast forward 9 years to when I was 12. My dad had a heart transplant. Because he was the first in the state of Oregon, it was very publicized and we got to meet the donors family who, wouldnt ya know it... are black! :0) So.... I got teased alot by my mom and dad who would tell me that I "got my black daddy at heart"..:love: Its a funny our families share since we are very close to them! Somehow I don't think I will ever live that one down!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Great day today. Good breakfast, 2 hours in the pool (1 hour of water aerobics and 1/2 hr water yoga). Home to clean the kitchen and make treats for some friends. Took a few to happy hour with some friends and ended up passing them around so they would be GONE! I love to make them, but I just CANT eat them. The sugar hangover is just not worth it.. LOL!! Anyway.... I passed them around and now have a little side business going! The waitress saw them and ended up asking me for my number so she can have me make some for some parties she is throwin. Cool stuff!

    Anyway..... Had 2 drinks at happy hour, some spinach artichoke dip with tortilla chips and some salad. Had plenty of calories left over even after that. AND it felt great to get a great workout in today... definitely going back tomorrow!!! Woot!!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Hi team :)

    I know i've been gone a bit but i am back on track and motivated. I did my first zumba class last friday. I was the biggest person there but for the first time ever doing anything i didn't trip over my own feet although i wasn't completely in sync with the rest of the class. I made the mistake of wantign to go to the back so noone could see me but then i couldn't see the instructers moves properly. I will have to go closer to the front tomorrow. It was so much better than i thought. The class has only been going for a few weeks so there were a lot of people that weren't comepletey in time and a couple had to keep taking breaks. It was exhausting but i felt great after i'd recovered.

    I will weigh in tomorrow. I gained a pound from my weeks off track and updated my ticker with it, hopefully i'll have lost it after this week.

    Good luck with the weigh-ins tomorrow guys :)
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Ugh, I totally messed up last night and went to dinner with my husband and had all kinds of BAD stuff, and I was so sick this morning that I had to stop my workout to take the porcelain bus for a spin. It was awful. I feel better now that I'm done working out, but I feel like shunning food for the rest of my life! On a positive note my calves didn't tighten up during my workout this time. It was awesome not to feel like my legs were going to fall off. I don't know if I wasn't moving as much because I was sick or if my muscles have gotten a little stronger. I hope my muscles stay strong. Loved the stories, thanks for the smiles! I hope everyone has a great day and good luck on weigh-in's tomorrow!!

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Oh boy I have fallen totally off the wagon! I haven't logged almost since Easter. I have been bad. I need help getting back to logging. I keep walking but I am over eating. Someone smack me and get me back on track! PLEASE
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    I'm weighin' in like it's my first day. I feel like it's my first day. I couldn't exercise...some of you can relate...as my left let hurt so bad because my hips were out of alignment...again. It happens every year, from a motorcycle accident I had about 7 years ago. They were able to patch the pavement...I just have to get to the chiropractor to re torque my hips. What a difference!. Now I can walk across the street to the post office and back without feeling like my leg is going to buckle out from underneath me!

    Dreamer, I hope you have good news, too.

    Okay...see y'all tomorrow!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    SW: 301lbs
    CW: 277lbs

    I've lost 3 lbs this week although i had gained a lb so that's 2lb from last posting on this thread 24lb in total.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Deb...just look in the mirror. The difference your loss has made is amazing you're looking so good that's got to be motivating for you. Keep up the hard work, it's working.
  • Good Morning Team...

    For those who have had a bad day or week shake that sh.. off and get back on track....I know sometimes its hard but just think of your goal.. you can do it...

    as far and me.. I had to get my Reclast infusion yesterday for my bones... and I got an injection in my knee to take some of the pain away...well it always worse before it gets better!!! I could barely stand or walk on it last night... I was in a sh.. ton of pain!!!! feeling a bit better this morning.. not 100% but better...

    Hope everyone has a great TGIF....

    SW 313/ GW 150/ CW 303 = 2 more pounds down :-)
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    SW 198
    CW 198

    No movement, but Wednesday I had that huge awful meal right before bed then last night I made Banana Bread for my husband's work and ate some right before bed. So I guess I'm at least glad I didn't gain. This coming week I'm hoping that my logging will help me make it through and encourage me to eat well. I'm off to work out. I hope everyone has a happy Friday the 13th!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    wow no one came to visit over the weekend. I ate horrible yesterday. I was helping my daughter move and I took donuts over to feed the helpers breakfast and ended up over the day eating 3 donuts, 2 mcdoubles and then had 3 slices of ham for dinner. Today I am going to get back on track. My daughter had an elliptical machine and no room in her storage so I brought it home. I'm going to put it in my room by the tv and work out when the weather is too bad to walk. I need to get my treadmill from my friend Jim's house and I will jut about have my own gym LOL

    Nice to meet you Carru glad you joined our little group. I am Debbie. I a m 52 yrs old with 4 grown kids, 1 grand daughter and 2 grand children on the way. I have fibromyalgia and have a hard time working out so I walk for exercise. I've been heavy since I was 20. My highest weight was 272 2 yrs ago at my daughters wedding and I hated the pictures. I started on MFP in June after her March wedding in 2009. I lost 34 lbs then and fell off the wagon. I gained back all but 17 lbs. In November I started losing a few lbs from stress ( was 255 lbs)and on January 1, 2011 I started back on MFP. I now weigh 223. I'm trying hard to get to 200 by the time the first baby arrives in August. Then would like to see 175 again one day. The second baby is due in November.

    I seem to get bored logging food after 4 months and I fall off the wagon. I am bored right now and trying hard to not be. I need some suggestions on how to have fun again logging and how to change up easy breakfasts. I am bored with oatmeal and yogurt and then I got bored with boiled eggs and a babybell cheese, then bored with thin bagel with laughing cow cheese and now cereal. I eat on the run. I can't eat when I first get up so I actually eat in the car on my way to work which is only 1 mile from my house. So does anyone have a suggest ion for something different I can eat in the car that is low cal but has some protein? I snack on fruit or nuts on my break at 10:30 and I am still ok with that.

    Well I need to get going to clean my room and make room for my new equipment. Have a great and successful week!!

  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Well I weighed in today and I'm only up one pound from the vacation, so I'm not feeling too bad. However, it's been great to be back on track this week. I didn't work out today, but I worked in the yard doing projects so I'm sure I managed to burn some calories. It was beautiful, warm and sunny today -- the perfect formula to get me motivated.

    Tomorrow my family gets a bit larger with the adoption of a Canine Companion Puppy to raise for the people with special needs. Hopefully she will adjust well, won't eat my leather couch or ruin my white carpet --- hmmmm.... Somehow a lab puppy and white carpet sounds all wrong!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    hmm animals and white carpet...Good luck *lol* I sense and increase in your cleaning regime coming on.
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Well Glamore, the CCI Puppy arrived today. She's got a lot of Golden Retriever characteristics versus Lab, including the full long hair. I'm thinking my latest exercise routine will be vacuuming. LOL. :happy: :happy: Actually she's adorable and quite well mannered. It will be fun training her for a career of helping someone in need.

    Good day food wise; however with the excitement of the new addition, I have to admit the only exercise I got was throwing the ball. Hope everyone got off to a great week.

    Best wishes...
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    As of last Friday, I was at 249.5 :heart: & even though it is only 1/2 a pound, I don't want to go back to the 250s again.
    This is going to be a stress-filled week & it has already started out bad!! So I'm scared to get on the scale on Friday, but I will.
  • yvonnerab
    yvonnerab Posts: 21
    Hope everyone is having a great week - it sounds like we're all hitting some challenges and yet finding the possitive behind those challenges!

    And WOW, was last week a write-off or what!? We had a co-worker in from Ontario and had to train him on 90-days of what we do with only 3 days to train him! It was hectic, and my exercise "plan" went right out the window!

    BUT: On a possitive note: I stayed pretty much on-track with the eating and logging my food on MFP, and in the process lost 1.2 pounds! Not bad for no exercise! And so happy to find that I have managed to stay in that "One-derland" of under 200! Now that I am under that number, I know I will NEVER see a "2" as the first number on my scale ever again! :heart:

    This week I am on my own at work, which you would think would be better than having a trainee underfoot, BUT, everyone has thier phones and email forwarding to me while they are at a Company Conference, so I'm still putting in extra hours trying to keep ahead of the ball. PLUS, at the end of the conference they have asked me to cater a BBQ for the group - so I'm a little distracted and nervous about that (hoping nothing goes wrong, as there will be 120 of my co-workers there!)

    All I can say is: Thank Goodness it's a LONG WEEKEND on the horizon! Even if it rains, I know I'll be able to get back on track with exercise! I feel very stiff in my shoulders and neck, so I really want to find time to stretch it all out and release the stress - need to move my bones and lubricate my muscles before I turn to rust!

    Enjoy "Hump Day" tomorrow everyone! Will check in again over the weekend!
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Yvonne - you must be quite a cook to feed 120 folks! That's quite a compliment. I know how those stressful days at work can make it difficult to stay focused. And yes, it says a lot to be able to continue to lose even when you can't fit in time for exercise. Congrats.

    Another good day of eating well, however once again I didn't get any exercise. Today I can't blame it on the new puppy, so I'll use the "I had a late night meeting" (which I really did) as my excuse. Another meeting tomorrow night too, but should be out of excuses on Thursday.

    'Be well
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