bi0nicw0man Member


  • THIS! Being sure, of course, that the nut butters are all natural. The standard super market brands (like Kraft or Jiffie) are sugar laden.
  • I agree with everyone...just politely ask if you can work in your sets. She probably is totally oblivious to people waiting.
  • Aw, sorry to hear you're feeling unwell and unhappy. You mention your dog kennel job is quite physically I'm guessing 1300 calories intake just isn't enough for you. Could you up your caloric intake by eating more calorie dense healthy foods? Nuts, cheeses, lean meats, slow carbs (yams, quinoa, rices, etc).…
  • If it helps at all, I just started Week 2 of C25K. I wear my heart rate monitor to track calories. I'm female, 5'11" and 166 lbs. During Week 1 I burned about 275 calories per session. Yesterday, on my first session of Week 2 I burned about 325. That includes the 5 minutes warm up and 5 minute cooldown.
  • Green peppers! I like most things but green peppers can totally ruin a meal for me. Lamb! I don't mind it in meatballs, but no chops or rack or anything like that. Blech.
  • Any flavoured vodka mixed with soda water! My favourite is raspberry, and throw a big squeeze of fresh lemon or lime in there. Soda is great because it gives you the fizz without any calories. Be sure not to confuse this with tonice water though...tonic is full of sugar and calories. Also, be sure to actually measure your…
  • As much as I ADORE cheese, I've really had to teach myself to enjoy less of it! I measure out what I want, and grate it on the small side of my grater. Smaller shreds go further...or at least trick my mind into that. :) I also swear by parmsesan for pizza-type items. It stretches a lot further for the calories. Although,…
  • I agree it's tough when social events have so much food involved! You really have to wrap your head around what's important to you. Are you going because you are just absolutely dying to try 50 kinds of chili, or are you going because it's a fun social event to attend with your friends/family? If it's for the chili, then…
  • I would definitely follow up with your doctor about the hair loss. If you already had tests this year and your iron wasn't worth the doc's concern at the time, then something else is amiss. You can up your iron with dark green veggies, more lean hormone free beef, and dairy! I know tackling veggies is tough for a lot of…
  • I'm no expert but my first inclination is that leaving the 1000 calorie deficit might be working against you. Not eating enough can mess with your metabolism too. Maybe try leaving only 500 calories a couple of days a week to see if it kickstarts anything...
  • Was your friend very overweight before the breakfast switch? I think we are all astounded by the loss of 25lbs in two months, because many of us struggle with 25lbs a year! But if he was considerably overweight, plus lightened up his breakfast (and potentially other meals), it's more likely he was able to lose that amount…
  • wow, people sure like to be pains in the *kitten* about these things don't they?! Obviously it's difficult to avoid the chemicals and whatnot in tap water, but avoiding fake sugars and such is easy! Splenda is entirely chemical, so try something like stevia or honey if your really want a sweetener. Try Perrier...I love the…
  • Almost any fruit or vegetable is considered paleo as it's all natural. Avocado is a staple in the paleo diet because it's a tasty healthy fat!
  • I'm not a first-thing breakfast eater either...but having said that I do find if I eat a heartier breakfast when I'm ready it sets me up for a much better day. If my breakfast is too small I have the snack urge all damn day. I think your main question was suggestions though, so here's a few of mine: - oatmeal: either quick…
  • I used to heavily rely on protein powder but recently I've gotten away from it. I'd rather eat real food! Sample of my day: Breakfast: 2-3 scrambled eggs with veggies (like peppers, onions and spinach) OR 1 egg and 1-2 grilled chicken sausage from the local butcher, with 1/2 baked yam topped with coconut oil or almond…
  • Make sure you are fueling properly RIGHT AFTER (15-30 mins) your workout. Some easily digestable protein and a complex carb. Like deli turkey and some sweet potato...or something like that. Little to no fat. You need the protein and carbs to start recovery right away.
  • Are you sure it's a tension headache? I tend to get headaches that won't go away when I am in need of a trip to the massage therapist or chiropractor. Usually related to my neck, back or shoulder needing attention. Just a thought... Also, you mention that you've upped your calories but are still quite hungry. You also say…
  • Under the Cardio section there is a selection called Strength Training. Not entirely sure how accurate it is but it's there for things like pushups, etc and I would think it's suitable for what you are doing right now. Having said that, I know that if I do a good cardio warmup (20-30 mins treadmill or elliptical) before I…
  • You must live in Vancouver! That Bellingham TJs is kept in business by Vancouver I swear. :) I live in Victoria, but have a friend that goes to Seattle on a regular basis and keeps lists of things to bring back for friends. (Lucky us!!) I can't believe hardly anyone has said NUT BUTTER. They have a great selection and the…
  • I wish everyone would quit saying 'run outside'. I loathe running outside. I'm one of those people that enjoys the treadmill!
  • I keep individual bags of popchips on hand for exactly this! But only if I have the calories left...which I generally plan for.
  • THIS. I was going to type very much the same thing. You're on your first day and still learning. Eat a few crackers or a piece of fruit to get you through the evening...then tomorrow try to log things before you eat them so you can eliminate a few calories if needed. Also, try to eat protein at every's the key to…
  • Breakfast: I make a smoothie at home and drink it at my desk. or I make oatmeal at the office and top it with banana, berries or nuts. or I toast a whole wheat English muffin at the office and top it with nut butter and banana. Lunch: Soup, rice crackers, hummus, veggie sticks. or Egg salad, tuna salad, or lean deli meat…
  • Good point. I haven't been doing that and hadn't thought about the battery.
  • Yes, the beeping is because you are not in zone. Mine starts beeping as I get to my cooldown and stretching. Here's a link to the manual:
  • Yup, what everyone else said. I don't get mine very wet, but do make sure it's snug under my boobs...and the transmitter itself is centered between my boobs. I put it on before I put on my sports bra or workout top, just to make sure no fabric gets between me and it.
  • Coffee – brewed from grounds Silk Tru Almond Original Beverage Bananas Tomatoes Olive Oil Cucumber Spinach Avocado Blueberries Cheese - Cheddar
  • You put coconut OIL in your coffee?
  • I often make a smoothie to drink in the car. Or toast a whole wheat English muffin and fill it with almond butter and sliced banana. I also keep packets of instant oatmeal at work, which I can quickly prepare and eat at my desk. I'll add nuts, banana, or nut butter to that to make it a little more interesting and filling.…