Not a special snowflake, just broken? Could use some advice

I'm very wary to put myself out there like this, because I've seen the hostility on this forum and never want it directed at me. I've seen the '700 calories a day and still not losing' threads, the low carb threads, paleo, hcg.....and can't say that I disagree with a lot of the vitriol I see spewed because weight loss/health shouldn't be a gimmick, it shouldn't be a short term change to a short-lived goal, and it doesn't come in magical drops/pills/etc. We're not special snowflakes, and it is, for the most part, weight loss = consume less calories than you burn.

It is with that understanding that I've taken on a healthy way of eating- a proper, balanced diet. I'm trying to cure myself of my carb phobia, after having experienced short-lived success due to low carb dieting. I eat whole foods, I *rarely*, like twice a month, eat a meal I haven't prepared myself, and when I do, it's a 'treat' to have a burger at a local burger joint, or a steak on date night, not some crazy 5,000 calorie fried mess with dessert afterwards. For instance, a typical day looks like this:

Breakfast- 1 cup steel cut oatmeal w/half a banana and 6 raspberries, cinnamon, and a tsp of raw honey. Cup of coffee with 2TB 2% milk :: 303 calories

Lunch- Havana salad on bed of lettuce (havana salad is brown rice, avocado, black beans, tomatoes, cumin, and balsamic vinegar) :: 500 calories (if I've added extra avocado on top, 420'sih if not)

Afternoon snack- Apple and a cheese stick :: 150 calories

Dinner- Salmon, sweet potato with brown sugar and light butter, steamed yellow squash with light butter, salt and pepper, and a side salad with cherry tomatoes and home made balsamic vinaigrette :: 644 calories

Total: 1597 calories

I exercise daily. I walk 5 miles a day, sometimes more if time/weather permits. I go on long bike rides with my husband on the weekends- 35 to 50 miles at a 17+mph pace. On days that I only walk, I burn around 2600-2800 calories. On days I ride, I burn way more, and eat to balance the extra burn, always staying very close to 1,000 calorie deficit.

I've had my blood panel done. I'm not insulin resistant, my thyroid is fine. Only thing a little off was my cholesterol/triglycerides, which I'm sure is because I'm carting around about 50 extra pounds on my 5'11" frame.

So you'd think that after a month of following this pattern, you'd see SOME sort of weight loss, no? I've not lost anything. I teeter on the scale daily, watching the same 5# or so come and go over the course of the week. I never see below 206, usually top out at 213. It's the same thing, every week. I don't understand it. I'm paying meticulous attention to what I put in my mouth, I make sure to get in some form of exercise every single day, and I wear a BodyMedia that tracks my caloric expenditures so I know for certain where I stand there (within reason, I know these things aren't spot on exact)

Could it be that I've tanked my metabolism and it's just taking a while to get back on track? Before trying to lose weight in a reasonable manner, I was ultra low cal on MediFast for a month. I only turned to MF because I had great success there at one point a few years ago, weight came off quick and stayed off til I got lazy and stopped caring. But even my old friend MF was not giving me any results this time, so I decided to come back to what I know in my heart and brain is the right way, with proper diet and exercise. I just can't seem to find the right balance.

Any suggestions? Any theories on what might be going on? It's very demotivational to be trying my best, keeping myself honest with my food and exercise logs, only to see nothing in return.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Most are gonna mention opening your diary for us to see.. Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I exercise daily. I walk 5 miles a day, sometimes more if time/weather permits. I go on long bike rides with my husband on the weekends- 35 to 50 miles at a 17+mph pace. On days that I only walk, I burn around 2600-2800 calories. On days I ride, I burn way more, and eat to balance the extra burn, always staying very close to 1,000 calorie deficit.

    Walking 5 miles a day does not burn that much...where are you getting your burned calories from???
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    If you get any hostility, rudeness, sarcasm etc just report it to the mods.

    You are doing everything right and you absolutely should be losing weight! It might be an idea (if you feel comfortable with it) to open your food diary - it's usually something simple that can be spotted and ironed out in no time.

    All the best xx
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Stephanie, I'm a 210# 5'11" woman. I burn 2300 calories just sitting here at the computer all day and taking care of two kids. LOL The walking only gives me about 600 calories extra burn.

    I wear a Body Media (its like a FitBit), which is pretty well aligned to any BMR/caloric intake calculator I've found out there.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Greenrun, I eat to maintain a 1k calorie deficit. So I suppose that equates to eating my exercise calories. If I don't get in my walk, for instance, I'll only burn about 2400 calories that day, and therefore will cut out the 'extras' like light butter, crutons on my salad, what have you, to get to around 1400 calories. Days that I do walk, I burn about 2700 calories, and will eat about 1700. Ride days are the best, and usually the only time I will allow for something 'unhealthy' to make an appearance, but in moderation to maintain that 1k deficit. By 'unhealthy', I mean I'll have a chocolate milk for my recovery drink, and maybe have a cheeseburger and some grilled potatoes rather than lean meat or fish and a salad for dinner.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Gonna just toss out a suggestion

    Eat 1600-1700 daily (no eating extra exercise calories no nothing over that)
    Get 160g of Protein, then the rest can be carbs/fat

    Do this for a month.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was hoping you were saying all day not just the walk just wanted to make sure.

    Typically from what I can see no weight loss is due to overesitmating exercise and/or underestimating intake.

    I found when I first started I was underesitmating my intake. I lost 5lbs in 8 weeks...should have been more based on my "guesstimates".

    I bought a food scale and lost 3,5lbs in 3 weeks due to accurate intake logging.

    This thread helped me a lot...
  • hopefaithlove24
    hopefaithlove24 Posts: 454 Member
    Open your diary?
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    A 2300 calorie burn as your base still sounds high, even considering your height and weight.
    Is that coming from the Bodymedia?
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    StephanieWort, that was my issue, too -- I was completely clueless about portion size and now I use a scale. I was clueless on both ends - I was overestimating the serving of protein and underesting the fruits and veggies!

    I, too, bought a scale and I stick to it religiously. In fact, my husband (who is a professional chef), was kind enough to ziplock baggie my food up for me in the correct portions so I could just grab and go for work. I really, really, appreciated that!!!

    My downfall was not incorporating enough slow carbs in my diet...sure, I'd have a small piece of meal and maybe 1/2 baked potato, but I wouldn't have any veggie or a salad. BIG mistake!!! I've seen a huge difference, now, since I've made a conscious effort to incorporate all 3 things.

    Thanks for the link to the helpful info!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Gonna just toss out a suggestion

    Eat 1600-1700 daily (no eating extra exercise calories no nothing over that)
    Get 160g of Protein, then the rest can be carbs/fat

    Do this for a month.

    This sounds like a decent starting point.....
    You are probably around a TDEE of 2000 - 2200
    So targeting the 1600 - 1700 cal range would be good.

    Make at least 160 gr in protein....
    Maybe ~80 - 85gr in fats
    And the rest can be carbs.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LOL Ya, definitely not burning those calories on just my walk :D

    Thing is, I weight/measure everything I put in my mouth. I'm ridiculous about it, to the point that I don't enjoy going out for a meal, or to a friend or relative's house for a meal, because I need to be able to log it. :-|

    Green.....160g protein? OK, let me chew on that a minute. 160g protein = 640 calories. Watching my fat intake due to high cholesterol/triglycerides/dr's advice, and trying to keep that below 30% of my caloric intake. I'm shooting for more like 25%, because no sense in striving for the max amount of fat allowed. That would give me about 44g fat. (396 calories) And 140g carbs (560 calories). Does that sound about right?

    So, 40% protein, 35% carbs, 25% fat. Sound ok?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Open your diary.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    A 2300 calorie burn as your base still sounds high, even considering your height and weight.
    Is that coming from the Bodymedia?

    Not my base, my 'maintain weight' calories. My base is something like high 1700's. But 'desk job, lightly active' gives me 2300'ish every calculator I look at, and syncs up on the Body Media pretty well for days that I do NOT go out walking or make any 'exercise specific' efforts (ie- just working, taking care of kids, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, running errands, etc)
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you need to eat more.

    It's really that simple.

    If you don't believe me, keep reading.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you need to eat more.

    It's really that simple.

    If you don't believe me, keep reading.
    I'm pretty sure that it's not "really that simple". What is your basis for giving this advice?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    My sneaking suspicion is that most exercise calorie estimators OVER estimate the calories burned. If I walk 5 miles (for instance) my Runtastic app says I've burned 650 calories. And yes, all of my metrics are correct. But when I was eating back what it said I had burned, I was not losing weight. So now I go by roughly 100 calories burned per mile, whether walking or jogging, and that has helped a lot.

    You also might want to try setting your activity level to 'sedentary' and then just eating back your exercise calories.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you need to eat more.

    It's really that simple.

    If you don't believe me, keep reading.

    What the what the??
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Certainly a lot of possibilities here.

    First off, I will say that 2300 maintenance calories sounds at least a LITTLE high (if not very high),prior to exercise. I am a 6'3" male and that's right around my maintenance too (before exercise). Then adding several hundred calories for's easy to see where you could be vastly overrating your output. You probably don't burn nearly as much as whatever gadget you're using says you do.

    Secondly, you mentioned doing very low calorie before. Easy way to kill your metabolism.

    Thirdly, you mention doing lots and lots of endurance cardio. Well known muscle killer right there which can further kill your metabolism.

    Finally, your diet appears to be almost completely devoid of protein. You're eating pretty much purely carbs and some fats. Protein intake needs to be high to retain lean body mass. Combined with lots of cardio and previous crash dieting you could have/be losing lots of muscle mass which can and will destroy your metabolism.

    Long story short, I'm guessing your metabolism is way slower than you think it is. Your exercise could be overestimated as well. As a result you're not losing any weight despite the fact that you think you're in a 1000 calorie deficit. If I were you I'd probably be shooting for something like 1500 calories a day with WAY higher protein intake (shoot for at least 100g/day). Add in strength training instead of all the cardio. Re-assess your situation in a month.
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    I'm no expert but my first inclination is that leaving the 1000 calorie deficit might be working against you. Not eating enough can mess with your metabolism too. Maybe try leaving only 500 calories a couple of days a week to see if it kickstarts anything...