Oh good GOD.



  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I take a womans multi vitamin for over 50 and a Vitamin D, a fish oil, and a a vitamin B12 everyday
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i've been taking a multivitamin every day for the better part of three decades and i haven't died even once! think of it as very inexpensive dietary insurance.

    the dosage level of the vitamins and minerals in common multivitamins is well below what you would need to harm yourself.

    it's those ridiculous megadose supplements from places like GNC you need to worry about, not common multivitamins you'd find at a grocery store.
    When in doubt, a daily multivitamin is a safer bet than a cocktail of individual supplements that can exceed the safe upper limits of the recommended intake for any nutrient. Choose a multivitamin that provides 100% or less of the Daily Value (DV) as a backup to plug the small nutrient holes in your diet.

  • Michelle_dirtracer
    I am severely anemic and loose my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows included. It really sucks. I am on an iron pill and my hair loss has slowed. My iron pill has to be prescribed, you need to see your doctor before filling your body with stuff that may hurt you more than help you.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I think you are really lucky that only your hair is falling out. I went back through the month of September in your food diary and ....wow....just wow. Do you ever eat any vegetables ? Anything that is not prepared, take away or cookies, cakes and other sweets ?
    In order to live healthy if that is what concerns you, you really need to take a good look at what you eat and make at least some changes for the better. Maybe start with the shakes or the broccoli you mention and which I could not find anywhere. I also don't like fruit, but I eat lots and lots of vegetables to make up for it and maintain a balanced diet.
    If you were a family member or friend of mine, I would be really worried about your diet and the fact that this kind of eating will lead to malnourishment. You are the perfect example of how a person can be well fed and still be malnourished. Please take better care of yourself.
    I should also add that I am very concerned that your goal weight is 6.5 stone / 91 pounds. Unless you are four feet 8 inches or less that is not a healthy weight at all . I am five feet tall and my lowest healthy recommended weight is 105 pounds. It makes me wonder if there is not a whole lot more going on than just the vitamin deficit you complain about.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    i've been taking a multivitamin every day for the better part of three decades and i haven't died even once! think of it as very inexpensive dietary insurance.

    the dosage level of the vitamins and minerals in common multivitamins is well below what you would need to harm yourself.

    it's those ridiculous megadose supplements from places like GNC you need to worry about, not common multivitamins you'd find at a grocery store.
    When in doubt, a daily multivitamin is a safer bet than a cocktail of individual supplements that can exceed the safe upper limits of the recommended intake for any nutrient. Choose a multivitamin that provides 100% or less of the Daily Value (DV) as a backup to plug the small nutrient holes in your diet.


    Haha not even died a LITTLE bit?

    Well I think Perfectil looks good to me. When I was on it my hair would grow an inch a month and then thicken. The only reason I stopped taking it was sheer laziness. You should have a full stomach when taking them, I would forget after meals and say " Ah I'll start again tomorrow " and never did.
    I am severely anemic and loose my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows included. It really sucks. I am on an iron pill and my hair loss has slowed. My iron pill has to be prescribed, you need to see your doctor before filling your body with stuff that may hurt you more than help you.

    I agree. The iron tablets prescribed to me were giving me ( Sorry in advance everyone! ) green stool, and the runs. On other days it would be the opposite and give me very difficult to pass BMs so I came off them and went back to tell them I would be trying Perfectil. They were happy with that and said if it didn't suit, use " Biotin " which I think is from the US.

    Thanks for the warning. xx
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I take them ( well when I can find a brand that is free from all foods I'm allergic too) as I have a restricted medical diet and have to take them under medical supervision.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I think you are really lucky that only your hair is falling out. I went back through the month of September in your food diary and ....wow....just wow. Do you ever eat any vegetables ? Anything that is not prepared, take away or cookies, cakes and other sweets ?
    In order to live healthy if that is what concerns you, you really need to take a good look at what you eat and make at least some changes for the better. Maybe start with the shakes you say you put fruit in and which I could not find anywhere. I also don't like fruit, but I eat lots and lots of vegetables to make up for it and maintain a balanced diet.
    If you were a family member or friend of mine, I would be really worried about your diet and the fact that this kind of eating will lead to malnourishment. You are the perfect example of how a person can be well fed and still be malnourished. Please take better care of yourself.

    I agree. I just find it so easy to stay under cals, stay full, and eat the same as ever. Just less of.

    I haven't actually done the smoothie thing yet, I just intend to. We have a smoothie maker but I may even buy Innocent smoothies ( they seem mostly natural? ) on busy days. When I was on 1200, calories from smoothies accounted for too much of my daily allowance, so I swapped them for Zero Cal Pepsi. But now I have up to 1600 and can fit it in easily.

    Thank you for your concern, it really is an eye opener.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I take a multi vitamin. I also take calcium and potassium. I thought my potassium intake was a lot lower than it was die to most entries not including it. However adding these vitamins has given me more energy so they work for me. I would suggest you keep a written list of vitamins you get by looking at the food labels yourself and not relying solely on entries on MFP. You may find that you get more than you think. Also agree with having that hair loss checked by a physician unless it runs in your family and then it just by be a normal process of your life. Good luck and let me know how things work out.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    If you hair is falling out... from, malnutrition? I would sugest you see a dr that can refer you to a nutritionist. You can get advice from mfp, but I consider hair falling out to be really bad, so I would see the dr, if you are able. You can have chips n choc, everyday if you want, but be sure to add some to your dinner everynighy and lunches and breakfasts when you can/feel like it. If it were ME, id get off the supplements and go to a dr. Yout hair falling out could be due to something else entirely... Sorry dont mean to push but that doesnt sound good...
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    According to MFP my iron intake is very low, but I recently got a blood test and my iron levels are fine. If you're adding foods from the MFP database most foods don't even have the iron content filled in, so I wouldn't go by what MFP says. If you're worried go see you're doctor.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I take walmart brand women's formula, just to up my calcium (I don't eat dairy). Other then that my levels are good just by eating properly.
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    I would definitely follow up with your doctor about the hair loss. If you already had tests this year and your iron wasn't worth the doc's concern at the time, then something else is amiss.

    You can up your iron with dark green veggies, more lean hormone free beef, and dairy!

    I know tackling veggies is tough for a lot of people, so finding new recipes is definitely the way to go. So many people have only ever had their broccoli and brussels sprouts boiled to death!!! No wonder you don't like them.

    I used to hate my Mom's brussels sprouts because she boiled them to death. Talk about mushy and tasteless (not to mention void of any nutrients...she boiled them all away!) but now brussels are my favourite! Either steamed, or sauteed with bacon and apples, or roasted with olive oil and grainy mustard.

    I also LOVE sauteed kale. It's super easy and because it wilts down, you can eat a lot in one sitting!!

    Let us know if you want recipes!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I don't.

    I try to eat the right foods......

    Fair enough! I started out eating right, myself. Eating fish steaks and lots of broccoli, etc. But when I upped my cals to 1400 I found it hard to eat enough of the only healthy foods I can stomach. So in creeped the chips, pizza and chocolate! And because I was still under my macros ( most of the time ) and losing the same amount I thought " Well, why not? "

    I am losing weight steadily and that was all I cared about before. But now, I'm caring more each day about my general health. So at least Im heading in the right direction. ^^

    Good for you girl, keep making the changes you'll get there : )
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I take a multi vitamin, calcium, fish oil and glucosamine for my joints (was recommended to me when i started running). My doctor said i should at least be on calcium and a multi vitamin.

    I don't think anything in really high doses is very good for you so just read the labels.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Take a multi-vitamin but when you one day wake up and turn into a mutated fish, don't come crying to us.

    Jokes aside, you can take multi-vitamins by all means, but don't rely on them for your nutrients... Try get in your fruits and veggies! Vitamins are supplements, they are there to supplement, not to act as a replacement... Good luck! :)
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Serious question here: Why havent I DROPPED DEAD yet?






  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Serious question here: Why havent I DROPPED DEAD yet?

    ummm... clearly you're a zombie, and therefore already dead.

    congratulations, you no longer have to track your micros or macros. :drinker:
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member

    I hit zero more than half of the time...for all of them. ( apart from fiber and calcium ) the most worrying for me is the lack of Iron as I have been losing hair since 2011.

    My doctor put me on Biotin for the hair loss and it has really helped my hair a lot.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I would definitely follow up with your doctor about the hair loss. If you already had tests this year and your iron wasn't worth the doc's concern at the time, then something else is amiss.

    You can up your iron with dark green veggies, more lean hormone free beef, and dairy!

    I know tackling veggies is tough for a lot of people, so finding new recipes is definitely the way to go. So many people have only ever had their broccoli and brussels sprouts boiled to death!!! No wonder you don't like them.

    I used to hate my Mom's brussels sprouts because she boiled them to death. Talk about mushy and tasteless (not to mention void of any nutrients...she boiled them all away!) but now brussels are my favourite! Either steamed, or sauteed with bacon and apples, or roasted with olive oil and grainy mustard.

    I also LOVE sauteed kale. It's super easy and because it wilts down, you can eat a lot in one sitting!!

    Let us know if you want recipes!

    Thank you so much! Well I see there are lots going around on the forums so I will have a look. I adore Lentil Soup ( home made ) so I figure if I make a big batch of that and freeze it, I can have it for lunch some days. Little by little I'll get there.

    I will also start having cereal every day, lunch or breakfast, for some other vitamins. I can't imagine the potential of how good I will feel once I get started. As of TOMORROW.

    If you hair is falling out... from, malnutrition? I would sugest you see a dr that can refer you to a nutritionist. You can get advice from mfp, but I consider hair falling out to be really bad, so I would see the dr, if you are able. You can have chips n choc, everyday if you want, but be sure to add some to your dinner everynighy and lunches and breakfasts when you can/feel like it. If it were ME, id get off the supplements and go to a dr. Yout hair falling out could be due to something else entirely... Sorry dont mean to push but that doesnt sound good...

    Thank you. ^^ Im pretty sure its stress. Whenever something " big " happens I pretty much notice my hair thinning like clockwork three months after the event. As our hair goes through a 6 month shedding and 6 month growing cycle, my shedding cycle is almost tripple of what it should be. I also see grooves in all of my nails that determine when the " event " happened. Its crazy. When your body goes into that type of stress, it shows on your nails too with a fine white line.

    Take a multi-vitamin but when you one day wake up and turn into a mutated fish, don't come crying to us.

    Jokes aside, you can take multi-vitamins by all means, but don't rely on them for your nutrients... Try get in your fruits and veggies! Vitamins are supplements, they are there to supplement, not to act as a replacement... Good luck! :)

    Thank you!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wonder how you are doing on the essential fatty acids and the fat soluble vitamins like D & E?