christina31 Member


  • Week 1 day 2 of the couch to 5K for me tonight. The weather here is beautiful, but I'm still using the treadmill for now. I have a podcast download for the run, but I tend to run faster when I can set the speed with a button! Kechie, are you feeling better?
  • restarted week 1 of the couch to 5k. It ended up being just under 2 miles, but it really kicked my butt! Do any of you get a little dizzy when you first step off the treadmill? I feel great a few seconds after, but the flight of stairs out of the garage are a struggle. I already do a 5 minute cool down...any suggestions?
  • Haven't made it out yet for a run, but hoping for an easy 2 miles at a jog/walk pace. I did day 2 of the Couch to 5K last night, but I feel so good that I really want to get out there again. Happy Friday!
  • Ok, so I've been out of the loop for a few months, but I'm back! I just recently got a treadmill, and then just now got the motivation to start using it. I started day one week one of the couch to 5k on Monday, and just did day 2 today. It's only about 1 1/2 miles, but I haven't run in 4 months! I will say it feels good to…
  • No run for me again today...:explode: I'm about to give up and just stick to an assortment of dvd's. I hate that I can't run, but without a treadmill or a babysitter, I don't have another option. (I workout at night, so running alone isn't an option) I'm beginning to think that my body is going to reject running and that I…
  • Good luck! Hope you have a great run!!!
  • That's amazing! You are definitely an inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • Woke up this AM to thunder knocking on the door. :grumble: Oh, well, we needed the rain, and it has cooled off considerably. I just might get outside this afternoon. I have been trying to set aside some money to buy a treadmill so that I can keep running during the winter. Anyone have a favorite that they recommend? I need…
  • Please don't say you need a life. If you do, that means that I do too! I don't even get the chance to run everyday, but I always wake up ready to hit the computer just to pull up this thread and read everyone's success stories. Maybe it's an you think they have counseling groups for people like us?
  • No running again this morning. The baby was still fighting a fever and was up and down all night. Fever broke so tomorrow's another day. I'm trying to stay positive, so I keep telling myself that "I'm only 26, if I can't run today, it's just one day. There is always the chance for tomorrow." This mentality should work as…
  • :drinker: Congratulations!!! I bet you feel amazing right now! When I read this post this morning, all I could do was smile! :heart: Christina
  • Had every intention of transitioning over to an AM run schedule before I start back to work. (I work in the school system, have 2 kids and also in college part time) I figure with my schedule, waking up early will be my only chance to workout. Planned on getting up at 7 to run before it got too hot, but my 2 year old woke…
  • OH NO! I just heard the news! Golden Girls is my all-time favorite tv sitcom! I still watch it religiously to this day. This is so sad, but I know that this is for the best given her condition. :cry: :sad: :cry: :sad:
  • Hello ladies! So far today I haven't made it out for a run. Way too hot outside for me to even think about it right now! I've found that I don't have the motivation to get out of bed earlier, so running at night is the way to go for me. (I've always been a night owl anyway) I'm shooting for a more consistent week this…
  • I love Jillian! My husband and I do her workouts, and we are both struggling after. We've only been on levels 1 and 2 for about 6 weeks, and I've lost 12 pounds and he's lost about 30. Be ready to work out hard because, just as progress63 says, there are no breaks or modifications.
  • Hello, hello! Today is a rest day/family day. Taking the kids to my parents' house to have a cook out with my sister and her family. I say it is a rest day, but I may run this evening if the kids are occupied and the weather's nice. Hoping everyone is having an awesome Saturday! :heart: Christina
  • I did the same thing on Sunday! Took the kids out for pizza after church and gained 2 pounds. Sad part is that I finally saw the 130's for the first time on Sunday morning, and I just now saw them again this morning! Next time I splurge, it's apple cider vinegar for me...(yuck!):sick:
  • Hello! Hello! Today is strength training for about 30 minutes with another 30 minutes targeting the buns and thighs. (Enough baggage there I think that's where I store fat for the winter!) After that, I plan on pulling another 2 miles later tonight after the heat dies down. Hoping to run the same path as yesterday, only I…
  • I'll second that motion!
  • Got in from running about 2 hours ago. We got lucky and had a neighbor keep the kids so I didn't have to go alone. No ipod just yet, so runs alone are so much harder! That combined with the fact that my husband is so motivating. I ran about twice the distance I had planned just because we played a little game similar to…
  • Yesterday ended up being a rest day. I really wanted to get out last night, but the hubby wasn't feeling well. (He forgot to pack a lunch and didn't want to stop and eat) I had already done an hour of cardio and strength training, so I took the night off. The kids were a little upset about it, but they enjoyed playing on…
  • FIrst, I am very sorry for your loss. I recently went through the same thing and I also found myself comfort eating. My advice to you is to wait a few days to get back on track before weighing in. You are already upset with yourself and upset over your loss, no need to add the weight gain to that. Hang in there! It will…
  • Ok, so I know I need an HRM, but I found a reasonably priced one and need an opinion. Does anyone know about the Bios heart rate monitor? It's out of Canada, but is relatively cheaper than polar but boasts the same features. Help!!!! :heart: Christina
  • Welcome!:flowerforyou: :heart: Christina
  • Maintaining the weightloss is important, but not at the risk of your health! Just be sure to watch your calories while you aren't able to exercise, but be sure to give your body rest if it needs it. Get better soon!! :heart: Christina
  • Happy birthday!!! :drinker:
  • Working out = B Healthy Eating = A Staying withing calories = A Motivation = B It is so easy for me to lose track of time and then use the excuse that it's too late to work out!
  • Got tired of using the excuse that it was all just baby weight. The baby is 2!! I started noticing how little I looked in the mirror just because I didn't want to face how much I had let myself go. I decided to commit to this lifestyle change the day that my husband hit 300 pounds. I knew then how much we'd both let…