MFP Runners Club - July 23



  • christina31
    christina31 Posts: 124 Member
    Had every intention of transitioning over to an AM run schedule before I start back to work. (I work in the school system, have 2 kids and also in college part time) I figure with my schedule, waking up early will be my only chance to workout. Planned on getting up at 7 to run before it got too hot, but my 2 year old woke up with a fever at 5:30. She is down for a nap now, so it is jillian's shred and a strength training video for me! 4 year old goes to the dentist for the first time today, and then church tonight means I probably won't get a run in. Arghh, how do you find the time to exercise?!?

    :heart: Christina
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Today's jog was a success for me!

    I totally beat my time of 22 minutes straight and jogged for 25 minutes straight without stopping.

    I think my other routine where I stop and walk after each 10 minute jog for 1 min is just way too hard for me for some reason. I think the stopping to walk in between for 1 minute is making me too tired to keep going but then I do it anyways and I end up dead, like yesterday. Today I felt like I had an awesome workout, I sweat, I challenged myself by going for 25 minutes and afterward I recovered a lot faster than I did yesterday.

    I burned 445 calories today! :bigsmile:

    I am the same way.
    When I joined the running room's "learn to run" program, I'd get really annoyed when they said "time to walk". I just wanted to keep going.
    You are doing fabulous! :flowerforyou:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Had every intention of transitioning over to an AM run schedule before I start back to work. (I work in the school system, have 2 kids and also in college part time) I figure with my schedule, waking up early will be my only chance to workout. Planned on getting up at 7 to run before it got too hot, but my 2 year old woke up with a fever at 5:30. She is down for a nap now, so it is jillian's shred and a strength training video for me! 4 year old goes to the dentist for the first time today, and then church tonight means I probably won't get a run in. Arghh, how do you find the time to exercise?!?

    :heart: Christina

    I feel your pain. I have a 4 and 3 year old and is hard to exercise with them around. I'm also burnt at night after they go to bed. That's why I love to run early in the morning when they are still sleeping. If only it would stop raining! We are expecting hail with our thunderstorm this afternoon. Yikes!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Hey All!

    Got about 4.5 miles in today. It was one of those SLUGGISH runs though. :grumble: Oh well...Saturday will be better.

    Last night when I checked the mail there was a package from the 10k that I ran in the mountains last month. It's a 3rd place medal for "F, 40-49". I think there were 5 women in my age group, but what the hell, I was still happy. :laugh:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Hey All!

    Got about 4.5 miles in today. It was one of those SLUGGISH runs though. :grumble: Oh well...Saturday will be better.

    Last night when I checked the mail there was a package from the 10k that I ran in the mountains last month. It's a 3rd place medal for "F, 40-49". I think there were 5 women in my age group, but what the hell, I was still happy. :laugh:

    Woohoo!! That's awesome Madame Shannon! You should be very proud cuz there are many, many women (including myself) that cannot run as fast as you. Be proud!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Hey All!

    Got about 4.5 miles in today. It was one of those SLUGGISH runs though. :grumble: Oh well...Saturday will be better.

    Last night when I checked the mail there was a package from the 10k that I ran in the mountains last month. It's a 3rd place medal for "F, 40-49". I think there were 5 women in my age group, but what the hell, I was still happy. :laugh:

    OMG!!! bowing in awe....your always 1st place w/ me lady!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Lina: great job on your run today. You have to do what is best for you. for me the 1 minute walk is key, but everyone is different.

    Did my aqua jogger yesterday for about 30 minutes. Prob looked like a fool "running" in circles in my pool, but until my toe heels,that is how I will get my runs in!

  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Shannon - That is awesome! :drinker:

    Carvan - Very true, everyone is different. I think for me it is more mental than anything. When I stop, I automatically get this "OMG it feels good to walk how in the world am I going to do another 10 minutes, OMG i'm already so tired" voice in my head. When I just keep going I am thinking "Okay, just 5 more minutes. Okay, just another 5 minutes after this last minute. Okay, i'm tired but I need to keep going".

    I know, i'm weird. :laugh:
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Shannon - That is awesome! :drinker:

    Carvan - Very true, everyone is different. I think for me it is more mental than anything. When I stop, I automatically get this "OMG it feels good to walk how in the world am I going to do another 10 minutes, OMG i'm already so tired" voice in my head. When I just keep going I am thinking "Okay, just 5 more minutes. Okay, just another 5 minutes after this last minute. Okay, i'm tired but I need to keep going".

    I know, i'm weird. :laugh:


    Everyone is different. I sometimes only walk for 45 sec. Just feel more refreshed when I start over
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hey All!

    Got about 4.5 miles in today. It was one of those SLUGGISH runs though. :grumble: Oh well...Saturday will be better.

    Last night when I checked the mail there was a package from the 10k that I ran in the mountains last month. It's a 3rd place medal for "F, 40-49". I think there were 5 women in my age group, but what the hell, I was still happy. :laugh:

    Woot Woot!!! Congrats!!!! Yipee!!
    > party in your honor today, Ms. F, 40-49!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hey All!

    Got about 4.5 miles in today. It was one of those SLUGGISH runs though. :grumble: Oh well...Saturday will be better.

    Last night when I checked the mail there was a package from the 10k that I ran in the mountains last month. It's a 3rd place medal for "F, 40-49". I think there were 5 women in my age group, but what the hell, I was still happy. :laugh:

    OMG!!! bowing in awe....your always 1st place w/ me lady!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Hey Long Lost Ali!! where have you been!?!?!??!?!?!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Congrats on your awesome metal Shannon. Make sure you show it with pride, you earned it.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Shannon - That is awesome! :drinker:

    Carvan - Very true, everyone is different. I think for me it is more mental than anything. When I stop, I automatically get this "OMG it feels good to walk how in the world am I going to do another 10 minutes, OMG i'm already so tired" voice in my head. When I just keep going I am thinking "Okay, just 5 more minutes. Okay, just another 5 minutes after this last minute. Okay, i'm tired but I need to keep going".

    I know, i'm weird. :laugh:


    Everyone is different. I sometimes only walk for 45 sec. Just feel more refreshed when I start over

    There is obviously validity to the run/walk method as so many beginner training programs use it and actually some intermediate and advanced to as well. But I think it is great that you listened to your body (and that busy brain!) and did what you felt was the right thing - it obviously paid off!!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Had every intention of transitioning over to an AM run schedule before I start back to work. (I work in the school system, have 2 kids and also in college part time) I figure with my schedule, waking up early will be my only chance to workout. Planned on getting up at 7 to run before it got too hot, but my 2 year old woke up with a fever at 5:30. She is down for a nap now, so it is jillian's shred and a strength training video for me! 4 year old goes to the dentist for the first time today, and then church tonight means I probably won't get a run in. Arghh, how do you find the time to exercise?!?

    :heart: Christina

    Working moms are just the craftiest/creative/energetic!! We have to be to keep juggling as many balls up in the air as we do, right!?!?!

    I am a night exerciser. I either take them to the gym with me after work or run after they are in bed. During the winter, this obviously means on the treadmill unfortunately. This summer, Daddy is in charge after work as I run with a group on Mon/Wed. I also do my long runs on Saturdays early so they are still asleep and Daddy is there with them. I am lucky to have a very supportive DH.
  • runnerwithstyle
    runnerwithstyle Posts: 146 Member
    3 miles today
  • rdhsm
    rdhsm Posts: 16
    So last night I did not get around to posting what I accomplished.... so for yesterday after work I went to a strength training class than ran two miles on the treadmill. The cool part is my legs were already tired from the weights, but I knew if I took a break I wouldn't end up running. And since it was on the treadmill I set it at a running pace and never walked... for the whole two miles, which is good for me. Normally when I am in the subdivision I end up running/walking and never really get in a good groove. Felt awesome to be in rhythm for the first time. Yay. Will post today's adventures this evening.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    So last night I did not get around to posting what I accomplished.... so for yesterday after work I went to a strength training class than ran two miles on the treadmill. The cool part is my legs were already tired from the weights, but I knew if I took a break I wouldn't end up running. And since it was on the treadmill I set it at a running pace and never walked... for the whole two miles, which is good for me. Normally when I am in the subdivision I end up running/walking and never really get in a good groove. Felt awesome to be in rhythm for the first time. Yay. Will post today's adventures this evening.

    congrats on that!! funny thing is that what you did is my exact Tuesday workout usually - I just slacked off last night!!

    It is a great feeling to know that you can do something you hadn't done before, next time you are out on the road you will be able to say 'but I could do it in the gym' and you will run through whatever conversation was stopping you before.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm gonna have to skip my 7.5miles and go straight to 8miles which is what I should be doing according to my book anyway. Since I had lots of time, I planned a scheduled that allowed me to go up 1/2 miles at a time. No biggy, I'm sure I'll be fine. :indifferent:

    I think I'll head up north to see my family on Friday instead of Sunday and do my long run there in my old neighborhood. The only thing that terrifies me is bears. I'll have to make sure there have been no sitings before I run outside. Otherwise, I'll go to my sisters and use her treadmill. She doesn't know this yet. :laugh:
    I should also mention that I may not have access to a computer while I'm there, so I will not be posting for at least 8 days. I will continue to run and I will post if and when I can.
    I will miss this club!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You're right Mireille. You run enough miles that you can totally go ahead and jump to 8 miles.
    I'll miss you posting. Be careful. The bears sound like a deal breaker.

  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I'm gonna have to skip my 7.5miles and go straight to 8miles which is what I should be doing according to my book anyway. Since I had lots of time, I planned a scheduled that allowed me to go up 1/2 miles at a time. No biggy, I'm sure I'll be fine. :indifferent:

    I think I'll head up north to see my family on Friday instead of Sunday and do my long run there in my old neighborhood. The only thing that terrifies me is bears. I'll have to make sure there have been no sitings before I run outside. Otherwise, I'll go to my sisters and use her treadmill. She doesn't know this yet. :laugh:
    I should also mention that I may not have access to a computer while I'm there, so I will not be posting for at least 8 days. I will continue to run and I will post if and when I can.
    I will miss this club!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You're right Mireille. You run enough miles that you can totally go ahead and jump to 8 miles.
    I'll miss you posting. Be careful. The bears sound like a deal breaker.


    Mireille!! i don't like bears!! :noway:

    We are going to miss you!!! How can there be no access to a computer?!?! Where are you going Siberia? Bears, No computers, relatives, sounds yucky!! Come to Washington, DC and we will party like rock stars!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good late morning.
    Just had a hard time getting to bed last night, so no running this morning.
    I am thinking I will run on the treadmil tonight. I haven't been on the treadmill since it warmed up here. (And it is a really nice one, but I don't have but the few programs it came with) I find it harder to run on when you are not already a good runner. So maybe now that I have built up some stamina running on the street, maybe I will go farther on it.
    Plus it will be a good mix up to do it at night rather than at 5:30-6:00 in the morning.

    I have hit a bump in the road, haven't lost any weight and actually gained a pound from my weekend (Stawberry Margarita:drinker: ). Plus I had pizza last night :explode: . I didn't go over my calories if you include what I worked off, but I went way over the 1200 that I try to stay at. (Everyone is different and I can't eat that much and loose weight)
    So today is a new day and I am going to do my regular daily stuff and then work my butt off tonight with video and treadmill.
    Thanks for listening, you know it helps just to put it in a plan and write it down. Makes it real.

    "Today is a new day.." You're right! I love it!

    chat soon
    :heart: -Kechie.