TheLoneButler Member


  • I'm liking the sounds of this. Count me in!
  • I shall change my deficit to 1lb a week. I am investing in a kitchen scale today, so I will be able to weigh my foods and everything a lot better. I appreciate the feed back!
  • I appreciate the cross referencing tip, that comes in handy. I will be sure to double check nutritional data for future reference - I appreciate the informative responses. I will be boosting up my calories tomorrow to see if this is the solution. Whenever I've thought of weight loss, I've always thought that less is better…
  • I uploaded that off my phone and I've just been using the Internal database this website provides. So that 6 wings friend = 366 calories is due to information that was input into the database. I'm sorry for the inaccuracy in the post. In saying that - Should I be boosting up my caloric intake?
  • That is beyond amazing. Such an inspirational story. I cannot even contemplate how emotionally filled and physically draining the journey was, but look where it has taken you. You have gone above and beyond - What you have done isn't just lose weight, go down in clothes sizes or 'start a healthy lifestyle'. What you have…
  • Welcome! Coming back into fitness and healthy life style after medical troubles is always a challenge, but I believe you can persevere and achieve whatever you want to achieve. I'm looking forward to hearing progress as you embark on this journey. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like some motivation or some…
  • I appreciate the comments, thank you very much! I'm hoping to hear some of your reports soon too, work hard everyone. :)
  • My food diary is open to have a look at. I've only started today so there isn't much to look at but I shall keep it open for future reference. Best of luck to you on your journey! =)
  • Best of luck to you as you embark on this journey. Remember that half the battle is mentality - If you can picture yourself being there, and you know how to get there and the steps to take - You will get there by all means of disposal. You've got support from members on here, Hoping to hear some good upcoming reports from…
  • Water retention could be a big thing here. Your diary shows that you have in fact been eating quite well and you've been keeping your macros in tact. An important thing to remember is that your weight does fluctuate several times through out the day, After drinking water, after tedious exercise, It's hard to get an…
  • Positivity and a great network are key to success. Feel more than welcome to add me, I will be sure to check up on you regularly as everyone knows the task is easier when there are many hands. Keep strong and stay motivated!
  • From starting in late December 2013, Up until now. 113KG to 85KG.