No June Weigh In Challenge!

I know a lot of us are a slave to the almighty scale. Frustrated when we don't see a loss or even worse a modest gain. I'm going to challenge myself to eat healthy excercise everyday and not do a weigh in until July 1st. Hopefully some of you can join me and post on this topic to challenge ourselves not to get weak and get on the scale. And on July 1st we post our results and hopefully losses!


  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    i want to be in...but i've only been doing this for a month and i fee like the scale is a good indicator if i'm doing things right...but then again i might be a slave to the scale! i think i'll stop weighing until june 15th and then another two weeks after that instead of twice a week. so i'm kinda in! :}
  • rahrah6459
    rahrah6459 Posts: 23 Member
    I like the idea of it. I am so obsessed with the scale. I probably weigh three times a day! My husband will need to hide the scales from me. Ok... I'm in.
  • leon0897
    leon0897 Posts: 35 Member
    Let's do it!
  • TheLoneButler
    TheLoneButler Posts: 16 Member
    I'm liking the sounds of this.
    Count me in!
  • leon0897
    leon0897 Posts: 35 Member
    The scale keeps calling me lol.
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 478 Member
    I am so in, I am going to take measurement also!!!

    Whoop whoop scared and excited at the same time lol...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    DO what works for you. I notice my calorie intake gets really really low if I do not weight myself. So I do weekly weigh in just to see how my diet is going.
  • leon0897
    leon0897 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm hoping that June 1st will be a big update day! Just have to stay focused even though I had a horrible eating day yesterday. :(
  • rahrah6459
    rahrah6459 Posts: 23 Member
    This is so hard!! Not sure how long I can hold out.
  • Midasvictim
    Sounds like a plan...

  • myfrogs11
    myfrogs11 Posts: 53 Member
    Doing weights and cardio so trying to stay away from the scale anyways. I'm in too!!