
  • Great job!!! You were beautiful before but look so happy and confident now!!
  • I live near the coast! Feel free to add me
  • You can add me...my diary is open... not always the greatest I'll admit... live in a house of picky eaters and too poor to cook more than one meal for dinner...but learning to be creative! I am bound and determined to get there... just this week I have come back on board... cut out almost all soft drinks out of my diet...…
  • I'm from the NC coast close to MB... feel free to add me too! Looking for supportive friends who are in this journey with me!!
  • yup... I used MFP in 2011 and lost over 50 lbs... then in 2012 I had a long list of events happen and I just gave up on everything weightloss related... fast forward a year and I have gained every lb back that I had lost.... so now I'm starting over... I started last Monday and will weigh again tomorrow morning.. I know…
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP! I worked this site once before 2 years ago and it did wonders for me... I lost over 50 lbs... I looked and felt great! Then came life, fell down the stairs and tore a ligament in my foot... so there went 6 weeks w/ no exercising...then I got an infection in that foot that took two procedures and a…
  • Hi Felicia.... your story sound so much like mine... been back for a week... had a really rough last year and gained back the 50 lbs that I had lost the year before... I am now at my highest weight since I was pregnant... I'm having to start completely over... Please feel free to add me.... we can do this journey…
    in New-ish Comment by _CHRISTIE_ March 2013
  • I actually was just told last week that I was a pre-diabetic...they just told me overall that I needed to modify my diet...they didn't tell me that I needed to cut one specific thing out...just overall I needed to watch the carbs b/c they turn into sugar...watch the sweets, soft drinks, anything high in sugar or that turns…
  • I've wondered for a few years now if my Mirena has affected my weightloss efforts... interesting to read all of these responses... I am currently having issues with mine... wanted it out and they couldn't get to it... they had to do a vaginal ultrasound to see it... she ended up having to do a biopsy b/c of an abnormal…
  • I am about 20 lbs heavier than you... When I do Zumba w/ my hr monitor (I have a polar FT4 w/ a chest strap) it's usually around 300-400 calories burned in a 45 min time period... so I would say it's giving you a high reading of calories burned...just my opinion..
  • You look amazing!! I love the fact that you did this for your daughter... I have had pretty much the same realization over the past few weeks about mine...kudo's to you! I wish I could get my husband to read your story...he only weigh's 240... but he eats so unhealthy.... and I can't imagine what that is doing to his…
  • WOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Boom chicka bow wow!! :) You look amazing! LOVVEEE the new dress too!!! All girly and stuff!!! By the time you get home if I can somehow manage to get as skinny as you can I steal it? I'm extremely proud of you! You look incredible and your legs look crazy skinny! Did I mention that I miss you like…
  • Welcome to MFP! I did ww one time before and lost 40 lbs on it as well... but over time... a major surgery... and pregnancy.... and I gained that and some back..... this to me is easier... but the weight does come off a little bit slower... I've always heard the slower you lose it the harder it is to gain back so we'll see…
  • The support here is amazing!! You can totally do this... it's not easy... there will be days where you feel like giving up... those days I look at the success stories on here, and I go back and look how far I've come and know I don't want to go back.... words of advice...take each day at a time... don't weigh every day or…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Such an incredible inspiring story!! Great job!!!! Know it hasn't been an easy journey but you look amazing!!
  • Amazing job!!! You look incredible!!! :)
  • most stores will do rainchecks so go the last day of the sale, for veggies that are you season, esp fruits etc that during the winter get so expensive... if there is a realy good sale going on, stock up, but then the last day of the sale go back and check it out...if they've sold out, for whatever reason, you can request a…
  • If you have a local goodwill store... you may want to check there... our goodwill has beautiful wedding dresses.. it would be worth checking into it!
  • I was proud of myself last night... I burned a little over 400 calories working out.... tonight not sure what the plans are... and not sure about the weekend all together actually....Sunday will be pretty busy.... but the next 2 days I don't think will be that bad! Hoping to get in a workout or 2... might skip tonight...…
  • You look like a completely different person!! WOW!!! Beautiful!!!!! Great job!!!!!
  • I can do it ... I can do it... I can I can I can!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting here reading through the boards when I should be off my *kitten* and working out... I have no clue what happened to my motivation but good lord it has to come back soon!!!!! this is ridiculous!!!!
  • Today I will get my water in!!! NO EXCUSES!!! and I will eat a healthy dinner!!!! Again No EXCUSES!!! I don't know what is wrong with me but I'm so hungry all the time! If I stay within my calorie allotment I'm absolutely starving...so I need to find better ways to spend my calories... I know thats the problem, I'm eating…
  • bump bump bump :) voted!!! :) You were ahead by one when I voted!!! ::)
  • I'm here... was doing really good last week...and then the weekend came in full swing and I was running from the time I got home Friday to last night at midnight when we got home from a shopping trip w/ my inlaws! I had a christmas party for hubby's work, a baby shower I was helping w/ for my sis in law, and then church…
  • My goal for December is to get myself back on track! Bottom line no excuses...and I'm awesome at making those! I dont' even want to look at a scale, I just want to get back to eating better, and continue on this journey instead of giving in which is what I've been doing lately... I've teeter tottered for months now, and…
  • I'm right there with you.. I was at 180 this am.... partially b/c of TOM....and partially b/c I've completely turned back to my old stupid behind ways.... so here I am again saying that I'm going to focus and do my part this week... Krys-sorry you've had so much going on!! Hugs!!! how are you feeling? Ever find out…
  • This for me too!!! I had done so well during the Summer challenge...and I think honestly I just got extremely frustrated with the scales being at a plateau for so long and then on top of that having life get in the way I've been so stressed w/ some personal things that have been going on and of course as a result feeding…
  • Hi guys... I apologize for being so nonexistent lately... I've been running around like crazy lately... but have been trying to keep up on things but have to admit I haven't been logging like I should... I was down 2 lbs today thank goodness... Hope I'll be down again next week to where I was before and then keep going…
  • my diary is open as well but I look at this as a lifestyle not a diet so therefore I eat what I want in moderation... I can't stand most "diet foods" as I'm picky and.... so you may see processed foods on my diary... but it's all about choices... and balancing your day.... You can do this....take it one day at a time! You…