Second time around on MFP! Any others?

2012 WAS supposed to be my year of the big weight loss. I was doing great for a little while, but then slowly stopped tracking.. and things got messy. I gained back the weight I had lost. Logged off for many months. Now I'm back on MFP hoping this time to reach my goal and make the change for LIFE! I'm turning 40 in November, so it would be a great way to enter the new "decade" of my life.

Any others back for the second time? How are you staying motivated? -Val :)


  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Hey Val, yep - just re did my goals and "start" weight today, I'm in it to win it now - lets go!!! :)
  • vlmazz
    vlmazz Posts: 14
    I'm entering in my weight and goals in the morning! Something about starting fresh on a Monday morning lol. Let's do this is right!! Good luck!!! :)
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I started a year ago. Then about a month into it, my father in law was in the hospital for a week before he passed away. So we were out of state for almost 3 weeks, eating fast food and little to no exercise. Then when we got back home, I became very sick for a week. Needless to say I never came back to MFP until Feb 1st of this year. I am bound and determined this time to be successful. When I came back, I also redid every thing.
  • vlmazz
    vlmazz Posts: 14
    Well it looks like your doing a great job so far!! We have similar goals.. I would love to lose about 35 - 40 lbs. Keep up the great work!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I quit my 3-4 cans a day regular coke habit, along with my junk food habit. The first 12lbs were pretty easy. Now it is taking longer to lose a pound. Things have slowed down a bit.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    yes I am back for the 2nd time ........I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 .. I let tragic things and life in general get in the way and I have gained everything I lost and then some ...I came back Jan. 25th of this year with more of a positive attitude and determination ...I have logged daily for the past 46 days ..... motivation for me is buying a fitbit one and keeping track of steps and calorie burns daily .. that lil gadget is what has done it for me ........Wishing you much success this time around ...WE CAN DO IT !!! please feel free to add me ...Thanks Megan
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    I've come and left many times. My first time on here was Jan 2012, I lost 50 pounds over the year, but in Nov/Dec/Jan I gained 10 pounds back. My goal is to lose 30-35 more pounds. This time I'm staying. I can't do it alone. :-)
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Yup....this is my second time around. Didnt last long. This time, its a lot different. Especially the exercising,,,,doing a lot more. Good luck to you!!!!
  • I started my journey last year... I lost 30 pounds and then got away from it. I gained about 10 of the pounds back and now I'm ready to finish what I started.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    yes I am back for the 2nd time ........I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 .. I let tragic things and life in general get in the way and I have gained everything I lost and then some ...I came back Jan. 25th of this year with more of a positive attitude and determination ...I have logged daily for the past 46 days ..... motivation for me is buying a fitbit one and keeping track of steps and calorie burns daily .. that lil gadget is what has done it for me ........Wishing you much success this time around ...WE CAN DO IT !!! please feel free to add me ...Thanks Megan

    I have been thinking about getting one of these little beauties. I have been doing my research.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    yes I am back for the 2nd time ........I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 .. I let tragic things and life in general get in the way and I have gained everything I lost and then some ...I came back Jan. 25th of this year with more of a positive attitude and determination ...I have logged daily for the past 46 days ..... motivation for me is buying a fitbit one and keeping track of steps and calorie burns daily .. that lil gadget is what has done it for me ........Wishing you much success this time around ...WE CAN DO IT !!! please feel free to add me ...Thanks Megan

    I have been thinking about getting one of these little beauties. I have been doing my research.

    I absolutely love mine but I got the one which tracks sleeps ...I should of got the fitbit zip which is 59.00 instead of 99,00 like I paid ... I went for color shame shame on me LOL
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    Absolutely my 2nd time around! Started MFP over the summer, lost 10 pounds, then it was kinda like all hell broke loose in my personal life and I gained it all back and then some. All's well now and I am DETERMINED to get this weight off of me. It's funny, I don't weigh much more than before I was pregnant, and yet my body is COMPLETELY different; I carry my weight so much more in my stomach than before. Oh well. I want to lose at least 30 pounds, but hopefully closer to 40-45. Here we go again!!

  • ironmanwannabe
    ironmanwannabe Posts: 81 Member
    I did this almost 2 years ago, lost about 20 lbs, stopped using MFP and the weight slowly came back. Then about a yr ago I started again for the second time. Lost almost 40 lbs from my original weight. Took a short break over xmas and gained about 5 lbs. Now I am using it again (I still consider this my 2nd time) :)
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    I am back a second time. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • vlmazz
    vlmazz Posts: 14
    Thanks for responding girls! Lets friend each other.. we can motivate and keep each other on track. Lord knows I can use it!! We can do this!

    ps: I have friends who have the fitbit and swear by it. I actually have a Polar heart rate monitor and I love it. It tracks calories burned which really makes a world of difference for me.. it helps me track correctly.
  • Hi, this is also my second time around on the site. I think the difference between a year ago and now is my confidence level and having a set routine for when I work out and eat. Now that I am in college and have a gym to go to everyday, I think it will be easier to stay consistent with when I eat and work out. Feel free to add me. Good luck! We can do this!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    yup... I used MFP in 2011 and lost over 50 lbs... then in 2012 I had a long list of events happen and I just gave up on everything weightloss related... fast forward a year and I have gained every lb back that I had lost.... so now I'm starting over... I started last Monday and will weigh again tomorrow morning.. I know this is doable and am kicking myself every step of the way for allowing myself to get back in this position... so here I go again bound and determined to do this and make it stick this time!!! ... and need all the support I can get! Please feel free anyone to add me!
  • Swanz21
    Swanz21 Posts: 42 Member
    I am also back for another go at it. I am also looking for friends to keep me honest and motivated. Please feel free to add me.
  • auntieoolie
    auntieoolie Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me. My second time around too
  • I am right here with you... I was on this two years ago at age 26 now I am 1 month away from turning 29 and I need this change. After lots of research and reading and trials I think I know what will work best so I am juicing and well see how long I can go then when I complete my juicing (detox and cleansing efforts) I will not go back to my old ways I must change my habits beyond that. Feel free to add me and we will keep each-other grounded and hopefully focused.