Operation: Sexy Claus Week #8 11.7.2011 (CLOSED GROUP)

Good Afternoon all! I am sooooo sorry that it took me this long to make a new post! I have been running around all day long. Anywho...a new week! A new time to be amazing and successful in your ventures and meeting your goals. I won't post a question for today, since it is so late, so I will post onef or us starting tomorrow. But how was everyone's weekend? And please share your results from last week!



  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend and I start 30 DS today. I am actually looking forward to seeing Jillian today. :laugh:

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so I will post it tonight after my workout.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Terrible weekend.. but I will get better!!!

    Today been ok, even with my MAJOR badness this morning (STUPID STARTBUCKS!!!!)

    Anyways... Gonna do some goodness this week ... got the beginning of it figured out at least... after that... um...

    Gonna try to do some yoga and strength again this week - Failed MISERABLY last week.... This week WILL be better!!!

    Monday- Part Time job
    Tuesday- Gym
    Wednesday- Zumba
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I believe I'm up .6 - the weekend was terrific. I could have/should have got more done, but Sat was pretty productive. It was enjoyed. :happy:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm doing so badly with my eating! :sad:
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I just finished my first day of 30 DS and feel PUMPED!! :happy: And then I weighed myself and I am so HAPPY!! :bigsmile:

    LW: 162.4
    CW: 157.4

    OMG!! Sorry about all of the exclamation points, but I am through the roof!! 5 LBS IN ONE WEEK! :noway: I know it is because TOM is gone and water weight and all that, but still...to see that number on the scale today, just made my day...no wait, my week.

    Everybody who gained or stayed the same this week, trust me I know where you are and WE CAN DO THIS!!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi guys... I apologize for being so nonexistent lately... I've been running around like crazy lately... but have been trying to keep up on things but have to admit I haven't been logging like I should... I was down 2 lbs today thank goodness... Hope I'll be down again next week to where I was before and then keep going down...so we'll see... hoping to get back into a routine soon.... but glad I was at least down 2 lbs! :) Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend....was busy finishing some reports but I found time to do some stuff with the kids..

    My weight havent changed still 180lb.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I forgot to get on the scale today... tomorrow watch out.\
    Had a great weekend. Beautiful sunshine on a fall day. Lots of gardening and putting up Christmas lights, yes, I know, already! Snow is gonna fly sometime soon and would rather win the battle with the tangle while I am not freezing my fingers!

    I think this week I am going to increase my protein intake and see if that helps with a shift in the scale in the right direction!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Thank you all for those that wrote something on my late post yesterday....well I have had a crazy crazy past few weeks. My son's father moved out yesterday so I am transitioning my life into being a "single mother" I am ok with this though, I am strong and it was what needed to be done in order for us to both grow as individuals.

    Nevertheless, question of the day: How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    i find that it truly is a game of give and take everyday. some days are harder than others, whether it's trying to fit in a workout when i am super busy or struggling to stay under calories when i have to go out to dinner for someone's birthday, etc. i find that these things are always going to be problems, but i can't make excuses. i have to make the best choices i can every day. i try to plan out my week every week so i can fit my workouts in when i'm not busy. this really helps me stay focused. as far as nutrition goes, some weeks are better than others but i find that as long as i stick to an overall healthy lifestyle, i will still lose eventually. just have to stick with it!

    in other news, i gained this week. last week i admit i was stressed out over some things going on in my life and i over indulged in some bad choices. luckily the scale is already heading back in the right direction as of this morning. i'm looking forward to a good week this week!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    Good Day Good People!

    Well its' been a minute for me,...life just keeps getting in the way (haven't been on for a while)

    To answer the question, I would say that daily stressors keep getting in the way. So, I will make bad eating choices, obsession with the number on the scale...really makes me NOT want to weigh at ALL. Instead my focus has been on making sure that I am at least doing something at least 6 days per week no matter what. And so far, I've been able to maintain that -even if my eating has gone to hell in the hand-basket. I guess setting a goal/exercise program keeps me focused along with attaching it to some type of accountability factor,( i.e. a thread to check into with other people who are committed to doing the same thing) keeps me on track. In my mind ...sooner or later the weight is going to have to give...and it has, slower than most would like...including me, but it has nonetheless. So I stick with it. I fall off but I get back on because I know there are others out there doing it, so there's no real excuse for me not to...and that is what keeps me going.
  • Good morning, ladies!! No change to report from last week. That's good though because I was sick last week, and I ate horribly so I'm glad that I stayed the same. Have a great day, everyone!!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    So I just finished my first day of 30 DS and feel PUMPED!! :happy: And then I weighed myself and I am so HAPPY!! :bigsmile:

    LW: 162.4
    CW: 157.4

    OMG!! Sorry about all of the exclamation points, but I am through the roof!! 5 LBS IN ONE WEEK! :noway: I know it is because TOM is gone and water weight and all that, but still...to see that number on the scale today, just made my day...no wait, my week.

    Everybody who gained or stayed the same this week, trust me I know where you are and WE CAN DO THIS!!

    That's FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Thank you all for those that wrote something on my late post yesterday....well I have had a crazy crazy past few weeks. My son's father moved out yesterday so I am transitioning my life into being a "single mother" I am ok with this though, I am strong and it was what needed to be done in order for us to both grow as individuals.

    Nevertheless, question of the day: How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    Hi All. Down 1.1 this week.

    Struggles - balancing work/kids activities/budget with workout time. I haven't been doing great at this lately, as I am pulled in many directions helping my sisters out with their new/impending arrivals - but soon life will get back to a better routine .
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    Before August I fit my exercise in right after I get home from work and stretch early in the monring when I wake. The cafeteria when I was dieting so the lady there always made sure she did something healthy for me to eat for lunch...Yes I would fall off sometimes but I was able to stay on track for the most part.

    But since taking this new job in August EVERYTHING has been a struggle. Many days I struggle to reach 1200 calories...or I end up eating a heavy dinner because I miss lunch adn I'm so hungry. Exercise just isnt happening as it should...the only thing still working is I make sure I eat breakfast and I try to get my water in
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    It's not getting any easier. Rushing home from work to pick up son so that he can go to football practice, helping him and my daughter with homework , cooking and cleaning......I'm trying to fit in exercise where possible (my treadmill isbroken, belt slipping). I can squat and weight train better than I can fit in cardio routines. My new motto: EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I don't have an answer to the question right now.. but I'd like to share this instead.

    I binged tonight (like really really bad). I am so stressed and my emotions are running rampant (not to mention that TOM is coming soon), so food is always my fall back. I had been getting so much better at this.... until now. :sad: This just makes me feel even more anxious now.

    I really just feel like curling up into a ball and sleeping for the next month to avoid all of the work, all of the pain, all of the anxiety, and all of the hopelessness I am feeling right now. I don't want to be a downer but I have slowly been slipping into this funk for a few weeks now (and I do NOT just mean about eating/exercising... I mean my entire mood is like below the ground right now. :brokenheart: :ohwell:

    I mean, this is nothing new. This happens frequently in my life (I know, not good). But, it just takes me a while to find a way to pull myself back up...

    Until then, I apologize for my dreariness. :frown:
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I don't have an answer to the question right now.. but I'd like to share this instead.

    I binged tonight (like really really bad). I am so stressed and my emotions are running rampant (not to mention that TOM is coming soon), so food is always my fall back. I had been getting so much better at this.... until now. :sad: This just makes me feel even more anxious now.

    I really just feel like curling up into a ball and sleeping for the next month to avoid all of the work, all of the pain, all of the anxiety, and all of the hopelessness I am feeling right now. I don't want to be a downer but I have slowly been slipping into this funk for a few weeks now (and I do NOT just mean about eating/exercising... I mean my entire mood is like below the ground right now. :brokenheart: :ohwell:

    I mean, this is nothing new. This happens frequently in my life (I know, not good). But, it just takes me a while to find a way to pull myself back up...

    Until then, I apologize for my dreariness. :frown:

    No need to apologize, I think we all get into these "funks" now and then, especially around this time of year. But I see your ticker and can I say "Way to go". I have been on MFP for almost a year now and have only lost 7lbs. But I see tickers like your and Krys's and I think to myself I can do this. You are an inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    So I got on the scale today to a big surprise... down 1.4 lbs. Finally movement that wasn't on an upward swing!
    As for the QOD How do I balance everyday life with new healthier lifestyle. What stuggles do I have and what works....

    For me this is a journey of getting to know myself better. Understanding that rewarding myself with food isn't really a reward it just hurts me in the end. I let myself indulge once in a while.... but the calories better be damn good. I would like to think I work out everyday but really it is 5 days a week. I got onto a real cardio kick a couple weeks ago and haven't been doing any resistance training so started that up again just to tweak my routine. If I can't work out I no longer beat myself up. I used to think if I didn't workout it was the end of my healthy lifestyle. Bodies need a break and it is okay to put myself first.

    A success for me last week on Friday I usually do lots of errands and usually treat myself to something while out. Many times I like to go fo a fast food drive through and get something with fries. Instead I talked to myself and chose a healthier option- Subway. It had great flavour and I didn't feel guilty. It is small changes over time that seem to be sticking with me this time rather than changing my life so much that I don't recognize it as mine!!

    Rome wasn't built in a day and I didn't gain this weight overnight. Baby steps. Don't get me wrong, I still can make some really poor choices. Rather than throw in the towel I now just let it be what it was and keep on going.

    Krsytle~ May you find peace with this big change in your life. Look how far you have come and only good will come.

    Nevermorex~ This is a difficult time of year for many of us.. time change and a lot less sun isn't so good. Do you take Vitamin D supplements? It might be an idea. Stay strong. Don't beat yourself up too hard about having a binge. It is done. Tomorrow is a new day and you may have to "Fake it 'til ya make it". Be kind to yourself and treat yourself to something. And don't forget to get enough sleep.

    Let's have a great week!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all had an awesome day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: When you hit your goal weight....what is the first article of new clothing you are going to buy?