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Operation: Sexy Claus Week #8 11.7.2011 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    How do you try to balance your everyday life with your new healthier lifestyle? What struggles do you have? What works for you?

    I thought I had this all figured out until recently. There are three phases every year for my family since my husband is a teacher. There's the school year winding down phase when things are calmer and he and I both have time to plan meals, exercise, and balance our careers in harmony. Then enters the summer phase when he's working part time and he takes on the role of family cook (and he's very good at it) and things are absolutely fantastic on the health-front. It's bliss! Then we enter the phase we are in now. The beginning of the school year phase and the poo hits the fan. Complete chaos! He's busy modifying his lesson plans to suite the group of kids he has, which means less time at home. And that means that I have to do more cooking, more cleaning on my own, and my time management goes to pot. I've gotten behind with work because things have been really heating up there with the start of the new fiscal year (my company works with the government), which means that after the kids go to bed, I am not doing my workout, as usual, but I am working to get caught up. And being up later, generally means that I am snacking much later than I would normally and I am not picking healthy snacks. And boy has it been showing on the scale. No massive weight gains, but I am definitely not moving in the right direction. I know that January will be a turning point as it is every year, so I am working on maintaining until I can find some happy medium that will work for this hectic time of year. :smile:

    As for todays question... when I hit my goal weight I am going to be buying myself a cute dress. I haven't worn one since my wedding day over 7 years ago!

    nevermorex - I hope that things begin to look up for you. This is definitely a tough time of year, but you've got lots of people here supporting you!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all had an awesome day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: When you hit your goal weight....what is the first article of new clothing you are going to buy?

    When I hit my goal weight I'm going to buy a new dress from Modcloth. I LOVE their dresses and I've always wanted a dress from there. It will be a great gift to myself. :)

    nevermorex- i think admitting that you binged is a big step in the right direction. everyone messes up. in fact, i had a pretty bad week last week and gained from it. just make sure you get back on track. don't let one binge turn into 2, turn into a week or more. i know it's a constant battle, but you can do it! :)
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: When I get to my goal weight I will buy either a cute dress or a skirt. I haven't worn a skirt in such a long time.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I just finished my first day of 30 DS and feel PUMPED!! :happy: And then I weighed myself and I am so HAPPY!! :bigsmile:

    LW: 162.4
    CW: 157.4

    OMG!! Sorry about all of the exclamation points, but I am through the roof!! 5 LBS IN ONE WEEK! :noway: I know it is because TOM is gone and water weight and all that, but still...to see that number on the scale today, just made my day...no wait, my week.

    Everybody who gained or stayed the same this week, trust me I know where you are and WE CAN DO THIS!!

    Way to go girl! Work it out :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I don't have an answer to the question right now.. but I'd like to share this instead.

    I binged tonight (like really really bad). I am so stressed and my emotions are running rampant (not to mention that TOM is coming soon), so food is always my fall back. I had been getting so much better at this.... until now. :sad: This just makes me feel even more anxious now.

    I really just feel like curling up into a ball and sleeping for the next month to avoid all of the work, all of the pain, all of the anxiety, and all of the hopelessness I am feeling right now. I don't want to be a downer but I have slowly been slipping into this funk for a few weeks now (and I do NOT just mean about eating/exercising... I mean my entire mood is like below the ground right now. :brokenheart: :ohwell:

    I mean, this is nothing new. This happens frequently in my life (I know, not good). But, it just takes me a while to find a way to pull myself back up...

    Until then, I apologize for my dreariness. :frown:

    Girl you DO NOT have to apologize at all. I totally get it! I have been eating recklessly for the past two weeks...last week because TOM was approaching and the week before that just mad amounts of stress. So don't beat yourself up girl. I had to sit down yesterday and do a workout calendar for next week and make myself a daily schedule so I can just get back to feeling normal and ready to get back on the saddle! I would definitely try to make sure you are getting good foods in your body so you can start to have more energy. You can do it girl we are here for you!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Question of the Day: When you hit your goal weight....what is the first article of new clothing you are going to buy?

    A lil black sexy dress made of strectchy lycra-ish material....and hopefully I can wear it without looking 6 months pregnant.
    Currently I shun body fitting anything and jackets are my friend...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    cdngrl81 --
    I've been on MFP since the very beginning of 2009, so don't worry about your -7lbs. I spent 2 years trying but not losing. These 30-some odd pounds have come off since this past June.

    Kkmama --
    No, I don't, but I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion. And sleep ... well on a GOOD week I only average about 2-3 hours a sleep a night. I've been a chronic insomniac for many many many years and even prescription sleeping pills don't help.

    jreese5226 --
    Thank you for your support.

    miss_amy --
    It's not even the fact that I binged anymore... it's the fact that I can't seem to pick myself back up like I always have in the past... it's hard to explain.

    Krys_T --
    Thanks, sweetie. I'm trying but I am falling apart faster than I can pick up the pieces.

    Today was a really bad day. I got really worrisome news from one of my doctors this morning that has only deepened the hole I was falling down into. My anxiety level is infinite and I have not really eaten anything all day (I know how bad this is). I don't even feel hungry at all, but if I go into the kitchen, I'm just going to mindlessly eat everything in sight for a sense of security.

    I'm writing myself a note: "Healthy choices -- you can do this!" in the hope that I just find myself some good fuel for my body and don't mindlessly eat everything in sight just because I can...

    I guess we'll see later whether or not I was successful.

    and for the question, I'm going to find myself a nice dress. I really never ever wear dresses or skirts. I've had to replace a lot of pants already, so buying new jeans or slacks won't be too exciting. so I'm going to be adventurous and get a nice dress.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    QOD: What will I buy when I get to my goal weight.... a Leather jacket. It has been my dream for the last 20 years but I refuse to buy one when I need a whole cow hide to make it fit. I also don't want to be mistaken for a cow!

    Also a great pair of jeans!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Question of the Day: When do you feel the most vulnerable?
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Question of the Day: When do you feel the most vulnerable?

    I'd have to say I'm most vulnerable when I'm stressed or emotional about something in my life. Also, when I'm bored. Those are the most likely times that I'm going to cheat on my diet. I am slowly but surely learning to keep that at bay and listen to my body's needs, not what my mind is telling me.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    are we taking measurements this monday (11/14) or the next week?
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: I definitely feel most vulnerable when I am stressed out, which has been a lot lately (financial issues). I have to use all of my willpower to not cheat, but usually I end up cheating a little. :grumble:
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all had an awesome day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: When you hit your goal weight....what is the first article of new clothing you are going to buy?

    I'm going to buy me a nice dress something form fitting. Also a nice pair of jeans and shoes to match.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Question of the Day: When do you feel the most vulnerable?

    I feel most vunerable when I'm stressing about something or when i'm going through relationship issues.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Question of the Day: When do you feel the most vulnerable?

    When I go shopping for clothes :frown:
    I look in the mirror at home naked I think Iook ok... not perfect but shapely but as soon as I go trying on clothes I look like a beach whale....
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    QOD: When do I feel most vulnerable?

    I feel vulnerable when I am feeling stressed about things that I can't change; whether it's a relationship or a thought about something.... the "Coulda, woulda, shoulda" syndrome.

    And like Sugar Apple in the dressing room in a store.... not usually a pretty picture!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Hope you all had an awesome day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: When you hit your goal weight....what is the first article of new clothing you are going to buy?

    Some cute jeans!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Question of the Day: When do you feel the most vulnerable?

    When stressed - it seems it shows - my eating & working out gets out of whack, and the house gets untidy. (which makes me more stressed!)...
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! You know what today is... HIGHS and LOWS day!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    woo hoo friday! :flowerforyou:

    highs: i got all my workouts in so far this week. 4 down, 2 to go. :)

    lows: i messed up my back somehow and pinched a nerve or something between my shoulder blades and it hurt really bad yesterday. luckily it seems to be going away. i'm taking today off from working out. i *might* be slightly over my calories today, but i'm not going to dwell on it.

    have a great weekend everyone!