new to this with no support



  • beachgirl20
    beachgirl20 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! There is great support and motivation on this website. Just take things day by day and you can do it!! Anyone is welcome to add me :)
  • Remember the weak will always try to convince you to be weak like them. Show them the error of their ways and Kick some butt!!!!

    I believe in you, He believes in you and now all you need to do is believe in you!!! the rest of them will see the error of their ways when you stuff it in their faces.

    If you'd like please feel free to add me as a friend. this site has changed my life and I love to support everyone that I can.

    In His service
  • rumsuck8
    rumsuck8 Posts: 59 Member
    Add me if you like!! I just finished my first month, 13 pounds down. This site is wonderful......the support of friends is amazing. Go for it!!!!
  • Welcome o MFP!! Prove them all wrong! you can do this!!! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • ValReaves
    ValReaves Posts: 43 Member
    Hey...Welcome to MFP! So glad you posted. Don't listen to them and just have a strategy in place when someone tempts you. Ask for help here and I know suggestions will come. Add me too, if you like.
    Val :-)
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Keep your chin up sweetie! I didn't say anything to my family when I started doing this site.Just went on stealth mode. And my husband hasn't said anything to me about my stomach shrinking. Not a word. That's frustrating. Feel free to add me. We all can use a new friend.
  • Sod what they think... now is your chance to prove them all wrong... dont get me wrong its no easy task ... we all have our bad days but the support here is fantastic!! doubt i'd still be here without these guys... and prob be another dress size bigger... feel free to add me as a friend... wish you all the luck in reaching your goals... you CAN do it!! :)
  • take it day by day, it'll happen, and you'll knock their socks off:)
  • sexyagainbysummer
    sexyagainbysummer Posts: 47 Member
    i hope so!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I know you can do it and never give up on you or your health!! I thought that I did not have support until I came on MFP and found a lot of positive support and friendships. We have to have faith in doing what is right!!
  • hey girl .... i had alot of doubters when i first started my journey as well i lost 25 pounds without my fitness pal and am now using this as a tool to help me stay on track and finish my goal of 25 more pounds it feels really good to prove people wrong and i know u can do it too and soon people will start asking you for advise which is the best part !!!! stick with it .... its a great feeling when you meet your goals.!! BEST OF LUCK MSG ME ANYTIME!!
    and feel free to add me .as a friend...
  • victyler38
    victyler38 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new too this too... Nice to meet you!!
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    You can do it! I know this work I have already been doing this for 3 weeks and am doing great, I'm sure you will to. Just remember don't cut out all of the foods you love out cold turkey or you will quit. Feel free to add me!
  • bettina8
    bettina8 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome! Take this as an extra motivation! I have just told my parents and my bf, not to any of my friends, because I don't want to hear any comments or give them any expectations..I just want to see their face when I'll lose weight!
  • Jamiegirl2009
    Jamiegirl2009 Posts: 98 Member
    You can do it. and with the help of this site and friends with like minds i.e. EVERYONE On here it is going to be great. I feel so motivated already and i just started today : )
  • kpr121
    kpr121 Posts: 11 Member
    Ive been on and off different calorie counting programs/apps for the past 3-5 years. This one looks like its going to stick but only if the support keeps coming. The sig other doesnt like the app, shes never really had much trouble eating healthy anyhow. I have a few 'friends' on here but would appreciate anyone who wants to help me/help them with motivation and a little kick in the butt every now and then when I am falling off the wagon. I promise to do the same! Everyone feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • I totally feel ya! I don't have any support either b/c all of my family members are skinny! They tell me to push away from the table and run around the block a few times. Can you feel the love? Yeah, me either. Soooo we are in this together and we can show those "naysayers"!
  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    oh you will find support here! Good CAN do it!!!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    The support here is amazing!! You can totally do this... it's not easy... there will be days where you feel like giving up... those days I look at the success stories on here, and I go back and look how far I've come and know I don't want to go back.... words of advice...take each day at a time... don't weigh every day or even every other day... take your measurments, and take progess pictures... pictures are worth a thousand words... and you will be glad you did!!! Welcome to MFP!!