Operation: Sexy Claus Week #11 11.28.11 CLOSED GROUP



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    QOD: Since I already did my workout today... TOMORROW I plan on doing BFBM, instead of the Shred, which only got me 165 calories burned today. :mad: Not impressed, body... :laugh:

    Krys... That'd be an awesome tattoo! My sister has some lyrics on her wrists, and the font is really nice. I always loved that.

    nevermorex... The hospital?? Hope everything's OK! Stress can halt weight loss for sure! I tried to do some meditation today. It lasted about 5 mins. :ohwell:

    AmyByExample... SUPER Irish!! :happy: I used to do Irish dance (for many years), and loved everything Irish: music, celtic crosses, knots, claddagh rings, fiddle (played for a little while). All the best with your book! I was going to set up my December calendar today too, but haven't yet... Maybe when I get off the computer. Good planning!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a great day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: What are your goals for December!?
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: My goals for December are to finally finish 30 DS and finish off this year strong!!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    My goal for December is to get myself back on track! Bottom line no excuses...and I'm awesome at making those! I dont' even want to look at a scale, I just want to get back to eating better, and continue on this journey instead of giving in which is what I've been doing lately... I've teeter tottered for months now, and made lots of excuses... so it's time for me to do this for me... there are alot of holiday parties and so forth to go to, so it's important that I stay focused so I can continue on this journey that I started in April...
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    My December goals are to work out 4+ times a week, hopefully shed these 8 lbs to get me to 150, and to start using the On Demand exercise tv options from my U-Verse. We got a new puppy so between being home tending to him and my kiddo... I'm slackin!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My December goal is going to be to get in at least 3 workouts per week (preferably 4 but I do have to be realistic with myself), to eat well, and to not let myself stress out if something doesn't get done or purchased over the holidays. I am done with being completely exhausted by the time Christmas comes around. December is going to be FUN!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    My December goals are the following:
    - weigh in at 149 before Christmas
    - join Retro Fitness by 12/19 and GO!
    - be under my calorie goal (or just a wee bit above) at least 5 days a week

    Let's do this!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    QOD: December Goals
    - 15 mins meditation/day
    - 30-60 mins of workout, 5 days/week
    - healthy eating, 6 days/week
    - no late night snacking, 6 days/week
    - get to bed on time, 6 days/week
    - finish 30 DS
    - lose 10 lbs (CW: 173.2 :noway: big shocker this morning! i'm aiming for 165 by the end of the month)

    cms3398... I literally wrote down that one of my goals is to make excuses as to why i CAN do this!! :drinker:
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a great day yesterday!

    Question of the Day: What are your goals for December!?

    My goal for December is to be consistent, but not perfect. Keep tracking food intake - keep exercising on a regular basis. Continue to make myself a priority! :)

    Steph - Irish blessing sent your way :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    My December goals is to stay within my calories and not over do it with holiday food....
    I want to at least maintain my weight during this time.
    I'm also taking some holiday and I promise to get my exercise back on track now that I wont be working those long hours.

    Biggest goal is to spend more time with my family....over the past months I've been really busy and working late and have neglected everything....so i want to take this time to be with my love ones....
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hey all!

    Sorry I have MIA alot in this challenge. Don't count me out yet, though. I have a goal for December of losing 5-7 pounds. I know I can do this!

    Hang in there ladies! You are doing awesome!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning all! Hope you have a great Thursday! I pretty much decided to give myself a 3 day weekend starting today so I'm happy lol. I will be sitting down and looking at my schedule to see where and when I will be working out. I have been slacking far too long now and I can totally tell the difference in my body...I am way more tired now and feel sluggish. So no more!

    Highs and Lows this week!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I was on track with my eating Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Yesterday. (Sunday I was over and today I will probably be over... but not by a lot)

    spent one night in the hospital and going back tonight
    haven't been able to study for my comprehensive exam for my master's degree which is TOMORROW
    scale is showing a gain
    I am feeling really big
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Highs: the scale went down this week.

    Lows: I fear that the scale went down because of loss of muscle and not loss of fat. My energy has been poo lately, so I need to get back to being consistent about my exercises!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    December goals:
    1. Include more protein into my diet and less "empty calories"... hard to do with Christmas but I am going to do it.
    2. Weight train 3 x a week
    3. Get in Cardio everyday; min 15 minutes.
    4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day!!! :drinker:

    1. Got my hair done so I am feeling better when I look in the mirror from the neck up!
    2. Changed my goals on here to see if that will help to get the scale moving in the right direction!

    1. Got on the scale and wanted to cry. I am feeling very puffy and retaining water and I am up 6 lbs this week :sad:
    2. Clothes are feeling tight.

    My plan is to stick to my changes very closely and give it a good try for the next 2 weeks and see what I can do!!