

  • Not up to a whole lot with my riding right now as it is too blasted hot! We set a record here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area yesterday of 107 and believe me it felt every bit of that much! I went out to the barn where I board my mare and all I did was clean her pen and make up her feed for the week and that about wore me…
  • So glad I found horse folks on MFP! I too and losing weight to be a better rider. I used to compete in endurance and competitive trail and just loved spending long hours in the saddle, but sometimes lately just the act of saddling up wears me out...I want to get back to competing next year and just want to feel and look…
  • Your trainer is right...not eating enough causes your body to think it is starving and it DOES slow down your metabolism as it thinks it must conserve the fuel (fat) it has. It's your bodies natural survival mechanism. If I find myself in that position (which I don't often) I just grab an extra piece of fruit and it does…
  • I'm heading to the rec center to workout. Plan is to do 2 miles, very brisk walk with some jogging...trying to get to point where I can start the couch to 5k thing eventually. Not sure if I will walk on treadmill or the indoor walking track...will depend on how busy the rec center is when I get there. Good luck everyone!…
  • Awesome idea Megan!:wink:
  • Another Texas girl here! I live in Euless, just outside of Ft. Worth Texas. Great to meet everyone from all over and feel free to send me a friend request if you want to keep in touch...can use all the help I can get to stay motivated! I want to lose weight and also just get fit and feel better. I am tired of feeling tired…
  • Okay, I see this challenge "technically" started yesterday but I am still ok as I did workout yesterday and stay within my calorie goal. My plans for this challenge are to workout 4 times per week and stay within my calorie goal each day. Also to get better about logging my food. I want to do this not only to lose weight…
  • I totally know how you feel. I was laid off in December and been in the same boat. I was substitute teaching until the school year ended and it was easier for me then as I was too busy at school all day to eat. But now I am looking for full time teaching jobs and doing online coursework for my certification and it seems…
  • It does not sound to me like she is a very good friend as if she was she would support you 100% and not make such nasty comments. I personally still enjoy a beer or two now and then while trying to lose weight , but I would NEVER criticize or sabotage a friend who decided to give it up. In fact I have a sister in law who…
  • Wow...you are off to a great start!
  • Great..so can all us bums come over to your place for dinner...lol.
  • Love it! Too funny!
  • i watch them every now and then as it is fascinating how the prison has a whole culture all it's own...plus watching their problems always seem to make mine seem not so bad!
  • way to go! so great to see a post from someone who has had success on this site...encouraging to me!
  • 41 here and also looking for like minded folks so feel free to add me! Tracey
  • You have NOTHING to be embarassed about. In fact you should be PROUD of the fact that you are taking pro-active steps to do something about it instead! Wishing you much success...keep the faith.
  • Glad to meet another Arabian owner on here! I have a gray arab mare and I mainly use her in competitive trail and endurance.
  • Hi there! Good to meet another equestrian on here! Looks like most of the posts from fellow equestrians are quite old! I live in Texas and have an arabian mare that I ride in competitive trail, and endurance and am also starting to do some western schooling shows on her and even trying out ranch sorting. Am wanting to lose…
  • You are so right....birds of a feather DO flock together. I'm here on this site to finally get serious about my weight loss and changing how I eat and I know the #1 issue I need to deal with is eliminating fast food from my diet. #2 for me is sodas as even when I eat at home I drink way too many! It's good to know we are…