Unemployed = weight gain

Hi all,
I've been home now for 9 months and the results have been sitting on the computer applying for jobs all day and gaining weight!

I'm 5'', 27yrs and had a stable weight of 112 for years. Over the past years I've slowly gained weight and am now at 129..

I know exactly what to do...exercise and eat better but I just cant find a way to stop myself..I'm always saying oh just one more bite...results in overeating! which is the worst...

I've been going to the gym for fitness classes almost 4 days a week and I feel good about sweating and working out but I need more motivation to stop eating bad food! I love sweets and cant think of a health breakfast without eggs as I'm allergic...

any suggestions/motivations!??! I'm home myself for breakfast/lunch and always looking for something healthy but also am lazy to cook something for myself...excuses yes but what else..

side note - writing all this up about my weight/food issues feels good!!..its nice to get it down and let it out!

Good luck to all of you trying to lose weight!


  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Its tough when you have all that time to yourself, find a way to occupy you're time more so you at least don't get the urge to eat.

    As far as cooking goes, I haven't cooked a meal in a couple months now because I'm too lazy to clean up after myself or prepare meals daily. I go to the grocery store everyday and buy all my food for the day at lunch. Like today in the cafe section I got a panini, 9oz of brown rice, 6 oz of grilled chicken, some broccoli/asparagus/blueberries and grapes (the chicken and fruits and veggies all fit in a container that could hold maybe 12 oz of water). I might also get a banana or some carrots in the produce area. I ate half of the panini, some of the rice, chicken, and fruits and veggies. The rest I eat throughout the day, little here and a little there. Finishing off most of it after my workout for dinner.

    For breakfast I swing by the grocery store on my way to work and grab a banana, a greek yogurt, and some milk.

    I found a pretty cost effective way to get so much food, so it's all about figuring out what's available to you, and making the most of it.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Healthy breakfast without eggs, you could have cereal with fruit, toast with peanut butter and unsweetened jam, oatmeal, or smoothies. Smoothies you just have to throw ingredients in and blend.

  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Im home all summer and my eating habits are so hard to control because I get so bored. I now make a to-do list everyday. I write down things that could stand to get done around the house that I normally wouldnt bother with (organize the closet' wash the windows, plant a new flower bed etc). You dont eat more than you need to when you're busy.
  • txdistancerider
    I totally know how you feel. I was laid off in December and been in the same boat. I was substitute teaching until the school year ended and it was easier for me then as I was too busy at school all day to eat. But now I am looking for full time teaching jobs and doing online coursework for my certification and it seems like I always have to have something beside me at the computer while I am working on coursework or applying for jobs.

    I try and start out each day with a workout...I can't afford a gym but my city's local rec center is very affordable so I joined that. If I start out my day healthy it tends to bleed over into the rest of the day and if I don't...likewise.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i haven't worked an actual job outside of the home in 3 years.

    i like to argue that people that don't work actually have it easier.
    they have ALL DAY to workout and focus on their eating.. but who are we kidding?
    it's way more fun to lay in bed all day and watch tv.
    only recently have i stopped being a lazybutt and i've been exercising and eating right.
    i must say it's a lot easier not having to think about work.
  • marierosefmwoodall
    I would eat a lot of canned veggies. there pretty easy to make- just pop em in the microwave. But to the bigger issue your weight gain. Yes you have probably gained weight just from a lack of doing and added eating. But if you are going to gym classes like 4 days a week then you should be getting enough exercise to help. (hopefully those classes are free seeing as how you are unemployed?) But the biggest thing that jumps out at me is your body may just be responding differently to things because you may be depressed. The lack of want to and laziness would be a dead give away. You may not even know you are depressed but that is probably whats going on. You are over eating, you always want one more bite, gaining weight. I mean you have been unemployed for 9 months that is nothing to be happy about you know. I would get up and stop applying online, go show your face at the companies and make sure they know you really want a job. Apply everywhere for goodness sakes. Once you are employed I am sure you will lose some weight.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Unemployed since Jan 3rd. Started weight loss Feb 8th-ish. Was on a roll until mid April but since then I keep losing and gaining the same 5-7lbs. Lower overall but the boredom and lower TDEE is a killer...even though I work out 5-6 days a week pretty hard.

    It messes with your mind...at least mine...and it feels like self-sabotage, but I guess it could be worse.

    We can only do our best! Good luck!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Interesting, it's had the exact opposite effect on me. I gained weight with the constant harassment i was getting at work, and then when they laid me off because the constant harrassing me wasn't getting me to quit, I shed 43 lbs since being laid off, I look for jobs, apply to what I can in the morning, workout, eat, and then look for more jobs in the afternoon. Even though I'm completely stressed, I feel like working out all day has really helped to keep that stress at bay.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    One of the army of unemployed here for the past 9 months also. Personally, the reduction of stress from the job has been a blessing and aided my goal to lose weight. Not looking forward to the day someone actually offers me a job, but I will accept it.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    This is my third summer off work (yay for teaching!) and it used to be a problem, but I managed to develop a routine.

    I'm up at 5:00 most days and run or cycle most mornings. Home by 7. I cook oatmeal or microwave eggs for breakfast. Snack is normally Fage Greek Yogurt. Lunch is a salad made mostly of things I grow in my garden (plus Tyson precooked chicken). I love to cook so dinner is normally homemade too.

    I spend too much time doing "nothing". Reading, catching up on TV (I don't have time 9 months of the year, so don't judge!), killing time on pinterest... But as long as I keep my calories in check most days, and work out most days, I'm okay.

    Try setting up a routine. My mom works from home writing techincal manuals so she works in 3 hour blocks, going to the gym or doing yardwork in between. (That is also what I did during a three month period of unemployment years ago.) We don't live together, but both of us eat ONLY at the kitchen table. And ONLY on real plates and using real silverware. Stops the excessive snacking. Good luck!
  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    Hi, I see it opposite. Now that your unemployed, you have more time to work out. Whenever your hungry guzzle down a bottle of water but eat your 3 main meals and 3 healthy small snacks. Don't get discouraged. I tend to eat when I'm stressed or bored, which is horrible. But I tell on myself so that allows people to catch me before I fall. If you need someone to help catch u, I'm here. We need support and motivation from as many people who are willing to do so. Good luck!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I was the opposite. I was unemployed because of a long distance move and had a hard time finding employment in my new city. I was off for about 9 months. The first few months my weight crept up a little bit because of a temporary living situation with a poorly equipped kitchen (it was much easier to do take-out, once we got into our permanent home we began cooking again), lack of gym membership, and too much snacking. I got back to the gym, discovered MFP, and lost 30lbs during my last 5 months off from work. It was tough at first not to snack all day, but I kept myself busy job searching, cleaning, working out, exploring my new city, etc. When I did finally land a job, sticking with my new eating habits was easy because it had become so routine and I had a list of go-to snacks and lunches I knew I could prepare ahead of time. The old me would just grab pre-packaged food to throw into my lunch bag on the way out the door in the morning. I continued to lose a bit more weight after I began working again, however I am now pregnant and focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle until I give birth. Then I'll be home again and back into the weight-loss groove!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I wish I could take a 6 month leave from my job to focus on getting healthier. OMG all that time in the day! I'm pretty anal about my time schedule now and getting stuff done within a certain time (I don't know how it takes people 8+ hours to clean) so I would love to be at home all day. I would be able to spend more time at the gym. More time making meals. More time just do do anything!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I wish I could take a 6 month leave from my job to focus on getting healthier. OMG all that time in the day! I'm pretty anal about my time schedule now and getting stuff done within a certain time (I don't know how it takes people 8+ hours to clean) so I would love to be at home all day. I would be able to spend more time at the gym. More time making meals. More time just do do anything!

    It can take 8+ hours to clean when as soon as you get the house clean someone makes another mess :mad: