dinosaurparty Member


  • I really need a thread like this right now, haha :( I hate complaining, but an hour of councelling a week isn't always enough time to vent, and I'm so frustrated. Some days I can't leave the house because I feel so ugly. On days when I can, it's usually because I'm in a 'good' mood due to eating way under my calories. It's…
  • Motivation is overrated. It's awesome if you actively want to do something, but no one feels that way 100% of the time. Eventually you won't want to stick to your diet or get up and exercise - it happens to literally everyone. I think in that situation it's really tempting to be like 'I don't wanna', and sit back to wait…
  • I think Ninkyou is on the mark there. If someone is being pushy or critical about your diet, just take the high road and change the subject. If they're a person you're close to, maybe ask them not to comment if they don't have something supportive to say. People can be really weird about other people's diets. I think it…
  • I put tea bags and sweetner and cream in my water.
  • I'm sort of picking arbitrary numbers until I reach a point where I'm happy with my figure. I've never been this slim before (and I'm in the middle of my bmi), so I have to play it by ear.
  • Welcome! There's a lot of vegan and vegetarian users here, myself included :) Just be sure to pay attention to your calories as well - it's surprisingly easy to gain weight on a vegan diet. There's nothing automatically healthy about not eating animal products. To be honest, cutting easy sources of protein makes it harder…
  • Peanut butter! And its so hard to keep out of the house. 90% of the rime I'm totally fine eating it in moderation, but every so often I just mow down with a spoon :(
  • I just made vegan sloppy Joes - my boyfriend is a dedicated carnivore, and he absolutely inhaled them. I thought they mimicked meat really nicely, which is fantastic as I'm personally not a fan of faux meat products :p These are also very low calorie - I got like 95/cal for a 125g serving (enough for one sandwich). If you…
  • I'll have some water, or tea if I'm going to be up for a bit before heading out, but I feel like food slows me down. I don't really notice a difference in my energy levels when I eat first vs. don't eat, but having a big of caffeine definitely gives me a boost.
  • Thanks for all the great ideas, guys! :smiley:
  • Feel free to add me, everyone :) My diary is open.
  • I like to make green lentils ahead of time for easy salads. Cook them as usual, strain, and then toss them in an oil-based 'dressing' (I like infusing olive oil with garlic and then adding lemons juice and salt/pepper). Then you just store them in the fridge. My go-to lentil salad has canned tuna, red onion, bell pepper,…
  • Look at it this way - sometimes we need cake. Moreover, sometimes we deserve cake. Rather than focus on feeling disappointed, you can reflect on why you needed the cake. Are you stressed right now? Is it shark week? Did you 'ban' cake from your diet until you went a little crazy and binged? Are you restricting too hard,…
  • If you don't think eating out fits your goals right now, then why not give it to someone who looks like they could use it? :) Gift cards are great for donating!
  • I'm only like on day 81 or something of my current streak, but my goal is to log every day for a year :) My diary is open, feel free to add me!
  • But isn't that technically the same as under-logging because you ate over your goal? Your body doesn't know mfp exists, there's no point in lying to a phone app. :) OP, I'd probably log like 15 or 20% of the calories from your meat, especially if it was all cooked together in the same pot, and the meat wasn't something…
  • I found that macros came with time. Starting out, it can be enough to think about weighing and logging and staying at a deficit. You have a lot on your plate, so to speak, so don't worry too much. Personally I wouldnt commit to paying for a premium account until you're really comfortable with mfp in general. What do your…
  • Feel free to add me! I had the same problem starting out :( To be honest, I didn't even start working out properly until I'd been dieting for a couple months. That's also how long it took me to really commit to logging :/ it's a pain in the *** at first, but these days it takes at most 5 minutes. Learning habits can take a…
  • Feel free to add me! I need to keep on track with my running, so the more fitness-minded friends the better :)
  • Why not enjoy dinner with your family, and then just eat 1500 or 1400 calories for the next couple days? If you're stressed out already, don't be too hard on yourself! I don't think you have too much to worry about, maintenance is about balance :smile: Just eat sensibly and enjoy the holiday.
  • Anxiety (and depression) is something I've dealt with my whole life. Sometimes, like now, it gets really bad. I get anxiety attacks and can't work. Running made a huuuge change in my mental state. I started running every morning when I was in a bad place, and it helped me push past. Now I run or workout almost every day,…
  • I like to use rice cakes as a base for spreads and cheeses and stuff. They're boring as hell but like 35 calories and crunchy. Spread some lauhing cow or cream cheese or avocado on them, cucumber and tomato slices, and a bit of black pepper. Peanut butter is good for fats and a little protein, and I personally find it…
  • Ideally my coffee is a double americano or a long black, with two sweetners and a splash of cream (which somehow always comes out to 18ml for me?) :) Some cinnamon on top is nice too!
  • I have an open diary :) I'm plant-based and am eating 1300-1400 a day, usually. Feel free to add me! Knowing that people might be looking keeps me accountable, haha.
  • Peanut butter. Like the cheap kind with icing sugar and crap mixed in. I literally finished off the last of a tub of it just now, with a spoon :( Time for a PB break I think.
  • I know that feeling so well :( Whenever people get loud, or accusatory, or confrontational around me I just clam up and get flustered. Its hard to know what to say in those situations, but it's not your fault! She's the one behaving rudely - technically you dont even owe her a coherent response.
  • Good for you! It's those little, everyday successes that will lead to you acheiving your goal :) Just a thought, but are many of the unsupportive people in your life also overweight? I found that it was often other heavy people who could be the most discouraging. Its not that they don't want the best for you, but I think…
  • I dont think they could alter your calories enough for you to need to count spices. Maybe cocoa powder, but that's a stretch.
  • I lost about an inch from my calves while running 25k a week - so it can happen! That said, its not super visible (I notice it more in the fit of my boots to be honest). My calves are also still about 16" relaxed, so I'll never have slim legs. It used to really bother me, but I'm starting to appreciate them more now that…
  • Peanut m&m's are my weakness (well, peanut anything, really). I used to do that like once a week :( Throw them in a bag of hot, buttery popcorn and it's literally heaven.