

  • Chocolate chip cookies! Chocolate in general. I try not to buy it.
  • A mitraillette: a baguette with a hamburger and fries inside. Of course a whole can of Ben and Jerry's. And I still avoid buying chocolate chip cookies, because I usually dip them in hot chocolate milk to make everything a bit soft and melting and I know I will just eat the whole package that way.
  • Not at all. I just want to eat chocolate all day. Not good for my weight.
  • Stupid question: how bad are sweeteners in stead of just sugar?
  • I start my work at 5 AM. At first I was not hungry and just ate at ten, but now I eat at five and at ten, and one PM. I don't know if that is ok. Should I skip my 5AM again and lose this new habit? I think it makes me gain weight, but I'm not sure. I mostly eat two slices of bread each meal. Or some apples and a banana.
  • I have the same weight as last week, but since I went on a short holiday with my inlaws, I'm glad I did not gain. This week: running and swimming!
  • I want to join to. Last two weeks were hard for me. I really need some extra motivation. Starting weight: 150 lbs I really want to go for a run four times a week. I've been trying to work out every day but at the end of the week I'm so demotivated I just can't stop eating cookies. :s
  • We have 'Roger the crazy festival dude' who goes to EVERY festival. Everybody knows him and he hardly has to pay for his drinks since everyone buys him drinks when they see him. And since we still don't have a government after more than 330 days after the elections, we have a lot…
  • Brussels (Belgium)
  • When I was nine or ten we went swimming with some other class from our school. When we were waiting for our teacher to come out of the dressing room so we could enter the pool, one of the girls of the other class (I think the same age or maybe one year younger) right next to me started to conjugate 'to be too fat', looking…
  • My previous job was pretty intens but I liked it a lot and my colleagues were great. We had three teams of five project managers and one BD/teamleader. We sat on those little islands in a circle so we made jokes all the time, got frustrated, shouted at each other, higged, high fived,... you get the picture. One of those…
  • I totally cheated during the Easter weekend as well, and I feel horrible! I drank about 3 liters of water yesterday, does it really help to compensate the weekend? My belly looks huge. Two days can really sweep away all hard work.
  • Ok, that makes sense. I'll look up some information on that method. I'm thinking of doing ripped on one day and jogging on the next. But maybe it is better to combine it with longer walks. Thanks! @misslove68: the dvd isn't enough for me either. Okay, my abs are getting stronger, but it's just not the overall change I'm…
  • Since it was about 28 C° yesterday, I wore a dress. After a couple of hours my thighs hurt from the sweat and the fact that they rub when I walk. Reallllllly hate that!
  • I don't have to lose that much either. I could try to lose more, but I did that before and I know what weight I can keep, so my goal is to reach that weight and keep it this time. It may not be the weight I would like to have, but it is the one I can keep with natural sporting and eating behavior. I bought the dvd to work…
  • I'm in week three now and my waist isa bit smaller, but after all it's just a circuit training for 20 minutes so to have major results I think you have to combine them with running or wimming. I'm going to do when I did these four weeks. I'm going to start all over again, but combined with jogging. But I'm not an expert of…
  • Welcome! As you can see everyone wants to support you here :)
  • Welcome! Good luck with your work outs. Everyone will try to support you as much as they can :)
  • I don't know why but I always draw the attention of married 30-35 year old guys. Fine by me, I don't care, but it always ends in the "You're so much better than my wife" speach which is ridiculous. One that happens all the time, really 90% of the time: if I tell them that I have a girlfriend: 'I don't mind, can I join?'…
  • One of my collegues is pretty spiritual and is going to special lessons to 'think herself thin'. She doesn't have to do any sports or eat less. The lessons focus on saying 'I'm going to lose weight'. The believe itself will do the work, or something like that. I'm afraid it won't be that easy and that the only thing that…
  • I don't think I'm asexual, but my libido is just lower than average I think. I have had great sex, with men and women so that didn't really make a difference, but now, I don't. First I thought that it was just a phase, a result of graduating, getting my first job, moving out, getting a second job etc. But now I just don't…
  • Not a comment, but just the look of my mom. The "head to toe" look when you walk into the kitchen says enough. My mom was obese when she was young and she wanted that we would not go to the same as she did, but the look did hurt. Or the look every time you want to pick up your fork or another slice of bread. My mom now…
  • The Crimson Petal and the White from Michel Faber. The first 100-150 pages are a bit difficult to get through, but after that I just didn't want to go to sleep! And since its over 900 pages that is quite frustrating because you have to :) Honestly, my favourite book.
  • In the morning (from 5am to 11.30am) I'm working as a media-analyst for the European Commission, summerizing and translating newsarticles on European politics in English. In the afternoon I'm working as freelance journalist.
  • I also brush my teeth, it helps. And eating carrots or gum.
  • Ok, since weather is getting better, I'll combine it with jogging I think. So running three times a week and every day the ripped in 30 it will be. Thanks!
  • Wearing sleeveless shirts and tops. :) And jogging in SHORTS (the last time I wore shorts I probably was six) and not feeling like the overweight girl in a park of athletes (I know there'r not, but they sure look like that :) )
  • Cabbage soup. In the morning, nothing else, three times a day. And I don't even like cabbage. It did work, but I hated to get up in the morning thinking of soup.
  • I'm in week 3 of Ripped in 30. Week one and two were duable, but week 3 is REALLY hard! I'll not be able to finish this one in one week I think. :) What should I do next month? Just combine my running exercises with ripped or start the 30 day shred? What would be the most effective?
  • I just did my second day of week 3, and it went a lot better than yesterday! How do you put that work out in the exercise board?