What is the worst diet you have ever been on?



  • carmenvo
    carmenvo Posts: 34
    One of my collegues is pretty spiritual and is going to special lessons to 'think herself thin'. She doesn't have to do any sports or eat less. The lessons focus on saying 'I'm going to lose weight'. The believe itself will do the work, or something like that. I'm afraid it won't be that easy and that the only thing that she will lose is going to be money.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Herbalife, this was over 10 years ago! but you ate once a day and had a bunch of pills instead of food for breakfast and lunch :-/
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I have two that are neck and neck: one was Atkins, I know some people love it but I did it for about 2 months and felt terrible. This was back in the mid 90's though so maybe they've changed some of the diet plan, I don't know. But anyway, the second was this weird thing my mom found in some kind of home journal type magazine. It was a soup that you were supposed to eat 3 times a day, for 10 days and you were supposed to lose 20 pounds on it. It was probably extremely healthy, in a bowl here and a bowl there kind of way, but it was disgusting. After the third day of eating this stuff morning noon and night I started choking on it. It was veggie broth, with baby shrimp, a couple cups of shredded cabbage, a few cups of chopped spinach, several cloves of garlic chopped, a three inch peice of ginger sliced, a couple chopped beats.... that's all that I can remember was in it. There was more. Even now the smell of raw ginger makes me gag.:sick:

    Oh my gosh! I think my mom tried to force me onto that one when I was a teen. That was the diet where I finally said NO! No more diets! It's toss between that one and the diet she got from the Joy of Cooking that apparently was based on the idea that flavor is bad for you. All you could eat was bouillon broth, non-fat cottage cheese, dry toast, canned pears, skim milk and stuff like that. It was super rigid. After a week I was sneaking my dad's snicker bars.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I have two that are neck and neck: one was Atkins, I know some people love it but I did it for about 2 months and felt terrible. This was back in the mid 90's though so maybe they've changed some of the diet plan, I don't know. But anyway, the second was this weird thing my mom found in some kind of home journal type magazine. It was a soup that you were supposed to eat 3 times a day, for 10 days and you were supposed to lose 20 pounds on it. It was probably extremely healthy, in a bowl here and a bowl there kind of way, but it was disgusting. After the third day of eating this stuff morning noon and night I started choking on it. It was veggie broth, with baby shrimp, a couple cups of shredded cabbage, a few cups of chopped spinach, several cloves of garlic chopped, a three inch peice of ginger sliced, a couple chopped beats.... that's all that I can remember was in it. There was more. Even now the smell of raw ginger makes me gag.:sick:

    Oh my gosh! I think my mom tried to force me onto that one when I was a teen. That was the diet where I finally said NO! No more diets! It's toss between that one and the diet she got from the Joy of Cooking that apparently was based on the idea that flavor is bad for you. All you could eat was bouillon broth, non-fat cottage cheese, dry toast, canned pears, skim milk and stuff like that. It was super rigid. After a week I was sneaking my dad's snicker bars.
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    All of them, because even though I may have lost weight they it didn't last.
    Weight watchers, in 10 lbs I will hit my all time lowest on that program before I did the lose 20 gain 30, lose 30 gain 40 ect,
    Adtkins and South Beach....Found out my body needs carbs, passed out with both.
    The magic pills, all made my heart feel like it was going to beat out of my chest and explode.
    Juice/dteox diets....I was starving so much I binged before they were over.
    And any diet I've tried where I had to restrict myself to only certin foods, yeah that didn't work so well :)
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    For me, it was the low fat diet. I lost weight, but had zero muscle tone or energy. And let's face it, most "low fat" food options either taste nasty or are loaded up with sugar to make up for the fat.

    Adkins was a close second. While I lost weight there too, my body did strange things.....like crave Brussels sprouts. I'm sorry, but any diet that makes me crave Brussels sprouts is just not right for me. I was able to modify the diet to add more healthy veggies into my diet, via the Protein Power Plan.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    For me, it was the low fat diet. I lost weight, but had zero muscle tone or energy. And let's face it, most "low fat" food options either taste nasty or are loaded up with sugar to make up for the fat.

    Adkins was a close second. While I lost weight there too, my body did strange things.....like crave Brussels sprouts. I'm sorry, but any diet that makes me crave Brussels sprouts is just not right for me. I was able to modify the diet to add more healthy veggies into my diet, via the Protein Power Plan.
  • ferewyni
    ferewyni Posts: 10
    I am dieting with HCG plan it works. It is 500 calorie diet with drops it is manageable and makes you feel good.
    Since I start HCG I lost 23 pound I start On Feb.22 I was 189 know I am 166 I am so happy.
  • CrimsonWife
    One of my collegues is pretty spiritual and is going to special lessons to 'think herself thin'. She doesn't have to do any sports or eat less. The lessons focus on saying 'I'm going to lose weight'. The believe itself will do the work, or something like that. I'm afraid it won't be that easy and that the only thing that she will lose is going to be money.

    This *COULD* work if she's an emotional eater and says the affirmations rather than binging because she's bored/lonely/angry/upset/etc.

    But I agree that unless she changes her behavior, the affirmations by themselves aren't going to do a thing.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I lost about 35lbs on an Atkins type diet years ago (Protein Power). Problem is I couldn't make a lifestyle out of it. Tried WW but found it too tedius and I don't like the AA type meetings. No offense to those who get something out of it, people must or they wouldn't be in business. Biggest thing I've discovered is my main issues were lack of activity, portion control, and snacking in that order. I used to be a server and then a restaurant manager. Even though I was husky I found I could eat large amounts of crap food and not gain too much because I was on my feet all day and burned calories like a machine. Then I finished school and started my career and the pounds really piled on. So now I workout 3-4 times a week with some dedicated coworkers and my wifey and use MFP to record everything I eat. Being honest about what and how much I've eaten is proving to be a big encourager to eating better and less.

    Other diets I tried:
    Sacred Heart Diet (I'm aware the diet isn't actually related to the hospital, but that's what it's known as. It's similar to the cabbage soup diet i think)
    Weight Watchers
    Body for Life (did the exercise routine more than I did the diet)

    I think there's good stuff in all of the ones above, it's just a matter of finding one that you can make into your lifestyle and live.

    Good luck to all out there.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Special K Diet. When I was 15. And 125 lbs.

    ...so stupid.

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I have never been on a diet. True story.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    I tried Slimfast years ago. It was a complete failure. I'd get so hungry, I'd end up gorging on cheddar cheese and Pop Tarts every afternoon, thinking I'd earned it for starving myself the first part of the day. Yeah, that was pretty brilliant.
  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    After my 2nd baby I did the "Every Other Day Diet". You eat 1800 calories on one day and on the other day only 500 calories. I hated it b/c I was starving on the 500 calorie days and as a result not making healthy choices on the 1800 days. I did lose about 8 lbs in 2 weeks, then gave up and eventually gained all of it back.

    I loved Nutri System. It helped me lose all of my weight from my first pregnancy, about 38lbs in 5 months. I liked most of the foods too and loved that I could eat something sweet everyday!! Biggest drawback...$$$-so I couldn't do it again after my second pregenancy.

    Hoping I can lose weight the most sensible way now, through exercise and portion control. I want to keep it off for good!
  • AW30
    AW30 Posts: 14
    I was once on a no carb diet, by day 3 I was ready to sell my soul for a slice of bread.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    These are all so funny, and awful!

    I'm another Atkins drop out. I flunked WW too.

    My dad did this weird diet called "Rotation", where you spend eat different calorie amounts each day for different weeks, but it was really another gimmick starvation diet. The grocery store had a nutritionist, and a little kiosk. He held out for three weeks and then said, "f--- this s---" (that is a direct quote) and took us all out to a steakhouse! hahaha
  • heathernsugar
    I must say I loved Nutrasystem the first 3 months---then all of a sudden
    it really did taste like CAT FOOD!!!!! Sad thing is the cat wouldn't even
    touch it--makes me wonder what on earth did I digest??

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    *** Warning: Grossness ahead! ***

    Slim Fast. I didn't have them so much as a The Slim Fast Diet, as a meal replacement after getting my wisdom teeth out. I gag and shudder at the thought of them now, but I think it's mostly because my narcotic painkillers made me nauseous, so I equate Slim Fast with an upset stomach and a bloody taste in my mouth.

    Plus, it's really, really hard to throw up when you can barely open your mouth. Slim Fast is not good when it comes out your nose.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Slim fast. Although I lost 20 pounds on it in a short amount of time, I was STARVING MYSELF literally!!!! There is only so long you can drink your meals and have your stomach growling ALL DAY LONG trying to tell you it's hungry! As soon as I got off (because there is no way you can live on 900 calories or less for very long) I gained all the weight back plus a lot more!
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80
    Slim fast. Although I lost 20 pounds on it in a short amount of time, I was STARVING MYSELF literally!!!! There is only so long you can drink your meals and have your stomach growling ALL DAY LONG trying to tell you it's hungry! As soon as I got off (because there is no way you can live on 900 calories or less for very long) I gained all the weight back plus a lot more!

    You have 1200 calories on the slim fast diet.