emoslayer84 Member


  • I recommend going to your doctor. Let them know what steps you have taken to lose weight. Get a work up done. Make sure they check everything from sugar levels, cholesterol, thyroid, and anything else the doctor would recommend that would prevent you from losing weight. I've always been in the mindset that grocery shopping…
  • It's really important to discuss what type of shampoo you are using. If you're using a "cleansing" or "clarifying" shampoo, it takes all the oils and nutrients out of your hair. If you use a color-safe shampoo or a moisturizing shampoo, you should be fine 2 - 3 times per week. Another important factor is water temperature.…
  • Congrats on the progress. The last time we did it, we followed the CICO process. I think we really plateaued at about the 45 lbs lost mark. We went several more weeks, but nothing was working. We changed our exercise routine. Since then, I've been doing some research and spoke with my doctor that suggested to do the CICO…
  • Amazing! I've decided not to be discuraged until I see results that are not in the direction I desire. Keep on keeping on!
  • Was it deep fried roll?
  • Make sure you are not running to fast! Slow down and take your time. You should be able to still be able to hold a conversation as you run. It's not about how fast it's the endurance of being able to maintain a healthy pace. I just finished W5D2 (never ran before in my life) and most of the soreness is in my left hip from…
  • I agree with the apples. I eat my regular dinner, wait 30-45 minutes, go workout for 30-45 minutes, immediately eat a fresh apple after work. I do granny smith apples because they are more sour than sweet, settles better on stomach. :)
  • 1.) Post a "before" picture on your pantry/cabinet and refridgerator. 2.) Get into the groove during this week to prepack your meals and freeze them. 3.) Obtain even a cheap excercise video and do it twice a day over the weekend. 4.) If there is any point during the weekend it is NOT raining even for 20-30 minutes, LEAVE…
  • If your apartment community doesn't have a fitness center, ask if they have arranged a special deal with a local gym. Also, wait until gyms have a sale off of joining fees and such. Even the small "janky" gyms that are cheap have just the equipment you may be looking for.
  • Once he sees some progress and I'm sure he'll be enticed to join too! People can think what they want, but YOU are taking control! Don't let someone else have you power! I'm proud of you for taking initiative! You have my support, and THANK GOODNESS you won't have cheeto fingers! :)
  • You took the first most impressive step in your journey. It all starts with a need/want, then motivation, encouragement, will-power, breaking bad habits, making new good habits, then before you know it success! Feel free to add me! :)
  • My partner and I have two beautiful daughters. We both work full-time (full and a half time...lol) jobs. We don't have much time to focus on excerise and eating right. We've learned the past two weeks to not feel guilty for hitting the gym for 30 minutes in the evening, using the mobile phone application to log in…
  • For water: I usually average above 8 cups of water/day. I probably don't log all the water I consume, but it's my go to drink everyday.
  • I just added to my food diary to track fiber. How does this site measure fiber. I obviously need to take a suppliment but not sure how much I need to take and add to my diary daily (how do I add that to my diary?).
  • Thank you everyone! I'm going to try to incorporate more fruits, track fiber (take suppliment if needed), and maybe add some prunes (dried, fresh, or juice) to my diet. To answer a couple of questions: I do not feel uncomfortable or have a "constipated" feeling about me. I appreciate the ideas!