brand new to fitness

:wink: I am a full time working mom and have lost myself in the process. I want to look and feel good thus my sister n law introduced me to this site. she has done wonderful and i am oping to do the same!


  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome! Hopefully you will love this site! I do! Best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  • tate355
    tate355 Posts: 12
    Welcome and Good Luck
  • emoslayer84
    emoslayer84 Posts: 20 Member
    My partner and I have two beautiful daughters. We both work full-time (full and a half jobs. We don't have much time to focus on excerise and eating right. We've learned the past two weeks to not feel guilty for hitting the gym for 30 minutes in the evening, using the mobile phone application to log in calories, and M O D E R A T I ON! I'm amazed at my level of commitment I have shown myself to this program. I have made everything public so I can have my friends hold me accountable. Put your mind to it and keep on keeping on! I never wish "good luck" instead I'll say, happy new you!

  • MichelleKit
    MichelleKit Posts: 31
    Good luck!!!
  • akossen
    akossen Posts: 58 Member
    You will do great, the first week I did this it was a real eye opener of all the crap I was putting into my body, by logging my calories and changing my habits I eat WAY MORE, but now its healthy and keeps me fuller longer. This is the first step, just keep with it!
  • scooter76
    scooter76 Posts: 12
    Hi, this is my first day of discovering this website as well. I have been trying to loose weight but this way I feel I will be better accountable for my actions. Same...I work full time and a mom keeps me busy. Any suggestions for any others out there I would greatly appreciate! I have a lot to loose, but will do it!
  • CaptainOrla
    Hi, I'm new too.... Work full time aswell.... Work can just make you so tired that exercise goes out the window hahah... I think this site is good because there seems to be a great support system between all the members of the community... And that's vital!
  • jc1969
    jc1969 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new on here, too. Excited about this new journey in my life. Welcome Aboard!
  • stieffbear
    stieffbear Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I to have just joined this site about half hour ago, a friend at work told me about this site. I wish you all the very best in your weight loss journey.
  • ShannonMarie81
    Thanks Sis! You will do awesome..this site is great to keep you in check and having other friends that are doing it along with you is such great motivation. Love You!!