

  • Vitamin C is the one Vitamin I know I am getting enough of! I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables including broccoli and strawberries. Water-Not a problem Food-I am meeting with a nutritionist next week to go over my food diary. I spoke with my trainer last night and he said I need to increase my calorie intake by 500-600…
  • I am very thankful for my family. They have seen me at my very best....and at my very worst! Through it all, they have stood by me and are my never ending source of encouragement and support. I could never have made it this far in my lifestyle change journey without them Food: Breakfast-GNC Protein shake and some…
  • I met with a nutritionist yesterday and she agreed that I am not eating enough calories. So time to bump it up! My metabolism is slowing down and I need it to jump into hypergear! Today: Food Breakfast - Morningstar Vegetarian sausage, Egg, and Cheese muffin Lunch - Morningstar Vegetarian Buffalo Chicken patty; 1/2 a whole…
  • Last week was kind of discouraging. I kept track of my calories and exercised my butt off, but feel like the scale is not reflecting that hard work. It appears maybe I have hit a plateau. I added weekend classes at the gym to push past it. If I don't see some movement by Thursday's weigh in, I am going to schedule some…
  • Happy Friday everyone! I would say I get my B vitamins from chicken, broccoli, and occasionally brown rice. Food-I am back on track with logging my food every day. I got off track for a few days and noticed I was snacking more than I should be. One thing I know I am doing though is I am spending way too much time focusing…
  • I have been REALLY bad about checking in! I am trying to get back on the wagon. Checking in with the group keeps me accountable for the week. It also gives me a few minutes to step away from work for a few minutes! Food-So far so good today. I had a GNC shake for breakfast and some almonds for a snack. Just finished lunch…
  • Food: I need to start eating more meals during the day. Work is so crazy I often only eat 2-3 times a day. My trainer keeps scolding me because I am starting to store the fat and it is impacting my weight loss. The yogurt that I have been eating has way too much sugar in it. I find that days when I eat it for breakfast are…
  • Theme days are so fun!! Happy Halfway Thursday everyone! This has been a bizarre week. Tuesday was tough because I had a customer product demonstration. It makes eating difficult because I cannot stop in the middle of speaking with a customer and grab some lunch. Unfortunately that could mean going 7+hours between…
  • My eating today was very messed up. I had to drive 4 hours to a customer site to do a 2 hour product demonstration, then drove 4 hours back home. Way too much time in the car! I am proud to say I maintained the willpower to avoid stopping for food at a drive-through! I brought a breakfast shake to drink during my morning…
  • Since this is my first day as a part of the group, I am not really sure what types of goals I am supposed to set. I will give it a try though! My goals are: 1. Stay within my calories each day (and log every day!) 2. Lose at least 2 pounds 3. Work out twice on my own in addition to my TEAM class 4. Get 6-8 hours of sleep
  • Hello! My name is Kacey and I am new to the group and new to mfp. I joined mfp because I am at the highest weight I have ever been and I'm miserable! I just had a baby 11 weeks ago and I want to get healthy for him. I don't want him to be embarrassed by how his mommy looks. I keep his picture as the screensaver on my cell…
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