

  • Hello x I also feel that setting a first goal for me 5 % of total loss then 10% is a good option x and having the support on fitness pal def helps. x Taking your wee kids and the adorable wee pooch walks is a good step builiding it up ten mins then 15 etc x I wish the dry weather would come here in scotland it always helps…
  • sorry Ive not got the hang or not double clicking lol
  • 2lb a week weight loss is a good healthy weight loss and you are more likely to keep it off. Just set yourself little goals ie by the end of May Id like to have lost 8lbs or something and celebrate those goals instead of worrying about the long term Ive lost 42 llb an slimming world and another 4 llb here been doin it got…
  • 2lb a week weight loss is a good healthy weight loss and you are more likely to keep it off. Just set yourself little goals ie by the end of May Id like to have lost 8lbs or something and celebrate those goals instead of worrying about the long term Ive lost 42 llb an slimming world and another 4 llb here been doin it got…
  • Ive been doing this for a week now and the food and exercise trackers are fab they tell you how much protein fat cals etc you should be having and also gives you a target for exercise second to none and its good to find a couple of new friends going through the same thing too
  • Ive been doing this for a week now and the food and exercise trackers are fab they tell you how much protein fat cals etc you should be having and also gives you a target for exercise second to none and its good to find a couple of new friends going through the same thing too
  • I tried slimfast and it was disgusting x I live in scotland UK but I can be here for support x neen
  • I tried slimfast and it was disgusting x I live in scotland UK but I can be here for support x neen
  • Well done for doing exercise x we all have the off day but its important to get back on the wagon asap I know round that special time of month I always feel more bloated
  • I just went for a wee walk in my lunch hour as apposed to sitting at desk :)
  • breakfast is the most important meal of the day x I dont usually have breakfast till Ive been up a wee while :)
  • Hey x one step at a time I;ve lost llbs in the last year and a half but am now stuck. This is a new challenge for me and even though its my first day here Ive got over 80 still to loose. You can do it ...
  • This is my first day on my fitnesspal I hope I have as good a success :)
  • I've tried alot of diets etc and this is my first day too on the my fitness site x x x all the best in your new healthy lifestyle
  • 2 lb a week is a good target hun x x x
  • My goal is currently a swimathon 1995 lengths of the pool. I've not been this week due to falling over on Sunday. I wish everyone the best of luck and keep it up. Dont give in.