You should try to stay away from Morningstar as a vegetarian you must care about animals and they use milk and eggs from severely abused factory farmed cows and chicken! Amy's has great vegan sausages!
Almond Milk = Cruelty free, hormone free, puss and feces free Cows Milk= Cruel, painful, often result of factory farmed raping and causes the death of calf, even natural organic has 20 something naturally occurring hormones, puss, and milk does contain fecal matter and its extremely acidic.
You obviously haven't looked into the vegan diet properly, we don't live off of beans and nuts We don't need NEAR as much protein as the diet industry is leading you (and buying) you to believe, you should look into taking a basic human kinetics class! I eat a high carb vegan diet, I have a lot of energy and was a…
If it has dairy in it. They have dairy free chocolate!
Its dairy. Dairy causes cystic pimples on your chin, like crazy. Before I was a complete vegan, used to have some milk products that were in things like whole wheat bread in the form of whey, or protein bars with whey, or the occasional cheese or yogurt. Every time I would eat anything with any type of dairy, within 2-3…
Not true your view is the myth but I respect your opinion.
Yikes dairy is so acidic it actually prevents calcium from it to be absorbed.
I know 3 people personally, that I am with on a daily basis who fell into the paleo trap. They have been on it religiously, between 2 - 3 years. After the initial weight loss, they all 3 put significant weight on, one now has eczema, and 2 are considered just under morbidly obese and 2 now have adult acne. One now also has…
isn't kind of morbid to eat anything with a soul?
Cruelty free vegan feast!
sweet potato!!! A sweet potato with a veggie salad is my go to meal! I eat it almost every night! also whole wheat vegan pitas and hummus are great with a side salad!
I am 26 years old and have been eating tofu and veggie soy products since I was a toddler and could eat solid food. I don't have any problems as of today.
HAHA Love this!
Plus milk has 23( something close the that #) of natural occurring hormones. Gluten doesn't really cause problems unless you have celiac disease. Its the things added to gluten like milk, whey, eggs, chemicals, sodium, processed sugar etc. try sticking to plain wheat and water gluten.
I was diagnosed in 2012 and suffered with the symptoms since around 2007. I have grown up on a strict vegetarian diet and turned vegan after my official diagnosis and it changed my life and as of today I 100% got rid of the symptoms. I have to have regular checkups but since upping my plant based carbohydrates I have no…
you know biologically, your body doesn't get much energy from fat right? Your body runs off of glucose from sugar and carbohydrates.
if you eat sushi you are not a vegetarian. Please when people use the term vegetarian and say but "sometimes I eat meat" you are not a vegetarian and this is why its okay for restaurants to add fish and chicken and label it vegetarian because people are using the term to inaccurately to describe their diet its the reason…
Please don't call yourself a vegetarian if you cheat because if we are totally honest you are not one then. Just be honest and say you are trying to be a vegetarian but are still eating seafood. Things like this are the reason animal welfare will not get better. As a life long strict - real vegetarian and several year…
No I'm not a raw vegan. I cringe at those types of labels. Being a vegan is about not harming animals not about creating labels like being raw, fully raw, fruitatarian or whatever. its a lifestyle not a fad but unfortunately these labels turn it into a fad!
Fruits, veggies, and grains have all the protein you need. Your body runs off of glucose from starches and sugars anyways not proteins. As long as you balance your meals with enough plant nutrition you are completely fine. Most societies don't eat the insane amount protein that Americans do anyways! I have been a vegan for…
Have you studied this or did you read this from the internet? ;)
well cows milk has pus in it. :/ The same type that is in zits.
well if it was water weight its been off for several years...
but I had my calories stuck to 1,200 - 1,300 (cycling) and I weighed everything
Im a vegan and I take them sometimes. I personally recommend Digest Gold. You need to pinpoint what type you need and that brand I think can help, they have many different types that are more specified for certain meals. You really need to pinpoint though, if you need them more for carbs or for proteins because those are…
Yah REAL vegans aren't jumping off I promise.
I know I can't believe it! Its been several years without a problem sticking to more carbs and less exercise! I mean I came from a background where I was training about 6-8 hours a day and incredibly fit!