

  • @Auctoritas - where did you determine that goal # of carbs? I guess I have to do some research. @Lucy - I wish you well, we all need to do what is best for our health, but I'm having enough trouble with the eggs, I can't go back to meat, it's not an option, but I would still be curious to read the book. Thank you for the…
  • That's an interesting coincidence, Lucy - I am also 0+... hmmm....
  • DorothyParker, where do you live?
  • Thank you for bringing up this topic. I have been doing this for exercise this past week and couldn't find it in the database. I'm not a strong swimmer and I needed and option for the triple digit temps that will be arriving soon in this part of the country. I did some investigating and found that you can burn up to 250…
  • I read a bunch of your posts, but not all. I'm 5 feet nothing and currently 146 pounds. I've done all the things recommended and have been on this site for six weeks and have only lost 5 pounds. I think my age, 52, is a bit of an issue, but not a good excuse. I was 92 pounds when I got married at 23 - so my goal weight of…
  • Why don't you have some compassion for yourself and focus on one of those major goals at a time? Put all your energy into losing the weight that you want to lose - you know you can do that! You're a young woman and from your picture it's clear that you are very pretty. When you lose the weight you will feel healthy,…
  • Thank you, aipatrick, that's interesting information. I'll keep it in mind the next couple of weeks and try to be patient. Good luck training!
  • Wow! Thanks everyone! You sure get quick feedback on this site! Really helpful stuff! I will take it all into consideration. I do eat healthy, being vegan, I have to be very careful about protein vs. carbs., but I think I do a good job of it... except for yesterday, I really don't want to talk about that. In any case, I…
  • OMG, this is US! In fact, my phone is ringing as I type this! I called my voice mail yesterday and it said we had 33 messages - we were overwhelmed so I deleted all of them.
  • My husband told his therapist that I think he's perfect - there's nothing I'd change about him...
  • This might explain why I have such cravings for salt and have to include pretzels in my 1200 calorie diet. I've been seeing a neurologist for the last several years because of migraine headaches and we have them under control with a combination of Topomax and a blood pressure medication, even though I never had high blood…
  • grimnir, I don't think this thread was ever meant to be funny as in "Ha, ha, ha .. wasn't that fun?" I think it was meant to be an ironic look at something we all had in common so we can remind ourselves of why we deserve better.
  • You guys are awesome. I can't believe I got so much encouragement in just a few minutes. I didn't have time to run for the junk food even if I did have any in the house! I'm sorry about my profile being private I didn't even realize that.. so I changed the settings. I have nothing to hide. I lost 40+ pounds the last three…
  • OMG, srp.. that's so funny! Organized chunks of cellulite! That's precious!
  • Here's one I had forgotten, having been vegetarian for several years now, but I need to own it so I tell it. I used to keep a bottle of Fabreeze in my car so I could get rid of the food smell. I'm happy to say I've owned my current car for four years and I've never been to a drive-through in it.
  • I found vegan chocolate at Trader Joe's and thought I'd use up a few calories after not having it for years maybe. It turns out that vegan chocolate is so dark it's like that baking chocolate stuff.. yuck.. it actually made me sneeze. I couldn't eat it.
  • I'd like to offer congrats to the young lady who started this thread... great work! However, I'm going to risk looking really stupid by asking what NSV stands for... I've seen it on the boards before and don't know what it means.
  • Thanks to the OP for starting this thread. Of all the things I've read here, this was the most meaningful. I've lost 4 sizes in the last three years and still have at least one more to go. I've been having some trouble staying motivated, but the honesty of the posters here has really helped me take a step back in time and…
  • Always making sure I was the one with the camera so I didn't have to be in the picture. Tie a hoodie around my waist as if that really hides anything. Wear oversized shirts in hopes of looking thinner, when they really do the opposite. There are so many others, I just need some time to think of them.
  • I think some of it depends on how tall you are. I'm very short, only 5 feet tall, so when I lost 30 lbs. that was three sizes for me. The down side of that is when I gain 10 pounds it's a whole size and when my 5'8" friend gains 10 pounds her jeans hardly get tight. If you're tall, just know that it will show soon enough…
  • I'm vegan going on three years. I find it makes it easier to stay within my calorie limits, actually. I don't have time for a long post right now, on a break at work, but I'll try to friend all of you for mutual support.
  • To pick out clothes because I like them and not because they hide my flaws.
  • Are you saying you lost 26 pounds since March 11th of this year? Wow! How did you do that?!
  • Good question. I'm a vegan who loves to cook and eat and live healthy... I've never smoked, drank or used drugs, other than an occasional toke here and there in college, but I hate to exercise! I find yoga to be beneficial because it doesn't feel like I'm exercising, but even with that, I have to force myself to go most of…
  • Hi, Clarificity, it's nice to meet you. I'm you, almost 25 years later. I will be your inspiration because you'll see what will happen if you don't do something about those habits now, while you're young. I didn't believe I had an emotional eating problem. When I was your age, it was the opposite - my anxieties caused me…
  • thanks, everyone! Some great ideas there! I can't wait to try something new!
  • Thanks, girls.. it's going to be nice to have support. It's nice meeting all of you. I sent friend requests and I'm going to explore the site. I've been using it only a couple of days from my iPhone, but this is much more interesting. Have a great evening.
  • Oh, duh... can you tell I'm new?
  • What do you all mean when you say "add me"?
  • Hi, Kate. I'm finding this system extremely helpful because I'm always concerned about eating enough protein. It turns out that I've been getting well over the recommended daily amount. It's so user friendly.