Cook at home or eat out? Which do you do more often?



  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    I'll eat out only if were out running around & won't have time to cook when we get home. I prefer to eat at home because it's cheaper and healthier. At least I can count my calories and now what ingredients are in it. Eating out is like a crap shoot, you just don't what's in it and your guessing half the time on calories
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    During the summer we eat out a we aren't home...during the school year we eat more meals at home. I am a mostly vegetarian and have the nutrition of most of our favorite local places memorized. I make pretty good choices..especially Jason's Deli and Chipotle are good for me...
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I almost always cook at home and take my lunches and snacks with me, but do enjoy going out to eat occasionally. My husband and I most like to go out for breakfast, which if you just stick to eggs and toast isn't too bad. If we go out for dinner, we now usually split an entree.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    My husband usually cooks at home.
    Unfortunately, we have a very small fridge (like mini-fridge college kids have) so we can't fit a lot of food in there. He generally buys ingredients for the day each day rather than us shopping in advance. Because of this, we don't have individual foods that just one person can make. I have never even turned on our stove. :(
    It can be cheaper for us to eat out Korean food than make food at home. We usually will go out for lunch or dinner on the weekends but not both.
    Eating out generally entails eating soup at a diner or splitting a soup and some steamed mandu at a restaurant.

    During the week, I eat lunch at my school as it is free.
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    DorothyParker, where do you live?
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Cheju Island, S. Korea.
    I will be back in America in a bit over a month in a proper space with a proper kitchen so I will eat at home more then, I think.

    Korean diner food =

    I avoid white rice. My fave is chamchi jjigae (tuna stew with kimchi).
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I eat at home mostly, probably about 95% of the time. I actually really don't enjoy going out to eat very much. I still live with my family so sometimes I have to go out when they want to and then I usually have to go out when I travel for business. Although now that I'm traveling more and more alone, I tend to pick up some fresh things from a grocery store and just eat in my hotel room unless I specifically have to go out to dinner to entertain.

    I actually find the restaurant experience to be quite stressful. I live in an area where there aren't really chains so you can never quite be sure what you will find on the menu. I wouldn't say I'm a picky eater, but I am very concerned about where ingredients, in particular meat, come from and how fresh they are and how they are prepared. I'm an excellent chef so I would rather prepare my own food at home. I scour food blogs and cooking magazines for creative ideas so I can experiment with new things at home.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    We cook at home for all but one meal a week. Usually once a week we will pick up some Subway or McDonalds/Wendys for dinner. We rarely go to an actual restaurant to eat, once every 6 months maybe. We order pizza once ever couple months, we have two kids that can't eat it and one that won't, and I dont like it, so I still end up cooking on "pizza night" only hubby benifitts from it.

    Everything is cooked froms scratch, if I am feeling really lazy I will go pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. Thats the closest to a "prepared meal" that we buy from the store.