I just can't see it!

I've lost almost 30 lbs in the last 3 months, my clothes fit better, the measuring tape is kind to me.

I've been taking pictures along the way and I simply can't see the results. I went from 284 to 258.

Is anyone else having the same issue? Is it because I am obese that I'm not seeing it or do you think it's because I see myself in the mirror every day?



  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    I do have sort of the same issue. I have lost 27 lbs since Jan and I was/am a bigger girl too. I know the weight is gone but sometimes I get discouraged because I think I still look the same too. I feel ya girl, try to keep your head up :)
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I have a similar issue, but it's reversed I don't see the subtle changes when I put weight on. I think it has some to do with seeing yourself everyday or perhaps your current appearance doesn't meet up with the expectation in your mind. Hang in there though - losing 30 lbs is awesome!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    has any of your friends noticed and told you that you are losing weight? somehow, we all are some what a self critic when it comes to look and weight. :) No worries. You will see it. Keep it up! I lost 10 pounds and although i didn't notice much difference but all the people who saw my pictures said I look a lot skinnier...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    :I think it's a combination of seeing ourselves everyday, and how far we are from our goal weight. I am down 20 lbs. from last summer and my clothes are loose and I've lost inches, but I think I still look the same too. I think it's b/c I still have quite a ways to go. I figure whether we look different or not, we are healkthier and that's what's important :wink:
  • deuce3Degotrip
    I'm down 25 lbs and still look the same to me lol Others are beginning to comment on it though so I guess I do look different. Maybe it's bc we see ourselves every day lol
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    has any of your friends noticed and told you that you are losing weight? somehow, we all are some what a self critic when it comes to look and weight. :) No worries. You will see it. Keep it up! I lost 10 pounds and although i didn't notice much difference but all the people who saw my pictures said I look a lot skinnier...

    People definitely notice it, especially those I don't see very often.

    I'm just frustrated this week. I'm so damn impatient!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have a similar issue, but it's reversed I don't see the subtle changes when I put weight on. I think it has some to do with seeing yourself everyday or perhaps your current appearance doesn't meet up with the expectation in your mind. Hang in there though - losing 30 lbs is awesome!
    Seriously I'm the same. My weight has been creeping up throughout these years but in a very subtle way until one day, I realized all my old clothes no longer fit...The funny thing is they make the size bigger everyday so i got fooled that way, too. :(
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    I think some of it depends on how tall you are. I'm very short, only 5 feet tall, so when I lost 30 lbs. that was three sizes for me. The down side of that is when I gain 10 pounds it's a whole size and when my 5'8" friend gains 10 pounds her jeans hardly get tight. If you're tall, just know that it will show soon enough and keep on doing the right thing. One day very soon someone will notice and tell you how much better you look and that will be the motivation you need.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    ProudMomoftwo Posts: 525
    I am right there with you!
    I am seeing it on the scale and with the measuring tape too.
    I have noticed a few clothes fitting better but I haven't gone down any sizes yet.
    I have Non-Scale Victories ( NSV ) but I don't see the changes yet ( like in pics ) either and I haven't had anyone notice anything different about me....yet.
    I have lost almost 30 lbs too. I am working out twice a day. I am frustrated that I am not seeing faster results but then I remind myself that it isn't a race...its a journey. GAH!
    My doctor said that other people won't really start to notice until I have lost A QUARTER of my body weight.
    If I am honest with myself ...that should mean that within the next 8-10+ lbs or so...I should start to see and hear some good feedback.
    I am not going back so however long it takes - I AM IN!

    Keep on ...keepin' on - we can SO do this.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I think it is all in our heads. I've surpassed my goal but sometimes (like tonight) I still see the same person that started this journey over 3 months and 20 pounds ago. You'll get there. Do not discouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    Go shopping for jeans. I lost thirty pounds before and I was wearing two sizes to large. I think it's size confussion. I know that I was thinking I didn't see much of a change until I did this. My eyes only saw that my old clothes were fitting looser and feeling more comfortable. It's possible that your weight lose is distributed and so the change isn't as visible ( to you seeing yourself daily) in any particular area. If you have lost 30 lbs you should no doubt be able to see it in your face. Take the face challenge and find some old profile pictures and look at the jaw, neck, and collar bone area. I'm sure you will be able to pat yourself on the back afterwards. Thirty pounds is tremendous! Feeling and seeing are such strong motivators for weight loss. Congrats on your progress and keep it up. You'll be replacing your wardrobe before you know it.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    I've dropped a few sizes in everything (3x down to xl/xxl) so I know I am making lots of progress I just don't see it in pics. Maybe I should start using the same outfit. The bra/undies pics aren't showing much difference.
  • tacheny
    tacheny Posts: 8
    keep at it! I feel the same way as well and I have lost 55+ so far. Don't let yourself discourage yourself. You need to balance the final goal wieght and what you have lost in order not to get too cocky about successes and stressed abouit the length of the road to health: upon which you walking. best wishes and don't "look everyday"