vsetter Member


  • Yep --- my TDEE with P90X is about 2100 calories (so says internet sources and such).
  • Oh --- I don't think that my HRM is too far off. When I was doing Chalean for example, it told me that I would only burn about 150 calories per workout. I am burning about 350-450 with P90X which makes sense because it is twice the length.
  • Holy Crap! Are you kidding????? (on the higher protein, that is). Although I haven't been perfect, I am trying to eat between 180-200 grams of protein per day. I only weigh 130 pounds. P90X pushes for 50% protein. I can't do anymore than that. I'm having a hard enough time getting to 200 grams. Maybe I will get some…
  • I have seen this before --- thanks for posting! But in this case, it only confuses me more --- here are the results. Please advise. According to your suggested calculations: body fat = 26.3% (yikes -- higher than what I was saying) BMR = 1352 Light activity = 1859 Moderate activity (which is what I would consider P90X) =…
  • Thanks Kendra! I have thought this too -- maybe losing the DVD. I was surprised that the P90X video doesn't really push for heavy lifting. Don't get me wrong --- its a tough workout, but I don't know if I am getting what I need.
  • What do you mean by "cycle of bulking and cutting"? Do you mean high calories and then lower, and then back to high, etc?
  • I do try to get veggies in with my dinner. This 50% protein diet has really changed the dynamic of my diet. I was used to a more balanced approach before. I am so focused on eating meat or eggs with each meal that I am forgetting some other groups. Now, I feel like I can't even have a piece of fruit. And my fiber intake…
  • Thank you so much for your thoughts. Good point about the carbs --- I wonder if mixing my late night protein shake with milk is hurting more than helping. I've never tried mixing with water.
  • You know what is funny. I made a post yesterday too that NO ONE responded to. I found that to be very strange. Yours should have had responses also, given the topic. Anyway....I am in the same boat. Just started lifting heavy a few months ago. I don't have much to lose, maybe 7-8 pounds and a few percentage points in fat.…
  • Do you have a heart rate monitor? It might be worth getting one so that you know EXACTLY (or close to) what you are burning. For now, eat the 1500 calories. On days you exercise, you may want to eat back a few (or all of) the calories that you burned. But that is really personal choice, some people eat extra on exercise…
  • Hi folks. I'm just curious what calorie level the ladies are at. I am 5'5 and 130#. My BMR is around 1300. My TDEE is somewhere around 1900-2100, depending on activity level. P90X suggests my calorie level be 1800. I have been eating at 1700 (but haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks to see if there is a difference -- planning…
  • We've been trying to be good examples. I don't buy the snack food --- since it is not in the house, it is not tempting. My kids are now used to whole wheat breads. My 2 year old loves broccoli and green beans. When we talk about dessert that can mean just about anything. Sometimes dessert is an apple or strawberries with…
  • I also like Optimum Nutrition. Cookies and cream isn't bad but I really like the chocolate. I mix it with milk. Oh --- I forgot to mention that the place I buy from (Vitamin Shoppe) told me that I can return the powder if I really don't like it. That is the only reason I tried the cookies and cream flavor.
  • Can't believe that I missed this post!!! I'm a huge WVU fan! NIce win!
  • I was just about to post this exact post. I'm glad I did a quick search first :) I just started P90X (for the first time) tonight. Chest and Back and Abs ---- WOW! I'm looking for some friends to go on this journey with. I will also need some help with the diet. I'm not following the exact diet to a T, but I am following…
  • I like the idea of adding 20 minutes here and there --- I do enjoy the 20-30 minute HIIT programs or jumping on the treadmill for a walk/run routine. I'm not a "cardio junkie" and don't really enjoy the 45-60+ minute cardio routines (and I REALLY don't enjoy running beyond 30 minutes worth). I have forced myself to do…
  • I kind of got a third and fourth opinion, but they weren't doctor opinions. These two were exercise specialists/fitness trainers that specialize in cancer. They both suggested a middle of the road approach --- increasing weight in small increments and with ample time for my body to adjust before increasing again. I'm not…
  • I have read that interval/HIIT training is best. And the nice thing is that it only requires 20-30 minutes of time. It has also been suggested to do this cardio AFTER your strength training. BUT --- it also seems that 1200 calories might be too low for all of that activity. You might want to consider an increase. Your…
  • Anyone out there? "chirp, chirp"
  • As far as being sore, I find that Lean 2 has the most impact on me. Lots and lots of shoulder work. I'm feeling it for days afterwards. I have completed three weeks and have been sore each week.
  • I'm a college football girl!!! I LOVE this time of year! I'm a HUGE Mountaineer fan!
  • I've got big hips. Although I am at 130#, I am wearing a size 8 pants. I am 5'4.5.
  • I started lifting at home about 3 months ago. I have dumbbells and plates that go up to 42 pounds each. I also got myself a good pair of lifting gloves. I have resistance bands too. I don't use them often, but sometimes I use them for hamstring curls and such because I do not own a bench. I am now looking to purchase a…
  • I hope that it is gone too!!! I suppose the more time that passes, the more healed I will be. Unfortunately, the skin is very thin and because of radiation, my circulation (and healing to the area) is also poor. Some women have told me that using the chest muscles can cause internal damage to the area that was created. My…
  • I'm kind of stuck with this forever. I had breast cancer/mastectomy/reconstruction. Doing push ups and chest work could damage the area and the reconstruction work. Every now and again I try a single push up to see if I can do it, but otherwise I am nervous and not willing to chance it. What about Push 1? It would mean…
  • How many calories do you eat each day? I am 5'4.5 and weigh 130. I have my goals set to eat 1700. I should actually be set to 1800. When you ate more, how many calories were you eating and for how long?
  • You've got it --- I am supposed to avoid any and all chest work. I feel like I am missing out on a huge part :)
  • I did not have access to either machines or weights, so i bought plate weights and add to them as needed. Not too expensive. I got some from walmart and others from a used sports equipment store. A pain in the butt because you have to keep changing weights but well worth the price. I have about 80 pounds of weight now and…
  • Well --- I didn't gain 15+, but I did gain 8. My goal is to lose at least those 8 and possibly 5 more (so 13 total). For me, it is about muscle gain and a decrease in body fat %. My bf goal is 20. I reset for 12 weeks and just recently created a deficit.