

  • No, it was just the ER doctor. Today is my follow-up with my family doctor. I'm hoping to get more info on my new diet there. Thank you!
  • Finally, thank you! I believe that yogurt is good, as long as it doesn't contain whole milk. The foods that are bad as as follows: Pepper, Salt, Most seasoning, Sodium, Whole Milk, High in fat meats (cold cuts, pork), chocolate, spicey stuff, caffeine, sodas. I do know that whole grains are good for my ulcer. So I've been…
  • Ok seriously, if I posted something about the person ahead of me being hot or not, you guys would be all over this! HAHA, seriously, I could use some help here! PLEASE Thanks!!!
  • Bump :)
  • LOVE IT! Same here. I'm near Pittsburgh, but it's not flag. Full equipment + tackle.
  • Oh also, about scouting. The one time our team did lose to a not-so-good team was due to this team scouting ours the week before and knowing our exact plays and when we were going to use them. I think scouting is good coaching. I totally understand where you're coming from. It's youth sports, but you have to remember, they…
  • First, congrats on the playoff win! My son's 10 & 11 year old team has their first playoff game this Saturday that they are SUPER excited about. Secondly, I'm unsure of your league rules, but ours go by what they call the "gardner rule" in case there is a 3-way tie. Meaning, the team with the most points, gets the higher…
  • My metabolism has been excellent lately. I'm a great eater all week, but weekends I'm not (haha, im bad!) But come Monday morning, I have either stayed at the same weight as Friday or only gained 1/2 lb. I contribute it to small meals during the day. I try to eat every 2 hours. I eat when I'm hungry.
  • Great article. Thank you!
  • It's a size 2- 4? And you lost too much weight to fit into it? What size do you wear? That's amazing!
  • My step instructor always says "This one is for outter thighs." or "this one is for your inner thighs." So maybe a step class will help out? Mine are big too.
  • I have a box of nutrigrain bars at my desk. They're my fav :)
  • "Soffets" lol love it! I have those, too. Congrats girlie!
  • Secondlife... lol does that count? Trying to get back into it since Fall is quickly approaching and my bf will be out hunting every day after work.
  • LOVE BC, it's my fav workout! It consists of punching, jumping, lunging. You will sweat like crazy. It's also to really fun, fast music. So it's semi coreographed. Here's a great video of some of my favorite songs. Just keep in mind, that we're normal people, not these guys who work out 4 hrs a day :) so our moves won't be…
  • My son has similar allergies. Peanuts, wheat, soy & cow's milk. It makes it very difficult to cook healthily in our home! So I usually make 2 dinners. His and then mine and the bf's. Makes for a busy evening after work!
  • We LOVE LOVE LOVE this one: 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast 2 cans of Campbell's Healthy Request Cream of Chicken Soup And that's it :) LOL I always make sure to season up the chicken with garlic powder, black pepper and some seasoning salt. It's not super healthy, but my family loves it and it's easy!
  • I had multi grain bagel thin, with tuna, toasted and right before it was done, I cut up one of my laughing cow cheese and put it on the bagel in the toaster oven. Delicious and surprisingly filling. I wish I was a veggie person!
  • Trying it tonight for my first time. Thank you for the motivation!
  • Protein and a daily vitamin. I'm going through the same exact thing right now. I spoke to my doctor's office the other day and that was their recommendation.
  • I had the SAME problem. Take the One A Day gummies like mentioned above! I haven't had any issues with them.
  • Thanks, everyone. I was ready to cry this morning when I saw all of that hair! Luckily, mine is thick and dark. I just got off the phone with my doctor's office. They told me to take a multi-vitamin with calcium and up my protein! I probably do not get enough protein. I love my cereal bars, but it's time to trade them in.…
  • Ok, phew! Makes me feel somewhat better knowing others have gone through it!!! When I realized that I only have 10 more lbs to lose, I upped my caloric intake by 400 more a day! I just started that about 2 weeks. And let me tell you, that was difficult.
  • I agree!!! But for whatever reason, my brain doesn't want to believe that!! LOL, I'm nuts I swear... but I think I'm going to wake up at 170 lbs again! I have to remind myself that's it's impossible to gain 36 lbs from ONE MEAL!
  • I will definitely look into that! And that was a typo, hips are 37.5!
  • OMG that video looks BRUTAL! But if it's what I gotta do, I'll do it!!! Thanks both of you!
  • UGH! My mom drives me insane, too.
  • Oh wow, great tips everyone! Glad I looked here! We go on our beach vacation at the end of next week and I admit, I'm worried about drinking too many calories. However, this is what I have worked so hard for, too. I'm gonna try to relax and not worry about calories!
  • I would take a short break (maybe 3-4 days off). I just started working out vigorously about 2 months ago as well and my endurance is far better.
  • I'll be 30 in March. That was a huge factor in me beginning my weight loss journey!