Telogen Effluvium (hair loss)?

After a solid month of losing clump after clump of my hair, I googled it and found this 'telogen effluvium'. It's caused from stress, losing a loved one, crash diets and extreme weight loss. I don't have any bald spots, I'm just hoping it stops soon! My hair has always been my pride. Has anyone else experienced this through their journey? advice on how to stop it? I've lost a total of 35 lbs, that's not as "extreme" as most people on here, but it's a lot for me.


  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    yes, yes, and yes. i have lost way too much hair because of a stupid calorie restricted diet. the places i have lost the most hair is at my temples, but it is noticeably thinner. i actually have started using rogaine because of it, and GREATLY increased my cal intake. now i feel healthier and some hair has started growing back..crash diets are nothing to mess with.......
  • sorry to hear about this.
    I think you should have it diagnosed by a doctor.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    My docs told me to make sure I am getting enough protien in my diet.

    I had major hair loss. I upped the protien and it slowly stopped. I lowered my protien and the hair loss is starting back up!

    Best wishes!
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    Wow, I know how traumatic that must be. It's not what you need when you're trying to feel good about yourself. Your wt. loss didn't look extreme, make sure you are eating all or most of your exercise calories, and take a vitamin supplement. If it's coming out in clumps, though, you need to see a doctor, could be a sign of hyper or hypo thyroid problems or something going on with your hormones. Probably a dermatologist would be the best place to start, if you have access to that. Good luck to you, and don't let this go.
  • Ok, phew! Makes me feel somewhat better knowing others have gone through it!!! When I realized that I only have 10 more lbs to lose, I upped my caloric intake by 400 more a day! I just started that about 2 weeks. And let me tell you, that was difficult.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I lost a lot of hair due to weight loss. It is a scary thing so I know how you feel. My hair was thinning so fast I didn't know what to do.

    I spoke to my doc about it. I didn't think I was losing weight too fast - 2 lbs a week but it was apparently enough to cause the loss. The doctor also thought it could be hormonal which is effected by age and diet. The changes I made were to take Biotin, increase my iron, and eat more healthy fats (doctor didn't think I was getting enough fats). I also started using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner which is for thinning hair. My hair stylist said to try rogain, but I didn't try that.

    My hair loss has slowed down along with my weight loss. I have new growth coming in but my hair is still much thinner than it ever was. I will stick to my regimen and hope for the best. Best of luck.

    Good luck with it.
  • Thanks, everyone. I was ready to cry this morning when I saw all of that hair! Luckily, mine is thick and dark. I just got off the phone with my doctor's office. They told me to take a multi-vitamin with calcium and up my protein! I probably do not get enough protein. I love my cereal bars, but it's time to trade them in.

    Thanks again!!!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm going through this as well! I had a feeling it had to do with my weight loss.

    I'm already taking an iron supplement, but I may have up that. I'll try upping my protein as well. I'm wary of upping my cals since I still have a lot to lose.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I noticed a lot of hair loss too! I am glad I am not the only one. I was losing 1-2 lbs a week too. I hope that once I get to goal that it will slow down.