secogeni Member


  • Could be muscle gain slowing you down. Try using a measuring tape instead of the scale, or take note of how tight/loose your clothes are.
  • I've noticed that animal-based proteins tend to be pretty high in cholesterol. If you eat high protein foods that are plant derived, like soy, nuts, vegetables, and fruits, you'll find that your protein intake goes through the roof yet you'll still be able to maintain low cholesterol. You can take a look at my food diary…
  • Hey! I have been on MFP for a while, but I've been inactive for several months. I lost several pounds and gained most of it back, and I've finally found the motivation the get going again. I just added everybody who's replied to this post. Anybody else can feel free to add me too! :)
  • You know, I think the website has a way of keeping track of what other websites you visit. Because I frequent nashbar a lot, and I'm always seeing their ads popping up. I mean, I see plenty of other ads whose websites I never visit, but overall there is a strong correlation between my interests and what I see.
  • Check out and the related websites for situps, etc. They've got some great programs for doing strength training at home that don't require a whole lot of time. They even have a way for you to rank yourself so that you can go at the pace that's best for you. And of course, the couch to 5k program is a…
  • I know that the 20ish pounds I've lost since this last fall has made a difference for me. It's not a ton, but it feels so good to have it off. I still have a ways to go until I get to my goal, but the little bit of confidence I've gained so far means just as much as fitting into smaller clothes. :)
  • Definitely not in the same boat, but I can identify with not feeling as beautiful because you think you're too big. I hope that you are able to lose the weight you want to, but also realize that you're still beautiful just the way you are right now. There's a lot of pressure from the media and from ourselves to look a…
  • Way to keep most of it off! And good luck trying again this summer. Feel free to add me. :)
  • 64 oz seems to be the bare minimum, but more than that is great. It's really hard to overdo it with water.
  • This happened to me four years ago, when I was 20. I lost about 20 pounds in a month because I got sick. One or two months later I started losing hair the same way you described. I would run my hand or my brush through my hair and big clumps would come out. And in the shower, even more would come out. I didn't have any…
  • I've only been on for a few weeks and I've been really happy with my success so far. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • My motivation is seeing the site tell me how much I would weigh in five weeks if every day were like today. It may not be much, but it's what has been keeping me on track.
  • So far so good. :) Yesterday I managed to get in a little over 60 minutes. As for today, I've still been burning calories, and I've got some good things to say about myself: 1. I have beautiful hair. 2. I'm intelligent. 3. I'm optimistic. 4. I'm a great friend. 5. I have pretty eyes. 6. I'm curvy (yes that's a good…
  • I'm in. I did my first 22 miles this last Saturday. :)
  • Hey! I hope it's okay if I follow along too. Meeting specific goals with other people will really help to keep me motivated. I did get in a good burn on Saturday, biking a little over 2 hours, and so far today I've burned about 277 cals. I'm really looking forward to this!
  • I've only been lurking for about a week, but I could use some support too. Feel free to add me as a friend (that goes for anyone).