hair loss side effect of weight loss



  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    If you starve yourself or deprive your body of its nutrients - it will result in hair loss and brittle nails plus dry skin.

    Since my weight loss journey my hair has gotten thicker and my once short brittle nails are long and strong. I have to clip them every so often.

    Eating healthy helps tremendously....:happy:
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    My hairdresser told me that is normal when you lose a lot of weight. Her sister had lap band so she lots a lot of weight very rapidly. When i started losing weight she recommended that I take folic acid. That should help ya!
    . Ill have to look into that. Thanks!
  • amberlineilene
    I was prescribed a multi-vitamin and iron pills when I went to the Dr. with the same problem. Seemed to do the trick..It also helped with bruising, which I was also having trouble with.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Get your thyroid levels checked.

    this happened to a close friend of mine right around the time...she had lost 115+ pounds so we thought it had something to do with that. Turned out it was thyroid related--she went on thyroid meds and doesn't have the problem anymore. I definitely would talk to your doctor.
  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    I am a hairstylist and the most common causes of sudden rapid hair loss in the clients i have had with it are fairly rapid weight loss or an extreme change in diet, as others have said it is because your body isnt getting all of the nutrients it needs. Another common reason is if you are under a significant amount of stress you can start to loose your hair quickly as well. As far as the first reason take a look at your food diary and think about uping your calorie intake a little bit or just adding foods with more protein and more fruits and veggies so u are getting all the proper nutrients and not just the calories. And take a look at whats going on in your life as well if u are under a great deal of stress take a step back and BREATHE!!! Really stress takes such a toll on your body and your health. Think about what it is ur stressing about and see if its worth taking that toll. Also others have suggested the prenatal vitamins, i would agree with this to a point, a regular mulitvitamin would probably help as well but talk to your doctor before adding any vitamin regimens to your diet and first and foremost what will make the biggest difference is making sure you are getting proper nutrition with your fruits veggies and proteins and not just making sure your calories are on track. I hope this helps you! GOOD LUCK!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    No one here is qualified enough to diagnose the exact reason for your hair loss, but it's not uncommon. If it's a severe concern, obviously go see a doctor.

    If you're just curious in regards to weight loss this may provide some sort of insight, but not to be used a diagnostic tool to specify your follicular condition.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I have and I've read where hair loss is a common side effect to weight loss.

    I've lost 44 pounds so far and I noticed significant hair loss at around 20lbs lost. I have short hair but it is very thick--I haven't noticed my hair thinning but I do have a lot of hair come out when I wash my hair. It doesn't come out in clumps but when I wash my hair my hands have a lot of hair in them. I also have to clean the hair out of the shower floor daily. I'm wondering if I have a vitamin deficiency so when I go to the Dr next month I'm going to ask if there is something I can take or specific foods I can add to my diet to combat the hair loss. I'm planning on getting my hair cut soon as well and thought I would ask my hairdresser if she can recommend something.
    that sounds like what is happening to me. I wash my hair and I have a ton of hair in my hand or on my brush.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    You haven't just had a baby have you?

    See a doctor is my advice. Sorry so lame, this is all I know.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    having low iron levels can/will cause hair loss... i myself had this issue...
    i started taking Biotin in january. specifically for hair loss, and i have definitely seen an improvement! (it's a bonus it is also a metabolism booster),,, and i finally found an iron supplement i can tolerate (plant based iron) so between the two items i can absolutely say i am seeing my hair return to the thicker, fuller hair i too used to be proud of.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    You haven't just had a baby have you?

    See a doctor is my advice. Sorry so lame, this is all I know.
    its ok. My baby is 2 now. This just started happening a month or so ago and it is getting worse.
  • Rachaelthegreat
    I have noticed my hair thinning lately, but before my weight loss. My hairstylist says its due to hormones. As women get older we can naturally have thinning hair she says. I am getting closer to 40 and my mom started menopause about then. My hairstylist also said women can have major hairloss after pregnancy. Have u had a baby lately? Your weightloss seems healthy if I am reading it right. 6 lbs per month is good. Try not to stress too much. That can make hairloss worse! Best wishes!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    if you are taking a poll: i lost about 80lbs without losing any hair
    i still have to shave and cut it same as before
  • lyn111111
    lyn111111 Posts: 1
    Try Biotin It's in the over the counter vitamin area at any walmart My friend told me about it a year ago and I started using it and it worked well for me and is not expensive. I can see a difference if I don't take it for a month
  • secogeni
    secogeni Posts: 17 Member
    This happened to me four years ago, when I was 20. I lost about 20 pounds in a month because I got sick. One or two months later I started losing hair the same way you described. I would run my hand or my brush through my hair and big clumps would come out. And in the shower, even more would come out. I didn't have any bald patches either. It was just overall hair loss. I had even started gaining back my weight at that point. It eventually went away after a couple months, once my body readjusted to being healthy. Maybe your body needs a little more than your allowing it right now? Or maybe there's an underlying condition which is causing a detriment to your health. Good luck figuring it out.
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    Seaweed is good for hair.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Many times hair loss will occur if you do not take in alot of protein. I notice on your diary that you take in more carbs than protein, try to flip that around and see if you notice a difference. I take in more protein than carbs and my hair has grown since my weightloss and gotten thicker and mine was falling out and now it has all grown back longer. Also consult your dr. I loovee my hair also and it is nothing wrong with that.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I didn't read any of the responses, but wanted to let you know that my body reacts in the same way. Basically we are "stressing" our body when we lose weight quickly - so for some of us that are less fortunate our hair falls out. Mine has done it 3 times now - each time it starts right about when I hit the 30 pounds lose mark.

    Now, I did still go to the doctor each time it happen to get blood work to make sure I wasn't deficient in anything. Each time they came back with the same answer --- it's just stress that your body is under.

    Good news is --- it comes back!! But, you'll have little wispies for awhile.