hair loss side effect of weight loss



  • I have noticed my hair thinning lately, but before my weight loss. My hairstylist says its due to hormones. As women get older we can naturally have thinning hair she says. I am getting closer to 40 and my mom started menopause about then. My hairstylist also said women can have major hairloss after pregnancy. Have u had a baby lately? Your weightloss seems healthy if I am reading it right. 6 lbs per month is good. Try not to stress too much. That can make hairloss worse! Best wishes!
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    if you are taking a poll: i lost about 80lbs without losing any hair
    i still have to shave and cut it same as before
  • lyn111111
    lyn111111 Posts: 1
    Try Biotin It's in the over the counter vitamin area at any walmart My friend told me about it a year ago and I started using it and it worked well for me and is not expensive. I can see a difference if I don't take it for a month
  • secogeni
    secogeni Posts: 17 Member
    This happened to me four years ago, when I was 20. I lost about 20 pounds in a month because I got sick. One or two months later I started losing hair the same way you described. I would run my hand or my brush through my hair and big clumps would come out. And in the shower, even more would come out. I didn't have any bald patches either. It was just overall hair loss. I had even started gaining back my weight at that point. It eventually went away after a couple months, once my body readjusted to being healthy. Maybe your body needs a little more than your allowing it right now? Or maybe there's an underlying condition which is causing a detriment to your health. Good luck figuring it out.
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    Seaweed is good for hair.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Many times hair loss will occur if you do not take in alot of protein. I notice on your diary that you take in more carbs than protein, try to flip that around and see if you notice a difference. I take in more protein than carbs and my hair has grown since my weightloss and gotten thicker and mine was falling out and now it has all grown back longer. Also consult your dr. I loovee my hair also and it is nothing wrong with that.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I didn't read any of the responses, but wanted to let you know that my body reacts in the same way. Basically we are "stressing" our body when we lose weight quickly - so for some of us that are less fortunate our hair falls out. Mine has done it 3 times now - each time it starts right about when I hit the 30 pounds lose mark.

    Now, I did still go to the doctor each time it happen to get blood work to make sure I wasn't deficient in anything. Each time they came back with the same answer --- it's just stress that your body is under.

    Good news is --- it comes back!! But, you'll have little wispies for awhile.
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