lilvonne80 Member


  • Which method did they use to test your RMR. I too have been doing the same types of test over the past 2 weeks. I had a BOD POD done that tested me at 35.9% body fat with a RMR of 1280. Then a week later I had my RMR tested using eith Meta Check thing where you breathe into a tube and my RMR was 1685 that is a whole heck…
  • there is a NROLFW board on here, as well as a FB page, I would check out the FB page, there are tons of stories and pictures, on there
  • Heybales Where should I add that burn in to MFP or into bodymedia?
  • I'm guessing I should take my tdee -15% and input that as my daily calorie goal?
  • I take a 50.7oz bottle of smart water to work and I put in 1 crystal light packet made for the 16.9oz bottles and I drink it ALL DAY then if I finish it I will get another one. I also try to drink 1 glass before bed and one glass when I wake up. I am a water snob so if it tastes funny I won't touch it. I would rather drink…
  • I Have not had mine a week yet and I'm excited to wear it however sad that i am not making my needed calories. I can't seem to get my macros right... and it won't synch on my ANDROID via blue tooth. I links up fine but no snyc. Still waiting on the Bodymedia folks to get back to me. On a another note. Do you log your…
  • ITBS? if that is the IT band pain try a foam roller, I had the same issue and the foam roller did the trick for me. You have to roll it like twice a day. and before and after every run. Don't panic, Look up how to roll the IT band and work it out.
  • Awesome!
  • Are you doing the right exercises, I don't remember seeing calf raises in Stage 1?
  • Screw your trainer, If you want to start out heavier than go heavier. It is what is heavy to you. I usually do 25 min on the treadmill to warm up then I get it going. When I started I was pusing 15s on the dumbell presses and squatting just the bar. Now I'm at 25s bout to do 30s and I can squat 110. The other poster is…
  • I never thought about just adding a handful of nuts to hit my goal. I saw everyone say just add fats but the two didn't click now they do. Thanks!
  • I am in my off running season right now, I like to run in the fall/winter months so I am doing NROLFW now then in Aug I'll start training for my 1/2s I want to do towards the latter/end part of the year. I did that last year lifting heavy and training for a 1/2 at the same time and it was counterproductive. I got a smack…
  • There are some women who do NROLFW two days a week. I would check out the NROLFW facebook page, there is tons of support there and they are awesome!
  • I am not a fan of the whole egg, kinda gross... I have cans of black beans and I love hummus and pita for a snack. I've tried the protein powder add thing and it makes my food taste funny. Maybe its my brand. hmmm I've been short by like 250- 300 calories.
  • Try hanging out at the EM2LW group on here, eating 1200 is not going to get you where you need to be. You need to fuel your body is is why you have plateaued. Also lift some weights! muscle burns more calories than fat.
  • I'll play too age 32 HW 170 CW 154 Goal a size 6 currently in a loose 10 and a tight 8 I like to lift heavy, and I eat more to lose weight.
  • That is what I take I love the extra energy. I agree with the above post it dosent make your heart race.
  • Mee too 8 months post partum from my second c-section, I'm on the yoga tip and 80 crunches a day. also doing planks, but the envelope just wont go down. Now I'm adding the calorie counting in to see if it will make a difference. Good luck ladies