naecarter Member


  • Thanks, PaleoPath! I will try this too.
  • I have been diagnosed with a "true" corn allergy, and gluten sensitivity. My specialist told me that it's very possible that my body can't distinguish the difference between the grain protiens, hence the sensitivity. Since I've been eating gluten and corn free, several things have improved. My digestion has improved first…
  • Katie, I just saw that and plan on going to the store on my lunch break!
  • Sidesteel, I'm 5'6", 151 lbs., lightly active (work out videos every couple of days). :) I definitely want to get more toned, shed the layers of chub I do have, lol! Which is what I was really working on before I found out I was allergic to corn and gluten sensitive! Now I'm trying to get my energy maintained so I can…
  • Now my focus is more on my macros!
  • Oh, I just noticed my calorie intake! I'll get that updated. I'm not concerned so much about the calorie intake or weight loss, lol!
  • Right, and this is why I want to start paying more attention to my diary and get the ratios down. It very well could be a lack of carbs. I'll start logging my foods better. Can you tell me what ratios I should aim for on my macros? Should I try focus on more protien? Like 40p/30f/30c?
  • After I had my child, I started having awful heart palpitations, chest pressure/tightness, tingling extremities, joint and muscle stiffness, brain fog, lethargy, and a whole host of other problems. When I went to my doctor, they told me I was suffering from depression and anxiety and tried to put me on an antidepressant!…
  • Don't ever let anyone tell you "YOU CAN'T"!!! If you start out with the great advice given, you CAN go far and see amazing results! Anyone been to a body building competition? A body like this IS achievable and CAN look like this without being photoshopped!
  • Good job...keep up the great work! I'm doing the Body Revolution too, and Friday I will be halfway through phase 2. The transformation my body has undergone has been incredible, and it's so exciting to see the changes! You're looking great!
  • I'm currently doing the Body Revolution program. I'm about to start the second week of phase 2. I am astonished at the strength I've gained in a mere 37 days! I've lost 8.75 inches throughout my body...In phase 1! I can hardly wait to see what phase 2 and 3 are going to bring! Is it expensive? It is pricey. BUT...the tools…
  • I'm almost done with my first week of phase 2. I haven't lost any weight, but I've lost 8.75 inches in the first phase. My clothes definitely have more room in them. I never thought I'd see myself doing a flywheel push up, or the plank w/weights (not sure what that's technically called), so the strength I am gaining is…
  • I've got 2 days left for week 2, and I haven't lost any weight yet. I've been counting my calories (not doing the diet plan), but I have lost 2 inches overall. Have you taken your measurements? I'm certain that I'm retaining water because I am very out of shape, and my muscles are probably VERY busy repairing themselves! I…
  • I love hearing her say "When you know your 'why', you can conquer any 'how'!" I need that husband on the other hand can't stand hearing her voice, haha!
  • I drink one for my snack between breakfast and lunch. It doesn't hold me over for longer than 2 hours, but it does the trick for the amount of time I need. It does have a fairly high amount of sugar though, but I like the amount of fiber and protein it has in it. I just glanced at your profile. You may not get the feed…
  • Congratulations! I just found out this past Sunday, we are expecting #2! With my first, I gained a whopping 85 pounds (I'm not sure how much of that was water or bad diet choices though)! :embarassed: I had level 4 pitted edema, and suffered from rebound high blood pressure. I *thought* I made the right food choices when I…
  • Lays Sour Cream & Onion or Cheddar & Sour Cream potato chips. I can not have them anywhere in my sight, because I will eat a whole bag within a matter of 2 days! Love them, but not worth it!
  • Very awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  • I don't think it was meant to be unsupportive...I am also 5'7" and I can tell you, when I weighed 130 I was on the verge of looking too thin. At 135 I looked and felt my best (I thought so anyway!)!
  • My ideal would be 136. I can see this as accurate. When my husband and I started remodeling our house, I was doing some pretty extensive labor, and dropped down to 137. I was very well toned throughout my entire body. I don't think I looked sick at all, I looked incredibly healthy! My goal is to get down to that again...
  • "I have realized throughout this whole process that I can only change myself and NOT someone else. He is who he is, but it doesn't mean I have to put up with it." Amen!!! I have had to tell myself this about several people in my life! I cannot change others, only how I choose to deal with the situation...I will never again…
  • I don't know the answer to this, but I wanted to say you look AMAZING! Way to go!
  • I paid for a membership last month, but didn't stick with it. It's going to end in a couple of days. Just out of curiousity, yesterday, I logged my food on MFP and in WW. I was wayyyyy over my daily points, but my calorie intake on MFP was perfect. The carbs definitely have an impact on your points! I've been debating on…
  • Thank you, helloitsdan! I think I will start aiming for more protein. My oatmeal is usually the instant type, so it's been processed. I appreciate your insight, and will definitely boost the protein in the morning...see if that will help.
  • My diary isn't up to date. I have just recently started tracking regularly again. For breakfast, I'll usually have oatmeal and a glass of milk and a banana. If I'm in a rush and can't eat until later at work, it's usually a granola bar and a boiled egg or string cheese and some sort of fruit. I try to make sure it's a…