MFP Pro but now pregnant and slipping fast.

Well, it's true. I was a MFP Pro. Fitness was becoming my way of life. I was a cardio queen and eating so well. Now, I'm 8-weeks pregnant with my second baby and boy am I slipping fast. This is when I should be eating my healthiest not the worst! fortunately, I haven't gained weight yet. But I know these habits won't do me any good. My menu has been horrible lately. Eating only the worst of whatever I can get my hands on. I should be eating raw, veggies, salads, and grains. Not burger kind and cheesy tortillas over and over again.

SO, anyone else out there in the same boat? Do you think it's ridiculous of me to still count my calories while expecting? Is it possible to still lose weight?

I'm searching for motivation. I need to get back on track. Not feeling well isn't easy but if I prepared my food in advance and had ready to go stuff more often then it wouldn't be so hard, right? I do not want to gain back the little weight I've lost this year. And I don't want to gain a ton of weight this pregnancy.

Advice? Go ahead, bring on the tough love.


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Firstly, congrats! I know in the first trimester with both my girls that pretty much all I could keep down was greasy food. My personal feelings are to try and pick the best option of what sounds good, because if something doesn't sound good to you, odds are you aren't going to keep it down. I do think it can be a smart idea to still track what you're eating while pregnant. In the first trimester, you do not need any more calories than maintenance level, and then only up to 300 above maintenance in the second and third trimesters.

    Definitely talk to your dr about a healthy weight gain level for you during pregnancy - I know that for me, my dr still wanted me to gain 10 -15 pounds during both, despite being at an obese bmi for both.

    Wishing you a happy, healthy 9 months!
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member

    I think this is not the time to "count calories" or try to shed some pounds, but that being said, it sure isn't a free pass to eat everything and anything.

    I've had 2 children. With my first I ate whatever I felt like eating and gained ... gulp ... 56 pounds. My big healthy baby of 8 pounds, 11 oz still left me with lots of extra baggage after she was born. Luckily I was young and able to shed the weight with a pretty crazy diet. When it was time for baby number 2, I used common sense eating and went to prenatal exercise classes. With him, I gained 25 pounds. He was also very healthy and weighed 8 pounds 8 oz. It wasn't nearly as difficult to drop the extra couple of pounds after his arrival.

    So I say the choice is yours...but gaining too much weight during pregnancy is not healthy for you or baby. Good luck!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I don't think you should be worrying about counting calories or losing weight, my dear! But........if you know you are eating crappy, it might be a good idea to think about eating better.

    One thing I always tried to consider in my pregnancies was when I had a really crappy craving, what my body might be asking for. Like.......if I was really craving disgusting Taco Bell nachos, thinking about how much protein I'd had that day and thinking about if my body was asking for protein.

    Good luck..........and congrats!! :)
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member

    I just found out this past Sunday, we are expecting #2! With my first, I gained a whopping 85 pounds (I'm not sure how much of that was water or bad diet choices though)! :embarassed: I had level 4 pitted edema, and suffered from rebound high blood pressure. I *thought* I made the right food choices when I was pregnant with #1, but thinking back, I could have done a lot better!

    Since Sunday, I've let myself slide with fast food and donuts. I don't feel good at all, and the food doesn't make it any better. I'm determined to make better choices this time around, I really don't want the health issues I had the first time!

    For me, I plan on continuing with MFP, not to lose weight, but to help fight urges of know, the "I'm pregnant, I can eat this GALLON of ice cream if I want!" It may not work, but it definitely doesn't hurt to try!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    You're only 8 weeks, so stop, regroup, and get focused. When I got pregnant with my second, my first was 7 months old and I had just lost my last lb of pregnancy weight. I ate McDonald's for a week and then thought "eff this. I'm taking control." I counted my calories and busted a/ss at the gym until I just couldn't go anymore. We're talking jogging on the treadmill, crazy big ol preggo boobs flopping work outs. At 33 weeks I was still climing up on the stair climber and doing what I was doing to lose the 100 lbs I gained during my first pregnancy. It was a MUCH better experience the 2nd time around. My dr told me I didn't need extra calories until the 2nd trimester and then it was only 300 extra calories a day. I counted the entire pregnancy.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I disagree with a few here - you definitely still need to keep track of your calories, but you should be eating at maintenance and not trying to lose weight. You don't need to increase your calories over maintenance until you are in your second trimester and then it's only 300 calories a day. That's really not much.

    I do understand the not eating healthy. Being pregnant 4 times - there are times your cravings take over and you have very little self control. Also, you're tired and often don't feel good. Do the best you can and realize that hopefully you can get back on track in the second trimester. Also, continue with your exercise, being pregnant is not an excuse to get lazy.

    Of course talk all of this over with your doctor, but most agree that you can continue whatever exercise you were doing before you got pregnant, you just don't want to start soemthing new without talking with your doctor.

    And, of course, Congratulations!!!!!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member

    Its a tough situation. I like pp idea about choosing what is healthiest but also sounds appealing. The first tri is all about survival (without vomitting all day). If you eat "junk", try to balance it out with fruits and veggies as well. Thats waht I did and only gained 1 lb with my first pregnancy and 8 lbs with my second. I also cut all soda out and replaced it with water while pregnant so i think that helped a lot as well. I saw it as a time to eat healthy because my baby is getting everything i'm eating.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Get in the Fit Pregnancy group quick! :flowerforyou:
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I'd say discuss this with you doctor on your first visit. And make sure you keep them informed and you do all what is best for the both of you. My doctor told me the baby will get what it needs even if it is from you. I am sure your goal is you both stay healthy thru the months ahead. Give yourself a bit of a break you are growing a person. Not saying throw caution to the wind just don't beat yourself up over everything. Remember weight gain go with the wonderful gift you have been given. Congrad's Hope everything is wonderful for you.