Lack of Energy

Hi, everyone!

I was diagnosed with a corn allergy and a gluten sensitivity couple months ago. I've been eating mainly gluten/grain free (and all corn, of couse), but get very low energy after a few days. I will eat some rice with a meal (it doesn't seem to bother me digestive wise), and be okay. But then the cycle continues. My diet mainly consists of fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, and meats (whole cuts of chicken, pork or beef).

My question is, how can I avoid the energy dips? Should I eat more protien? More carbs in veggies? More fats? I apologize, I have not been keeping up with my diary. I've been trying to come to grips and focus on what I can eat without getting ill, so my diary hasn't been updated recently.

Your advice is greatly appreciated!


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Could be a number of causes but the first places I would look would be total calories and total carb intake and I'd consider increasing one or both. Hard to make conclusions without more data.
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    Could be a number of causes but the first places I would look would be total calories and total carb intake and I'd consider increasing one or both. Hard to make conclusions without more data.

    Yep -- Just checked out your diary, and it looks like you haven't been logging, so I have no idea. But considering your set at only 1500 calories a day, the lack of energy may be a sign you need to eat more. I know if I am busy or especially active and don't eat enough, I feel tired and weak. Try upping your total calorie intake.
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Right, and this is why I want to start paying more attention to my diary and get the ratios down.

    It very well could be a lack of carbs. I'll start logging my foods better. Can you tell me what ratios I should aim for on my macros? Should I try focus on more protien? Like 40p/30f/30c?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Start logging your food, and the answer will become apparent.
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Oh, I just noticed my calorie intake! I'll get that updated. I'm not concerned so much about the calorie intake or weight loss, lol!
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Now my focus is more on my macros!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Right, and this is why I want to start paying more attention to my diary and get the ratios down.

    It very well could be a lack of carbs. I'll start logging my foods better. Can you tell me what ratios I should aim for on my macros? Should I try focus on more protien? Like 40p/30f/30c?

    Too hard for me to give you concrete recommendations without knowing your size, activity, training experience, training goals, etc.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    Protien gives you energy for the long haul. Simple sugars like fruit will tend to make your blood sugar levels bounce up and down. I have a family full of type 1 & 2 diabetics and I'm very sensitive to my blood sugar levels. I get tired (drained) when my blood sugar levels drop. I've found eating protien rich breakfasts with lots of fiber gets the day started right. I use fruit only as snacks if my blood sugar level drops and I start to feel sapped. Eating more often with smaller portions also helps a lot; I frequently eat my lunch items over a full hour (maybe 2) instead of eating it all in 15 minutes.
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Sidesteel, I'm 5'6", 151 lbs., lightly active (work out videos every couple of days). :)

    I definitely want to get more toned, shed the layers of chub I do have, lol! Which is what I was really working on before I found out I was allergic to corn and gluten sensitive! Now I'm trying to get my energy maintained so I can continue what I set out to accomplish in the first place!

    Madholm, thank you, that is very insightful.

    Thanks, everyone!
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Katie, I just saw that and plan on going to the store on my lunch break!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You may want to increase your fat intake.
  • naecarter
    naecarter Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, PaleoPath! I will try this too.